You have no problem with religion, just some people that don't share your beliefs that are identified as religious right etc.. Then you come out calling names and making accusations about them.
Care to elaborate?
Hey, I found an interesting bit on our founding fathers and Christianity - check it out:
It kinda wipes the varnish off your taken out of context bits on what they had to say.
Interesting reading. In the second paragraph you can tell you are in for a one sided treat by this quote. "There are many good articles and books written on this subject, as well as many that are disgusting examples of anti-intellectual drivel."
The author freely admits Likewise, the Christian must be careful when asserting that the various founding fathers, possessed of individual and diverse religious beliefs, collectively purposed to create an overtly Christian nation. Granted, there is strong correlation to suggest such an intent but, in logic, as well as history, correlation does not equal causation. In my mind, however, it matters less what they intended than what they accomplished. Certainly, the structural framework of self-governance created by the founders permits a Christian people to order their relationships in accordance with biblical mandates, just as it permits non-Christians to order their relationships without overtly "theological" implications.
He goes to great lengths to link his assertions of his life today, to the history of the nation. Its an extremely weak argument, The facts stand as I stated before and in the writings of the founders and of the historical documents and laws of this country.
I really do not understand the desire and importance for some people to link religion and politics. In this case Christianity and the US government. I would think the separation of the two, would be in the best of intreasts in a free nation. The only reason to link the two is to create some sort of theocracy. And as the history of the world has shown us time and again. They are dangerous and deadly to outsiders and those the establishment feels threatened by. Your hatred of Islam should show you point blank, religion and politics are awful bed fellows.
What I posted earlier was some of the writing by the founding fathers. As well as pointed out there beliefs as freemasons. Freemasonry was and is considered as a powerful force for religious freedom and practiced the concept of separation of religion and organization. And the precursor to separation of church and state.
Your facts on the history of abortion in America are pertinant how?
Youbrought it up in a previous post. FYI, I am just responing to your inaccuricies. I havent made any post outside what has already been said.
Inability to reason? I'll match wits with you anytime.