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F/a Recall

No there will not be schedule reductions, just aircraft shifting, as far as international is conccerned. We currently fly all 777 JFK-LHR, I think you will see some of that shifting to 767. AA is agressively building up their intl as it is their only profit center at the moment it seems.


I hope to meet you soon!

I didn't expect F/A furloughs because this workgroup is VERY unpredictable right now.

It looks like the retirement train might be building up speed...we'll see over the next few months.

Word on the street is much of the attrition is coming from the junior ranks.

I can totally see that...NYC transportation (not to mention crashpads, if they don't stay at the "Red Blanket Inn") and commuting charges are eating them alive.

SLT flying can be brutal (bring your stamina, not your jammies...no time for sleeping!) but your crew makes all the difference. Good humor goes a LONG way.

See you soon,


"yeah, my line is pure...pure CRAP! " Dreading November...last time I bid only for days off...EEK! Note to self, call Trip Traders tomorrow...Ha-Ha!

BTW, TradeAAlot doesn't charge to pick up and they seem to handle everything here. If you need more info on STL/SLT PM me.

quote=jimntx,Oct 22 2004, 08:34 PM]

Yes, I held SLT!!!! I was class 2000-23. People down through class 2000-25 were able to hold SLT. I don't know whether that means that people senior to me didn't return or those senior to me selected other bases first.

Just got back from refresher training. Just FYI, in her welcome back talk, Lauri Curtis intimated that she did not expect any flight attendant furloughs in the cutbacks next year.
kirkpatrick said:
Here's my take on it. This newest blow is news to us, but don't think it hasn't been in the works for months within the company. They would not have recalled so many FA's if they didn't think they'd need them.

Attrition for Sept was 91, and I and many others expect it to remain high for months to come, although I myself don't see huge numbers leaving. That alone means by the end of the year some 270 more FA's will have thrown in the towel. And it will continue after that. Even if the company finds itself with a slight excess of FA's in the beginning months of 2005, they can easily manage the small numbers by granting bid leaves and mini-leaves. By the end of May it's likely some 350-400 more FA's will have left.

And look at the situation on International. AA has announced the resumption of DFW-KIX service daily, and ORD-NGO. Those two flights alone should generate the need for at least 250 additional bodies, counting reserves. I expect more and more emphasis on International in the future, where yields are high and there is no low cost competition.

I see myself as a realist, not an optimist. And I just don't see furloughs in the near future. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that by summer or early fall there will be TWA FA's back on the property.



I fully agree with you about "the road that F/a's will travel" to return to work(777 $$$, attrition and more noteably(sp?) more INTERNATIONAL flying)

Crandall always said/felt that AA "fly to it's strenght"(International/transcons etc.)

IMHO, the last "glamorous" facet of your(f/a's) jobs, is watching a large widebody crew deplane, strolling thru a huge airport like JFK/LAX. IMHO, It probably had something to do with the fact that the "jumbo trips" were moderately-to-very senior people. Thats NOT to infer, that junior f/a's deplaneing off a F100 were'nt "professional looking" !!!

MK, have you recovered to the point where your "completely" back on the "HDL" ??? (HDL= "honey do list") :angry: :angry:

TWAnr said:
However, no new 777 aircraft, nor any other widebodies are in the pipeline. The equipment must come from somewhere else in the system.
Possibly, but I thought I saw elsewhere in this thread or another that scheduling efficiency was freeing up the equivalent of two additional 777's. And I do believe additional 777's and 737's are scheduled for delivery sometime in 2006.

No doubt about it; this is a setback. But I don't see FA's being as adversely affected in this round as some of the other groups.

NewHampshire Black Bears said:

Mark. But don't worry, you're still on my Christmas list.
MK, have you recovered to the point where your "completely" back on the "HDL" ??? (HDL= "honey do list")
Unfortunately, about two days after my release from the hospital I was hit with a double barrelled case of gout; first the left foot, then the right. I'm still fairly crippled from it. But I am able to do minor housework, such as laundry and dishes. I can vacuum and cook for the kids. On the 20th the surgeon took out my stitches and told me not to even think of going back to work for at least three weeks.

So not counting the gout attack, I feel about 95% myself, and getting better. Another positive note is that I've lost about 25 lbs.

S80dude, if you are talking about how many to each base, it was

SLT - 65
DCA - 20
LGA - 411

None to BOS. All available BOS slots were taken by transfers. However, these numbers assume that all 496 who accepted recall actually come back. In my refresher class there were 3 who did not answer when the roll was called. Also, there was a woman that I had flown with at DFW who was there for the first day, but did not return the 2nd and 3rd day for EPTs??????
jimntx said:
S80dude, if you are talking about how many to each base, it was

SLT - 65
DCA - 20
LGA - 411

None to BOS. All available BOS slots were taken by transfers. However, these numbers assume that all 496 who accepted recall actually come back. In my refresher class there were 3 who did not answer when the roll was called. Also, there was a woman that I had flown with at DFW who was there for the first day, but did not return the 2nd and 3rd day for EPTs??????

When will the bases be assigned? Did they tell you in training?

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