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Employee Morale

cavalier said:
What am I missing? They already did it "without" your vote. At least for four months they did, after that it may not matter and if it does, post this again.

I'm not following you. I am saying all employees, ie management eill have to take 21% cuts like the rest of us. Has something changed in the last 24 hours? Management has taken a 5% CUT - THEIR 4% INCREASE to = a 1 % cut. That's what I'm talking about.
UseYourHead said:

I wonder if any is call the employees of JetBlue, AirTran, ATA, AWA, or Spirit and asking them to charge more so they can come up to legacy airline pay?

Most pax want the cheapest fair, and will go where they have to go to get it. We must be able to deliver that at a profit.

Yes, I agree we must deliver with a profit; however, as of tomorrow we will be delivering with crap for pay. I will be officially making as much if not a little less than any of the agents at most of the airlines you mentioned. Our customer base used to be made up of more than just the occasional leisure traveler. We used to have large numbers of faithful customers that kept coming back for one simple reason - the dedication of the employees and the great job they did. Another point to make is the fact that at the airlines you mentioned there are additional incentives and bonuses and most of them are run much more efficiently than U ever was.

U will come back for more and keep coming back because they have no other plan. I talk directly to the customers and hear first hand how disgusted they are. I hear the contempt and have been told by many people in the past week that it is morally wrong to take a 21% pay cut when upper management is only taking a 5% to 10% pay cut after they recieved bonuses this year!!!!
firstamendment said:

I'm not following you. I am saying all employees, ie management eill have to take 21% cuts like the rest of us. Has something changed in the last 24 hours? Management has taken a 5% CUT - THEIR 4% INCREASE to = a 1 % cut. That's what I'm talking about.
I guess we are on different frequencies and not zero beat because I thought you were saying you had to vote on the 21% cut when it's already done thanks be to the judge man.
youngblood said:
it is morally wrong to take a 21% pay cut when upper management is only taking a 5% to 10% pay cut after they recieved bonuses this year!!!!
One thing I never heard was how moral they are, that is a known fact and understood by ever single employee still standing. It's as though the design is to make this airline fertilizer for the up coming LCC’s and we the employees are the fertilizer, we have become the insects for the task.
cavalier said:
I guess we are on different frequencies and not zero beat because I thought you were saying you had to vote on the 21% cut when it's already done thanks be to the judge man.
Oh no, I know that.
MMW, you do have the right idea and that is the way it should be handled by addressing those who caused the situation that in the city that will remain nameless. But as you said and I agree...ALL will be punished. It is the companies way of spreading more love to the employees.
..ALL will be punished. It is the companies way of spreading more love to the employees.

in PHL after the cuts were announced they posted a memo that states that all ramp agents must see one of the 4 shift managers prior to clocking out at the end of their shift everyday until Nov. 8.
No one does.
The few that do are told they are mandatoried past their shift.
No good deed goes unpunished.
The Alabamy bunch has beat the crap out of any morale left at this place! :shock:
Morale would be even lower if we shut the doors. One positive from all of this, theres still jobs to be had. Its a choice now!
I believe employees were disappointed to receive a 21% haircut, but "all in all" the vast majority of the employees are performing the same as before the "imposition".

People have a choice: either to continue to work at US Airways or resign if their morale is low. Nobody is forcing anybody to work at the company.


USA320Pilot said:
Just one more point...

Optimists look at a glass as half full and pessimists look at a glass half empty. The same thing can be said about the pay cuts. A person can say I kept 79% of my pay versus zero or I took a devastating 21% pay cut.



You need to pass out them rose colored glasses to more of the employees!
Justaramper said:
You never know when to shut up, do you..?

Why ? He is dead right . The paycuts are here to stay but we still have something and that is A JOB ! I personally and sadly am exploring other options but in the interim at least have a base salary to pay the bills! Moral is shot, and we all feel like we are on the bottom right now, but we have'nt hit the bottom because we still have a salary coming in that is more than unemployment. If you think our jobs ( and I mean from pilots right through to admin reps ) are worthless , tell that to to 400 plus applicants whom came to LGA to apply for 8 CARR postions last year at $7.50 to start.
You might be quite surprised when not nary a tear is shed this time around when and if furlough packets are eventually handed out. You may actually see relief and elation. I think that there are more than you think hoping and praying that that day is just around the corner.
MarkMyWords said:

Many of the people that are in managerial positions don't have the personal skills they need to be in those positions.

And many that work in fleet service don't have the personal skills they need to be in those positions. Wow; where did we get some of these guys? I have an Associate's Degree, and a Bachelor's Degree; and I work the ramp because I choose to. There are people in Fleet Service, In Flight Service, Customer Service, and believe me, even FLIGHT OPERATIONS (Your fearless cockpit crews, GOD love em all!) who don't have the personal skills they need to be in the positions they're in. So what's my point? This airline has survived with some real boneheads for a long long time. Let's hope we can survive a little while longer. Duh huh. I'd kind of like to keep this job. I have the skills to go elsewhere; but my elsewhere would kind of like to stay here. Good luck and GOD bless to all my fellow birdmen. I'd like to see all of us that want to meet at a retirement party someday and talk about the good times! :up:

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