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European Polution Law

The subject matter was the right of Europe to make it's OWN laws . In this case, polution.

So you back to more Europe bashing . Must be where you get your kicks, or do you have some other dark secrets.
Firstly, Stella Artois is Belgian so Angela doesn't drink it. It is designed for people like you to drink..full of chemicals that help the brain cells.
So why do you think the US forces remained in Europe since WW2, I think 17 million, bless them. Has it been to defend West Europe? From who and why. Those pesky commies maybe? And who would have not had the battlefield in their backyard?
What do you think the Marshal plan was about? In essence, to build up German/European industry to fight the Soviets with you. You know, when we were Allies. Why are US forces still here? Beats me. But there must be some benifit to the US,otherwise they wouldn't be here. Certainly not because you love us.
Did you follow all that?
Where did the current finacial problems start ? On a rumour around Wall Street maybe? The good old Capitalist way. And please keep your Fed reserve. I'll take my chances without it. I think that we in Europe have paid more that enough interest on the capital we've borrowed before or do you think we get it for free?
Abit like having a war with the Soviets really, if we fall first, you fall after.
Awol from what? Is that you on the photo?
May the nanny state protect me and my pension and give me Healthcare
Abit like having a war with the Soviets really, if we fall first, you fall after.

Amphibious tanks?

Awol from what? Is that you on the photo?

Hey Now..

May the nanny state protect me and my pension and give me Healthcare

For a little while at least..... :lol:

Good point.....an American pull out from Europe will suddenly force all you to cover your own military expenses for defense and most likely end the European Union, finally collapsing your failing economic situation in one fell swoop.

What do you think it would cost the EuroMarixists to pay their own military costs or better yet, reimburse the US for costs of rebuilding and defending you swine from Ivan for some 60 years?
Surely a billion would be a drop in the bucket...... :lol:

The Bird and the Dog are free spirited members of this forum, maybe its you who need to look into the mirror and make a wonderful couple....
Swine???? Sounds like a Nazi term from a comic book. And Euromaxist in the same sentance.
Wow !! I need a bed to hide under . Has Joseph McCarthy risen from the dead? B)
And when the 80000+ troops return from Europe, what are you going to do with them. Tell them to get a job or go and start a war Iran maybe. Surprise .The easyest way to get there is through Europe
The subject matter was the right of Europe to make it's OWN laws . In this case, polution.

So you back to more Europe bashing . Must be where you get your kicks, or do you have some other dark secrets.
Firstly, Stella Artois is Belgian so Angela doesn't drink it. It is designed for people like you to drink..full of chemicals that help the brain cells.
So why do you think the US forces remained in Europe since WW2, I think 17 million, bless them. Has it been to defend West Europe? From who and why. Those pesky commies maybe? And who would have not had the battlefield in their backyard?
What do you think the Marshal plan was about? In essence, to build up German/European industry to fight the Soviets with you. You know, when we were Allies. Why are US forces still here? Beats me. But there must be some benifit to the US,otherwise they wouldn't be here. Certainly not because you love us.
Did you follow all that?
Where did the current finacial problems start ? On a rumour around Wall Street maybe? The good old Capitalist way. And please keep your Fed reserve. I'll take my chances without it. I think that we in Europe have paid more that enough interest on the capital we've borrowed before or do you think we get it for free?
Abit like having a war with the Soviets really, if we fall first, you fall after.
Awol from what? Is that you on the photo?
May the nanny state protect me and my pension and give me Healthcare

OK switch out Stella for a Franziskaner or Paulaner then if ypu must. I'm of Flemish descent so I'm well aware of the beer rivalry dating back to before the Reinheitsgebot was enacted in in the city of Ingolstadt in the duchy of Bavaria on 23 April 1516. Belgian brewing tradition also dates back centuries, and Belgians took a completely different approach to beer than some of their German counterparts. Belgian beer often incorporates what are known as “adjuncts,”or added ingredients that are not hops, malt, water, and yeast. Were you aware that sugar is often added to Belgian beer? Sugar acts as a way to increase attenuation, or bringing down the final gravity of a beer. The
more sugar the yeast can easily consume, the more it creates a dry, refreshing characteristic that is essential to many Belgian beers. This practice is not new by any stretch of the imagination, nor is it a way to cut costs or reduce the quality of the beer. Are these the additives to which you refer while attempting to insult me? Or are you referring to the common use of sulfates in beers that are exported?

Why are the US Troops still there? Because your Nanny States don't leave enough money for defense and therefore it fall on the US and their Crony Capitalist Friends in the Military Industrial Complex along with OUR young men and women to defend your sorry assed debt ridden nations. The UK was down to 66 Cruise Missiles during the bombing of Libya, Why? They have to pay for all that "Free" healthcare.

Your Nanny state didn't "Give" you a single thing. it confiscated the fruits of your labor and you had no choice, so how is pension and health care free?

If you read which I doubt given the tone of your posts you'd know that the advent of fiat currency created inflation and it should be no surprise that since the advent of central banks 100 years ago we've had a century of non stop wars.
If you wish to see the start of this subject please go to AA forum "Flying to Europe just got more interesting!"

I am not an eco warrior or very green. I try to evaluate what I see and what I think I know, and then come to a conclusion. Pollution is not a natural or good thing. The using up of the earth resources at the rate we are, is not a good thing. If the Euro carbon tax will help, I don’t know. In a sense, that is not important, in light of the political tax issue on flights over Europe.

