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House raises our gas prices bigtime...

Again...why are we rewarding one industry (that just happens to be the one tied to our President's family's and friends' interests) that does nothing to benefit the consumer with these cuts but further punish other industries with further taxation?

Great, so now we're back to the conspiracy theory of economics where it's the big corporations and big bad conservatives screwing consumers and helping a narrow band of friends through sleight of hand. Let me guess where they and their friends keep this money they're stealing . . . . area 64?

Let just take the democrats at their word and adopt the theory and policy which is put forward here. Trust no other living human being and if they make more money than you, tax them in the name of the masses.

we can not make oil build new refineries so we can have 50 cent a gallon gas.Maybe we should let the gov't take over oil production...i'm sure that will spin like a top.
But.....I thought those tax cuts were incentives to build new refineries...that would create jobs in construction and might even add a few American oil refinery jobs. Yep...we can't make big oil build new refineries....we can "incent" the hell out of them via tax breaks, but they pout and say that "Ethanol is too much of a threat".
But.....I thought those tax cuts were incentives to build new refineries...that would create jobs in construction and might even add a few American oil refinery jobs. Yep...we can't make big oil build new refineries....we can "incent" the hell out of them via tax breaks, but they pout and say that "Ethanol is too much of a threat".
Oil refineries where? you libbers want free oil without having it pumped from the homeland, the Gov. owes you lots of free cheese! :lol:
Oil refineries where? you libbers want free oil without having it pumped from the homeland, the Gov. owes you lots of free cheese! :lol:
You know local...there's a guy on another board who drives a Dodge Durango and complains about the high price of gas. The oli companies have said it's not a shortage of oil - it's a shortage of refineries that is keeping the price of gas high. So...W gives the a few billion in tax breaks....and they won't build the refineries.

This "lib" doesn't want free oil. This "lib" thinks that gas is actually priced too low because current prices do not reflect the demand for oil. This "lib" does drive a hybrid to reduce our countries demand on foreign oil, but I am all for the oil companies raising the price another two bucks a gallon to get these urban commuters out of their Suburbans and Expeditions. I thought you were all for "supply and demand", but I guess you'd rather have us send soldiers over to claim mineral rights in a middle east country in the name of $3 a gallon gas.
Great, so now we're back to the conspiracy theory of economics where it's the big corporations and big bad conservatives screwing consumers and helping a narrow band of friends through sleight of hand. Let me guess where they and their friends keep this money they're stealing . . . . area 64?

OK...welcome back to the real world. The tax breaks instituted under Bushie for ONLY the oil industry are out there for all to see. We were told that the breaks would "inspire" them to build more refineries and/or cut costs to consumers. Has either happened? No. They took the tax cuts and pocketed them with no net change for consumers. This wasn't a supply-and-demand thing as your simple mind cannot grasp...it was a shelter built for an industry that used it to further line their pockets. If this were a supply-and-demand issue I would say "great"..."nice work on using capitalism to generate profit". Instead they used tax advantages granted only to them (i.e. subsidies) to benefit the companies and not the consumer as was the expressed (but obviously not real) "intent" of the tax cuts.

Again...why are we cutting taxes for an industry that makes miracle profits (i.e. does not need them) but not for other industries? Are you still too engrained in the unreal world to not be able to see that these facts are not a "conspiracy theory"?? No UFOs here. It's all right out there. You seem to follow Bushie pretty closely so I'm surprised you were unaware of his actions in office. Perhaps that's the problem. Blindly following.

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