The only person in charge of how you feel is your self. The questions you ask your self or the statements you make to your self determine how you feel.
If you want to be miserable I guarantee you will be miserable.
Nobody likes what is happening to the network carriers. Today Delta gave some very stark news and they're almost certainly going into bankruptcy and United told the bankruptcy court in their Omnibus hearing they need to terminate DB pensions, seek deeper labor cuts, and are preparing a S.1113 motion too.
People have two choices: embrace the change and continue to do the best job possible or accept the changes and use the new contract changes as a bridge to a new career.
As I have said before, nobody likes the cuts, which are being driven by the marketplace, the ATSB, and key creditors, but the cuts are here and will not go away.
Therefore, the choice is simple: be miserable or do something to change your state of mind.