See although not very green or an eco-wonk, you bought the carbon bullcrap hook line and sinker.

Of course, the EuroMarxists use that nasty wood fibre toilet paper......no wonder you have such a fuzzy outlook.

The EuroMarxists should ponder the lack of pollution control in most, if not all the countries they purchase their goods from.....
If you read which I doubt given the tone of your posts you'd know that the advent of fiat currency created inflation and it should be no surprise that since the advent of central banks 100 years ago we've had a century of non stop wars.

LOL.......wasn't it the dastardly EuroMarixst bankers who loaned all the monies to both sides of warring nations including the newly developing colonies here 'back in the day'??

Peace on Earth and goodwill toward EuroMarxist bankers..... :lol:
We rely on oil. The oil is in the ME. Other than Israel we have no allies in the ME that we can count on. Europe is the closest place to the ME. Therefore we need troops in Europe to protect our interests in the ME. If we ever manage t break our dependance on oil then we can bring our troops home. Till then the troops will probably stay. Russia is long gone. We could have pulled our troops out then had that been the only reason we were there. They were not. Pulling troops out of Europe is an empty threat because we need them there more than Europe wants them there.
We rely on oil. The oil is in the ME. Other than Israel we have no allies in the ME that we can count on. Europe is the closest place to the ME. Therefore we need troops in Europe to protect our interests in the ME. If we ever manage t break our dependance on oil then we can bring our troops home. Till then the troops will probably stay. Russia is long gone. We could have pulled our troops out then had that been the only reason we were there. They were not. Pulling troops out of Europe is an empty threat because we need them there more than Europe wants them there.

Trust me the Sheiks and Mullahs can count. They'll be quite willing to sell us oil for the foreseeable future. Ever stop to think that the turmoil in Europe and the Middle East is the result of Multi-National interests whipping the local religious fanatics into a frenzy thereby causing the price of oil to rise?

We don't need anymore than Embassy contingents in Europe and the Middle East. Most Islamic Countries hate us and our presence in the region. Take away the focal point of their hatred and let them turn it on Europe. That way we get the best possible outcome for the USA. The Arabs don't have us to hate because we aren't around so they sell us oil. Europe due to proximity gets embroiled in the Middle East and we get to sell them weapons systems.

The way I see it, pulling out of Europe, NATO and the UN saves the US $$$$ & Lives. It also forces the economies of Europe pay for their defense. Then we will see the Nanny States fall in a manner similar to the fall of the soviet empire. Time to let Socialism collapse under the weight of it's own failures.
We rely on oil. The oil is in the ME. Other than Israel we have no allies in the ME that we can count on. Europe is the closest place to the ME. Therefore we need troops in Europe to protect our interests in the ME. If we ever manage t break our dependance on oil then we can bring our troops home. Till then the troops will probably stay. Russia is long gone. We could have pulled our troops out then had that been the only reason we were there. They were not. Pulling troops out of Europe is an empty threat because we need them there more than Europe wants them there.

I wouldn't say Russia is long gone. Soviet Union maybe, Ivan wants his place at the table and Obama is bowing.

You read about those college students evaluating the missile threat from China?
Seems the Chinese have many more missiles than we ever estimated....ie, secret missile program....hiding them in tunnels all over China.....virtually non detectable.

Ivan is hep to satellite monitoring too and violating treaties.

Obama has heightened our dependence on foreign oil and there is no short term solution to reducing our dependence other than drilling and research...
Iran threatens to take action if U.S. carrier returns to Persian Gulf
Iran will take action if a U.S. aircraft carrier which left the area because of Iranian naval exercises returns to the Gulf, the state news agency quoted army chief Ataollah Salehi as saying on Tuesday.

"Iran will not repeat its warning ... the enemy's carrier has been moved to the Sea of Oman because of our drill. I recommend and emphasize to the American carrier not to return to the Persian Gulf," Salehi told IRNA.

This is a big reason why US troops are still in Europe.
Trust me the Sheiks and Mullahs can count. They'll be quite willing to sell us oil for the foreseeable future. Ever stop to think that the turmoil in Europe and the Middle East is the result of Multi-National interests whipping the local religious fanatics into a frenzy thereby causing the price of oil to rise?

We don't need anymore than Embassy contingents in Europe and the Middle East. Most Islamic Countries hate us and our presence in the region. Take away the focal point of their hatred and let them turn it on Europe. That way we get the best possible outcome for the USA. The Arabs don't have us to hate because we aren't around so they sell us oil. Europe due to proximity gets embroiled in the Middle East and we get to sell them weapons systems.

The way I see it, pulling out of Europe, NATO and the UN saves the US $$$$ & Lives. It also forces the economies of Europe pay for their defense. Then we will see the Nanny States fall in a manner similar to the fall of the soviet empire. Time to let Socialism collapse under the weight of it's own failures.

Yes they have to sell it but China would be more than willing to buy our share. If Iran gets a wild hair and decides to close the Hormuz who d you think is going to stop them? Iraq went onto Kuwait and we had to get troops in. Europe was the way point. Until we break our oil dependance our troops are stuck there.

We are on our way (albeit slowly) toward oil independence. Over all fuel/oil consumption is down. According to the EIA, crude demand is down 2.2% from last year yet our population is growing. Our refineries are not even operating at capacity and as I pointed out elsewhere we are shutting down some refineries. We still have a long way to go but if we are getting oil from the ME our troops will be in Europe. Besides, our military is the only thing we have left. It makes us relevant, if only in our own mind.

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