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Employee Morale

robbedagain said:
well i will vent--cause i feel i need too! i know that the unions are all in solidartity but may i ask why this wasnt the case when the union and mgmt (if you want to call it that) allowed a number of cities to be sold down the river without the life preservers to become mainline express and i think a few of them even had the ramp contracted out? would it make sense now to bring those cities back up and the ones with the contracted out bring it back with the furloughed employees? it would be at with the lower wages now that usair has decidied to bomb the employees with their "i hate you" attitudes.
It's obvious to anyone who is not heavily medicated that unions don't have the upper hand in this USA airline quagmire that has been going on ever since deregulation and has only become worse for airline employees and better for the traveling public. The unions have had to compromise because they had no choice. The protections offered by Uncle Sam disappeared the second deregulation was signed and now that reality is showing itself years later. The days of easy big money in the airline industry like the steel mill industry are coming to an end for many. The few lucky ones such as employees at LUV may someday feel the same effect but not so fast and drastic. In fact recently the LUV mechanics agreed to a contract that will last till 2008 which was a notch down from what they had. No one is immune from the realities of this industry’s pain. I enjoyed the nice wages myself for a good many years. Because I didn’t start my working career in this industry I never did live like it would last forever, it wasn't my reality and I am glad I steered that steady course. I would have been no different than U employees now looking at how to pay their mortgages and college bills. I am not any smarter, I just am conservative and was always fearful it was too good to be true. Now here we all are screaming and yelling at anyone near, and for what? Venting is all that comes to mind because that’s all it is or ever will be, venting.
You know, if the employees felt that taking a 21% pay cut would be the end of concessions, we would probably be distressed but would tighten the belt and go on with life at ole US. The real problem is...we KNOW it ain't over. You can bet your next "smaller" paycheck on that. During the next 5 months, we are going to be continually blasted with "we must have more, more, more!" I am an old timer. I remember the final days of Eastern, and could not for the life of me understand why those good people finally said, "Enough. Shut her down"....and they did. Now I understand. For the employees of U, it aint over yet. The fat lady has just stepped up to the microphone and has just sung the first (or is it the 3rd?) verse. How many verses will she sing before the song is over...and the cheering begins?
RedOne said:
You know, if the employees felt that taking a 21% pay cut would be the end of concessions, we would probably be distressed but would tighten the belt and go on with life at ole US. The real problem is...we KNOW it ain't over. You can bet your next "smaller" paycheck on that. During the next 5 months, we are going to be continually blasted with "we must have more, more, more!" I am an old timer. I remember the final days of Eastern, and could not for the life of me understand why those good people finally said, "Enough. Shut her down"....and they did. Now I understand. For the employees of U, it aint over yet. The fat lady has just stepped up to the microphone and has just sung the first (or is it the 3rd?) verse. How many verses will she sing before the song is over...and the cheering begins?

I always did respect an old timers opinion for obvious reasons.

The shut her down view might have already started. We won't know until a few weeks have passed and see what front liners are doing as far as caring or just turning pax away by being indifferent.

I had an obvious executive PM me just today wanting my notice as to whether I thought a slow down was or would occur. I do stay in close touch with people in the know, and if I hear a slow down is occurring I will relay that info.

The employees will either make it or break it and that depends on if the majority has had enough yet. I personally had enough back a few years ago, I simply couldn't take the constant unknowing when my personal situation requires I know for sure if I am employed with healthcare benefits, which are at least and even more important to me as the wages. U is not the place to be if peace of mind and security is important to you.

Your comment on understanding the Eastern employees mindset is like a young person not understanding why an old person is ready to pass...can't really understand it till you're there.
Does anyone have any suggestions to improve morale? Given the fact that lower pay and benefits are here to stay.

What would make you feel better?

Profit sharing? Space Positive travel? Contests that give away cars and stuff, and no not Mo-lah, what a joke that is?

anyone have any constructive ideas?
Jack Mama

How about someone recognizing the hard work and continued sacrifices of the employees. Acknowledgement of extrodinary efforts and accomlishments.

How about an attendance program that rewards those that DON'T call in sick.

How about an incentive plan to motivate employees to continue to press forward and offer the superior service we have been known for, while pushing to achieve common goals of on time performance, consumer complaints and baggage handeling. Giving the employees a target to achieve with a reward attached would motivate employees to focus their attention on a common target besides management.

Teach every level of management how to treat their employees with respect, courtesy and compassion.

How about seeking employee input on realistic solutions to real problems.

How about starting with a simple Thank You and I'm Sorry.
How about getting rid of the skycaps in all USAir cities? I never understood why we pay our ticket agents and the skycaps to do the same job. That's like paying someone to wash your car, and then going right behind them and washing it yourself. The money we pay for skycaps, could be money that we are saving by eliminating them. Which could possibly mean a lower percentage of a paycut for us.

