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House raises our gas prices bigtime...

Dude you fit the mold of ex-military...(right-wing wacko, FOX watching, Limbaugh, Hannity loving wacko)
Did I peg it? :up: You might want to educate yourself a bit and try watching something other than
FOX noise machine. You will be amazed how listening to that cr-- along with rightwing radio will brainwash you. :up:
The much more important question is...

What would a nut-job conservative prefer?...to burn the CONSTITUTION, or to piss on it?

Of course, for W, Cheeney & Co...the answer is BOTH!
PRICELESS, Unfortunately these FOX news watching wackos are brainwashed. Hell they would vote in a Republican if he got caught murdering somebody. They would huddle together like they do every morning.
FOX news, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage etc and spin it to well uuhhh, It wasn't actually a murder the person deserved it...How about Clinton killing Foster? (Am i correct?)
Yes I know you were on.....your fingerprints were all over the page.I wondered why you were silently lurking.
Dude,Dudette or what ever you are...you still got issues.....take off those rose colored glasses and get with it....
some of my best friends are Liberals...and i've had a couple over for dinner too 😉

Thanks for the "rose colored glasses" talking point. Wanna call me a Tokyo Rose, too? You don't know what half of your talking points mean but you sure do throw them out there b/c Swiftboat Liars have told you what to say.

And yeah...you and local 12 are pretty fixated on the fact that I was reading your posts. Should I also tell you that I sometimes (maybe once-twice a week) tune into Fox News for the same exact reason...to get my fill of mindless-drivel entertainment. It is humurous to me how so many people cannot think for themselves and cannot accept facts. I find that entertaining. So yeah...if you consider me reading posts but not taking the time to respond to them b/c they were ignorant, I'm guilty as charged. And it is definitely entertaining to see how obsessed you are with that. I almost blush at the attention.
Thanks for the "rose colored glasses" talking point. Wanna call me a Tokyo Rose, too? You don't know what half of your talking points mean but you sure do throw them out there b/c Swiftboat Liars have told you what to say.

And yeah...you and local 12 are pretty fixated on the fact that I was reading your posts. Should I also tell you that I sometimes (maybe once-twice a week) tune into Fox News for the same exact reason...to get my fill of mindless-drivel entertainment. It is humurous to me how so many people cannot think for themselves and cannot accept facts. I find that entertaining. So yeah...if you consider me reading posts but not taking the time to respond to them b/c they were ignorant, I'm guilty as charged. And it is definitely entertaining to see how obsessed you are with that. I almost blush at the attention.

Tokyo Pansy fit the bill better?

Fixated....you have no idea we knew....

I don't get Fox News .

And you seek Fox News because of your need for fulfillment.... :lol: Your lovers in congress are at an all time low pollwise...what happened to them? 'W' is beating the same clowns who tried to usurp him... :lol: :lol:

I see losing is your MO... :mf_boff: :mf_boff:

nothing like a losing,whining,crying Lib.... :lol:

The only windfall here is the air movin' from blowhard politicians and liberals who don't have the guts to admit that they actually hate people ( B43 excepted of course ) so they blame all the Earth's woes on "corporations". Vladimir Lenin did the same thing.

Now a corporation is indeed where the money is, but a corporation is a conglomerate of individual human beings engaged in some sort of commercial activity. Yeah some of them are the "bad guys" 😛h34r: who sit on the board and make decisions. Others are employees trying to feed a family. Still more are stockholders trying to build a retirement future. Any of you guys here in a pension plan? Guess what? Your 404k probably owns XON.

And cut the BS about windfall profits. Read the annual reports of all of the majors as well as the industry reports and government figures. All oil companies made more money because We the People are burning through energy with our SUVs and our daily lives ( which coincidentally revolves around the car ). And the real fact behinid rising energy consumption/cost is that China and India are also ramping up their energy consumption. Oh I forgot, Democrats don't do foreign policy -- they obstruct it.

Delldude is right. This is a bait and switch game which will ultimately be a wallet biopsy for John Q Public. The only irony is that the dems are robbing their own people as well. But libs are too busy hugging trees ( or is that humping? :wub: ) and hating Bush to see the real economic process behind oil and energy consumption.

Dems will never grow up. Should the voters let children drive is a better question to ask.


Interesting how neither you, Dell, nor any of your cohorts have been able to refute some of the most basic facts (not opinions) that I've presented. The plain fact - when W took office, and the oil companies didn't have the huge tax breaks that they're enjoying now, the price of gas was half of what it is today. (See earlier post for figures and source.) Another plain fact - when the price of crude fell more than $10/bbl earlier this year, prices at the pump were increased by approximately 40 cents/gallon (again, while huge tax breaks were in place). Given these facts, what has the oil industry done to show that these tax breaks have been productive for the AMERICAN taxpayer in any way?

