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European Polution Law

But what gets to me, is the legislative of one country, whom are supposed to be law abiding etc, tells it's airlines to brake the law of twenty seven other countries. NO NO NO. And that is the real issue.

First, it's not just one country -- China has also refused to allow any of its carriers to pay into the ETS.

Will the EU follow thru on banning the US and Chinese carriers? Time will tell.

And as for "breaking" the law of other countries... not every "law" is just.

26 countries have said it is unjust, and inconsistent with international law. And that's just the ones signing the ICAO statement.
While I would not count Russia out of the game I would noit hype them up to much either. They are in the process of depopulating themselves via a low birth rate and people leaving the country. Just look at the Russian communities here in America. Their biggest export industry, oil, suffers from obsolete equipment and corruption. The only thing keeping their head above water is the high price of oil. However the chickens will come home to roost someday and what money they are making might disappear.

Add to that a corrupt authoritarian regime that has a habit of jailing, or killing, anyone who questions them. All of this does not make for long term stability.

That low birth rate works pretty much in all countries except the ones that have high Islamic populations.

Russia??.....Obama wants to give them highly classified star wars detection technology.WTF is with that?

Reminds one of Clinton, Loral and China.
I'm surprised that Airbus have not appeared before now. But at least we are on the original subject. Personally I'm a Boeing man.
I'm not sure if you understand how this law works (I'm maybe 60% sure)
This Law, to us in the airline business, only applies the use of EU airports. It also only applies to any flights that comes and goes from these airports, and to all airlines, no matter what their origin. Therefore, when an Air France flight goes to Capetown, they pay a carbon emission tax, if they are above a limit. They will pass that cost back to the pax on average cost per ticket. What you do in the States, is your business.

I understand how it works. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy/stupidity of it all. It has more to do with politicians in Europe feeling good about themselves and filling the coffers than actually accomplishing anything.
As far as airplanes go, the source of carbon emissions are the engines. On Airbus aircraft, the CFM 56 which is 50% owned by GE. And I think up to A380, all the rest of the big fans were either P&W or GE. In Europe I think around 50% are airplanes are Boeing, and I can see them paying up.

Thank you for pointing out something I already know. Now I will point out something you already know. Jet engines are rather useless when not attached to an aircraft. If the EU wants to tax Boeing planes sold in Europe go ahead. While an important market the majority of Boeing aircraft are not sold in Europe.
I understand how it works. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy/stupidity of it all. It has more to do with politicians in Europe feeling good about themselves and filling the coffers than actually accomplishing anything.


Say it ain't so, Say it ain't so! You mean Europe has it's Very Own Political Parasite Class? Perish the thought! Not those oh so pure as the driven snow Intellectually & Morally Superior (a least in their minds) Leaders of all that is Good, Decent & Pure in the world??

Here I thought only us renegade colonies had cultivated a society based upon Crony Capitalism for the enrichment of the Political Parasite class, Silly me!
Of the car makers, you forgot Ford And until recent times Opel was owned by GM and Jags by Ford. I think that both BMW and VW build their cars for your market in the USA . We also pay carbon tax on our fuel.

Was it really that important that I name every manufacturer that builds cars in Europe and who owns/used to own them? Since we are on the subject of cars let me point out another area where Europe is a wee bit hypocritical. Cars, Europe has no problem building and selling big time gas guzzlers here in the US and increasingly in China.
This half brain ( and at least you didn't call a swine,euromaxist, meat head etc) realizes that the cash raised carbon emissions will not all go to green issues. But that is not a problem. As long it doesn't go to somebodies back pocket. We also have an advantage that in various national assemblies, we have the greens keeping an eye on things.We the people, want our politicians to do what we want, and not that the pressure groups (we have those as well). We don't always succeed. But this time we have.

Sounds like an admission that you know it's about money disguised as saving the enviornment. What I find odd is when you say you don't have a problem with it as long as it does not go in someones back pocket. Here's an idea, why not let the people buying the tickets keep their money. That way you won't have to worry about it ending up in someones back pocket.
Hell no.But then Truman wanted a front line and stratigically he could not have Europe fall to Uncle Joe. Please also note that the Soviets and the US were not the only military forces in Western Europe at that time. In 1945 I think the Brits had 3 million men under arms and not counting the free forces of Europe whom conscripted as soon as their countries were liiberated.. and all in their back yard with the latest weapons. Don't think Uncle Joe was that mad.

Odd answer, you say no but in the same breath make it sound like if the USA had pulled out of Europe in 1945 you would have been able to handle the Red Army if needed. I'm sorry; three million British troops spread all over the world would have been a speed bump for them. And those conscripted forces you talk about were a joke compared to the Red Army. Who do you think equipped the armies of the newly liberated countries in Western Europe?