Another thing we could get rid of are the ones that have the contract to ramp transfer our bags form other airlines. If the passengers want there bag to go on their next flight, they can carry it to their next flight themselves. Before anyone says it is a courtesy, please notice that southwest doesn't transfer bags. When they show up from other flights, we could then charge them for the overweight, and excess bags that they have that never see our scales because they are ramp transferred. We can make that extra money by not throwing money away needlessly.
oldiebutgoody said:
How about a contest that gives away a job at Southwest?

I was at LUV and the people there seem to be from a different planet when compared to the U employees, they are a happy bunch.

That is the "only" company I would move for.
MarkMyWords said:
Jack Mama

How about someone recognizing the hard work and continued sacrifices of the employees. Acknowledgement of extrodinary efforts and accomlishments.

How about an attendance program that rewards those that DON'T call in sick.

How about an incentive plan to motivate employees to continue to press forward and offer the superior service we have been known for, while pushing to achieve common goals of on time performance, consumer complaints and baggage handeling. Giving the employees a target to achieve with a reward attached would motivate employees to focus their attention on a common target besides management.

Teach every level of management how to treat their employees with respect, courtesy and compassion.

How about seeking employee input on realistic solutions to real problems.

How about starting with a simple Thank You and I'm Sorry.

With all due respect to you MMW, it seems you are in a drug induced coma. Such things coming to pass are only seen when in the dream state, this reality has no room for such humility.
MMW....would be nice but you and I know that will not happen. I can see it now for the rest of the 4 months if and that is a big if the company makes it. Res supervisors stalking the floor making sure that everyone is taking phone calls, making sure that bathroom breaks are kept to a minimum, demanding that call work and call talk time remains were it should be and then wondering why it is taking so long to fix a reservation during a reissue that the pnr is simply a mess. This to me is the real world Usairways style. IMHO local management is no better than what resides in CCY. And when you come to think about it, if and that again is a big if this airline makes it, its not because of management it is because of what labor has given up. Not meaning to flame you at all, your scenerio which should be the correct one cannot be for this company based on past experiances. No matter how one looks at it, same management team remains from the first BK which somehow managed to blow away a BILLION DOLLARS that they recieved in concessions.

To a degree, I agree with you. Many of the people that are in managerial positions don't have the personal skills they need to be in those positions. Jack asked for constructive ideas, and I gave him a few thoughts off the top of my head, realistic or not.

Let me give you an example of how I think a scenario is going to play out over the next few days. Purely hypothetical.

Over the last couple of days, there has been a severe shortage of ramp agents in a major station in our system (care to venture a guess on which one?). As a result of that shortage we have incurred numerous delays and missed baggage connections. What do you think will be the "management" response tomorrow?

I believe.....and I could be wrong.....there will be a very stern brow beating tomorrow for ALL ramp agents at this station. Instead of disciplining the ones that called off, it will be a hell fire for all employees.

To me the proper thing to do would be to FIRST call in the employees that stayed beyond their shift and Thank them for putting in the extra effort. Thank those employees that showed up for work and did their job, while picking up the slack for those that didn't. Second, apologize and take ownership for any shortages in staffing related to vacant positions or piss poor bean counting in the last furlough. Third, discipline only those that deserve it. Forth, show some compassion for the level of frustration felt by those that felt no other recourse but to call in sick, etc. Showing compassion doesn't mean allowing the deed to go unpunished, it means understand and seek to correct the behavior in the best way possible.

I could be wrong.......but I think after being here for 18 years, I know there is going to be a butt kicking tomorrow.
jack mama said:
Does anyone have any suggestions to improve morale? Given the fact that lower pay and benefits are here to stay.

What would make you feel better?

Profit sharing? Space Positive travel? Contests that give away cars and stuff, and no not Mo-lah, what a joke that is?

anyone have any constructive ideas?

To start with, Lakefield implements 21% across the board paycut for management. I will not forgive them for this. I will not vote yes for anything until the same cuts are taken by everybody. I don't care any more. I have given the benefit of the doubt for years by voting yes on every contract...every GD concessionary contract for the last 15 years. We are in the same path as the other failed carriers. When you divide a house of cards, it will fall. US has done that. Don't tell me the "then leave bs." We will not make it but I will be damned if I am going to reward double standards with a yes vote. :angry: :angry:
firstamendment said:
To start with, Lakefield implements 21% across the board paycut for management. I will not forgive them for this. I will not vote yes for anything until the same cuts are taken by everybody. I don't care any more. I have given the benefit of the doubt for years by voting yes on every contract...every GD concessionary contract for the last 15 years. We are in the same path as the other failed carriers. When you divide a house of cards, it will fall. US has done that. Don't tell me the "then leave bs." We will not make it but I will be damned if I am going to reward double standards with a yes vote. :angry: :angry:
What am I missing? They already did it "without" your vote. At least for four months they did, after that it may not matter and if it does, post this again.

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