As for the "windfall," by any measure (margin, real dollars, inflation-adjusted dollars over time), oil industry profits have skyrocketed to record highs in a very short period of time - far beyond the increases that the industry has faced in procuring raw material, producing, and delivering their product. If that's not a "windfall" profit, perhaps you can enlighten us (and the folks at Webster's) as to what you think the definition should be.
Interesting how neither you, Dell, nor any of your cohorts have been able to refute some of the most basic facts (not opinions) that I've presented.

I've been hiding from that big bad Liberal,Ch12

Your government tree huggers at EPA and their penchant for custom blends of gas don't help at the refinery....toss in a few surgical hurricanes and there you have some contributing factors.....but alas its all Bush and his big oil buddies...
Its always Bush..... :lol:
I've been hiding from that big bad Liberal,Ch12

Your government tree huggers at EPA and their penchant for custom blends of gas don't help at the refinery....toss in a few surgical hurricanes and there you have some contributing factors.....but alas its all Bush and his big oil buddies...
Its always Bush..... :lol:
I'm still wondering about those 1200 jobs created by the Bush tax cuts and how much additional revenue they created for the US Treasury.
How much effect was there in the price of gas from raising the minimum wage? Oh wait, that was a Democratic initiative. Can't mention that...
How much effect was there in the price of gas from raising the minimum wage? Oh wait, that was a Democratic initiative. Can't mention that...
Mention it all you want. Bush pushed corporate tax cuts in the name of "job creation". Dell pointed out about 1200 jobs were "created" in the oil industry. I pointed out 230 were created here in the US. The rest were foreign. I thought that "trickle down" economics preached that the tax cuts would create jobs, which in turn would put even MORE revenues into the treasury. But if most of the jobs are created overseas, it seems that those funds aren't trickling down so much as trickling out. FWIW, I think we are still paying too little for gas. One need only look at our demand, in the form of SUV's on the roadways.
I tend to agree that fuel prices are a bit on the low side compared to the rest of the world. I would rather see a change in the way we tax and register vehicles. I would suggest that vehicles over a certain weight (perhaps 2,500 to 3,000 lbs) and horse power over a certain level (perhaps 200 hp) be charged a per lb premium. No loop holes for commercial (except for tractor trailer). If someone wants to drive a gas guzzler then they need to pay a premium. Th weight not only cause fuel waste but also contributes more to road wear.

I cannot see a reason to penalize the poor by razing the gas prices even further.
Comparing gas prices here and abroad isn't exactly apples and oranges....lot of things need to be factored in that make other markets much higher to sell.
Comparing gas prices here and abroad isn't exactly apples and oranges....lot of things need to be factored in that make other markets much higher to sell.

Wow! On this point, I actually agree with Dell. There are lots of reasons that comparing gas prices (and their impact) here and in Europe, for example, is not an apples to apples comparision.

Don't get too excited, though, Dell. You're still wrong about the impact of taking away some of the oil industry's corporate welfare benefits.
Comparing gas prices here and abroad isn't exactly apples and oranges....lot of things need to be factored in that make other markets much higher to sell.
but...I'm still waiting....how much of those tax cuts to oil companies to create jobs have created jobs which have trickled down into the US treasury so that they can actually increase the revenues to the tax base?
Thanks for the "rose colored glasses" talking point. Wanna call me a Tokyo Rose, too? You don't know what half of your talking points mean but you sure do throw them out there b/c Swiftboat Liars have told you what to say.

And yeah...you and local 12 are pretty fixated on the fact that I was reading your posts. Should I also tell you that I sometimes (maybe once-twice a week) tune into Fox News for the same exact reason...to get my fill of mindless-drivel entertainment. It is humurous to me how so many people cannot think for themselves and cannot accept facts. I find that entertaining. So yeah...if you consider me reading posts but not taking the time to respond to them b/c they were ignorant, I'm guilty as charged. And it is definitely entertaining to see how obsessed you are with that. I almost blush at the attention.
Nice!!!, Now all the sudden they are watching polls. Probably a Limbaugh poll :up:
Wow! On this point, I actually agree with Dell. There are lots of reasons that comparing gas prices (and their impact) here and in Europe, for example, is not an apples to apples comparision.

Don't get too excited, though, Dell. You're still wrong about the impact of taking away some of the oil industry's corporate welfare benefits.

Only time will tell at the pump......

How much effect was there in the price of gas from raising the minimum wage? Oh wait, that was a Democratic initiative. Can't mention that...

Its all in the wholesale price and passed on to you and me.....

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