Joe Stalin wasn’t mad; he was just a paranoid blood thirsty psychopath.
Sounds like an admission that you know it's about money disguised as saving the enviornment. What I find odd is when you say you don't have a problem with it as long as it does not go in someones back pocket. Here's an idea, why not let the people buying the tickets keep their money. That way you won't have to worry about it ending up in someones back pocket.

Rules for understanding the motivations of the Parasite Political Class

Rule #1. -
Do only those things that enrich myself or my country regardless of merit.

Rule #2. - If presented with a moral dilemma, refer to Rule #1

Rule #3. -
If given the opportunity to do or look "Good" in the public eye. Make sure you comply with Rule#1.
The subject matter was the right of Europe to make it's OWN laws . In this case, polution.

So you back to more Europe bashing . Must be where you get your kicks, or do you have some other dark secrets.
Firstly, Stella Artois is Belgian so Angela doesn't drink it. It is designed for people like you to drink..full of chemicals that help the brain cells.
So why do you think the US forces remained in Europe since WW2, I think 17 million, bless them. Has it been to defend West Europe? From who and why. Those pesky commies maybe? And who would have not had the battlefield in their backyard?
What do you think the Marshal plan was about? In essence, to build up German/European industry to fight the Soviets with you. You know, when we were Allies. Why are US forces still here? Beats me. But there must be some benifit to the US,otherwise they wouldn't be here. Certainly not because you love us.
Did you follow all that?
Where did the current finacial problems start ? On a rumour around Wall Street maybe? The good old Capitalist way. And please keep your Fed reserve. I'll take my chances without it. I think that we in Europe have paid more that enough interest on the capital we've borrowed before or do you think we get it for free?
Abit like having a war with the Soviets really, if we fall first, you fall after.
Awol from what? Is that you on the photo?
May the nanny state protect me and my pension and give me Healthcare

Being from the euro-trash sewers, I understand fully blaming America for everything. The financial problems for the US was bailing Europe out of all its financial problems and the euro ingrates bashing it because Communism was closer to your cross-breed boarders.

I lived in Europe during the 70s and the only interest you paid was chronic complaining. Most European trash believe that America got what it deserved on 9/11! And your problems are the beds you cross-breeds slept in.

Talk to an American if you want sympathy for your problems, otherwise blame the EU that only takes and complaints and gives nothing to benefit society.

So now we have to pay for a pollution caused by your own politicians 😛
Europe runs on tourism and without Americans you will become a third world country like Africa. Enjoy your trash 😛
This half brain ( and at least you didn't call a swine,euromaxist, meat head etc) realizes that the cash raised carbon emissions will not all go to green issues. But that is not a problem. As long it doesn't go to somebodies back pocket. We also have an advantage that in various national assemblies, we have the greens keeping an eye on things.We the people, want our politicians to do what we want, and not that the pressure groups (we have those as well). We don't always succeed.

While you're feeling so swell about your carbon tax.......how can you EuroMarxists walk

away after taking it in the can and still smile and feel good? Carbon tax, carbon footprint is all BS.

Its a proven scam and all the EuroMarxists line up to pay and feel good about it. You even

admit the cash (most of it) won't go to green issues.EuroMarxist BOHICA if I ever saw it.

Don't worry, Barrack will tell you how to spend your money...He can fix anything.

I'm thinking turnabout is fair play.

Why not have the US Congress enact a Carbon Tax on airlines entering the US, Set up the fee structure of the tax so it hurts European Airlines the most. Since we've been bailing these B*stards Militarily and economically for 65 years I think it's time to play hardball and risk a trade war to make the points that need making.

Oh and BTW I have a vintage WWII French Infantry Rifle for sale, NEVER been fired and only dropped once! 😀 😀 😀

Leave it to Robin Williams to sum things up.
Being from the euro-trash sewers, I understand fully blaming America for everything. The financial problems for the US was bailing Europe out of all its financial problems and the euro ingrates bashing it because Communism was closer to your cross-breed boarders.

I lived in Europe during the 70s and the only interest you paid was chronic complaining. Most European trash believe that America got what it deserved on 9/11! And your problems are the beds you cross-breeds slept in.

Talk to an American if you want sympathy for your problems, otherwise blame the EU that only takes and complaints and gives nothing to benefit society.

So now we have to pay for a pollution caused by your own politicians 😛
Europe runs on tourism and without Americans you will become a third world country like Africa. Enjoy your trash 😛
And How many Europeans were killed in 9/11?
You are Pathetic. An other Eurobasher . Please find the nearest mental hospital and check in. You need help. Good bye.
And How many Europeans were killed in 9/11?
You are Pathetic. An other Eurobasher . Please find the nearest mental hospital and check in. You need help. Good bye.

I bet if you check, among those 3000 in the towers and those on the ground and those in the planes....probably a few Meat Ball.

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