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Employee Morale

:angry: Well, I think this management team is about as mean and nasty as I have ever seen. I place Bronner right up there with one of his fellow country men. I think he is like Henry Wirz.
mrfish3726 said:
USA320Pilot is just the kind of employee that USAIR management is looking for, a suck up. But, I guess it's easier to suck up if your still in the 6-figure range versus getting your pay cut back to 1980'S wages. He'll still have his house and cars, while others will be in the BK court themselves trying to keep what they can. But, he'll still tell you the sun is shining, and brighter days are ahead.

As USAIR continues to bleed, the judge only issued USAIR management a band-aid. Soon it will be on life support and eventually the plug will have to be pulled due to no brain activity. :shock:


Glad that UAL doesn't have problems like this. 🙄

Our Unions are in solidarity. :lol:

We are 'ALL' being taken for a ride and (some of us) don't even have an E-Ticket.

Just wait until the Oct ATA rankings come out, you will see how good the morale at U is.......... :down: :down: :down:
AP Tech said:
Just wait until the Oct ATA rankings come out, you will see how good the morale at U is.......... :down: :down: :down:
At this point a score card is purely academic.
USA320Pilot said:
The only person in charge of how you feel is your self. The questions you ask your self or the statements you make to your self determine how you feel.

If you want to be miserable I guarantee you will be miserable.

Nobody likes what is happening to the network carriers. Today Delta gave some very stark news and they're almost certainly going into bankruptcy and United told the bankruptcy court in their Omnibus hearing they need to terminate DB pensions, seek deeper labor cuts, and are preparing a S.1113 motion too.

People have two choices: embrace the change and continue to do the best job possible or accept the changes and use the new contract changes as a bridge to a new career.

As I have said before, nobody likes the cuts, which are being driven by the marketplace, the ATSB, and key creditors, but the cuts are here and will not go away.

Therefore, the choice is simple: be miserable or do something to change your state of mind.



I don't always see eye to eye with you, but I concur with your thoughts this time around.
N924PS said:
I don't always see eye to eye with you, but I concur with your thoughts this time around.

I concur, the captain is thinking clearly this evening....
The morale is in the dumper...It will definetely affect ticket sales...

And the sticker (paystub) shock hasn't even occured yet....

I believe we are getting real close to liquidation now... with this move by Mr. Lakefield, instead of looking for additional investors....Or properly funding the investments operating budget...

I believe RSA and the greedy rednecks are gonna loose everything, in this game, they are playing.... :huh:
By forcing these paycuts on the employees U has all but sealed there fate. The company is doomed.
I can't imagine that they will be able to secure long term contracts with all unions now. The union members will never pass any proposals from the company unless they call for pay raises.
In retaliation employees will surely turn down anything from the company in the future. Any loyalty that remained before the forced cuts is now gone and come February the doors will probably close.
Poor management and rising fuel prices (expected to hit $60 this Winter) added to the mix will hasten the demise.
I believe if there were better employee relations with management, and IF the company was in such dire straights, pay cuts would be accepted by most of us. But we look around and see what has transpired in the past, we've been lied to, contracts blatantly broken by the company, exec's walking out the doors with millions, Doc Boner bad mouthing labor and constant threats of liquidation if we dont accept their demands, fruitless negotiations on contracts, and management getting raises this year, then taking a "token" pay cut. Their sacrafices are NOTHING. Their talk in NOTHING, we believe NOTHING they tell us because of all the past lies they speak to us. If the sacrafices were equally shared by all, it would help in understanding the situation, but it's still a game of grabbing the money from labor, with a minimal "transformation plan" at best. The bottom line is we all see this management is only interested in one thing, UNION BUSTING. They have their plan and it's all falling into place. Who knows how it will all turn out, but time will tell.
WestCoastGuy said:
I believe if there were better employee relations with management, and IF the company was in such dire straights, pay cuts would be accepted by most of us. But we look around and see what has transpired in the past, we've been lied to, contracts blatantly broken by the company, exec's walking out the doors with millions, Doc Boner bad mouthing labor and constant threats of liquidation if we dont accept their demands, fruitless negotiations on contracts, and management getting raises this year, then taking a "token" pay cut. Their sacrafices are NOTHING. Their talk in NOTHING, we believe NOTHING they tell us because of all the past lies they speak to us. If the sacrafices were equally shared by all, it would help in understanding the situation, but it's still a game of grabbing the money from labor, with a minimal "transformation plan" at best. The bottom line is we all see this management is only interested in one thing, UNION BUSTING. They have their plan and it's all falling into place. Who knows how it will all turn out, but time will tell.
Yep big American conspiracy "Union Busting". When they finished their union busting contract they will all become billionaires and the rest of American unionized labor will disappear. You sound like a paranoid union leader at whit’s end and on the verge. Get a grip. This company is degenerating daily while the competition licks their chops and employees are focusing on imaginary monsters.
From your brothers at UA I say hang in there and don't let them get you. From my perspective I carry alot of anger and dissapointment at our beloved "no Plan" team over here as well. Its just USAir whos getting the shaft first thats all.

From a Rez perspective I will say go ahead and vent so you can feel better and try hard to seek any alternative to the madness at work. It doesn't help from others to keep chiming in when a lower end pay person is venting. You should give them a break so they CAN get these feelings out in a constructive manner rather than snap at work. Perhaps some who have alot of energy railing the public contact groups should give them some ideas on possible ways they can get by with their families than just saying deal with it and move on. People need to vent.

Good Luck USAir. We at UA are in no better shape but together perhaps we can share ideas to help us all survive this mess.

WestCoastGuy said:
Just my opinion, bud, nothing more..... 🙂
I understand and if you read the post above I agree with that as well. VENT rather self destruct. If it were "only" union busting we as a collective labor force could overcome it, but it's way beyond that " relative aside reason" when looking at the big picture. You and I both know it along with any other reasonably thinking person. There are no monsters. Like all things that change we happened to be caught up and are part of it for the better or worse. In your case and mine, worse.

What do you think the airline should do? Keep getting money invested, only to lose it over a few month period?

This place needs to be operated in the black. Does your paycut make that happen, in-and-of-itself? No, but it does contribute, as this time, all groups are.

I am sorry for all of us, the financial burden is tough and we will all have to find a way to cope (including bugeting, getting a new job, getting a second job if we desire to keep our current life style, etc).

It is reality, and 1113c is going to be all emcompassing, something all of unions should take seriously and pick and choose our own items, instead of having a judge do it for you, reading from a company wish list.

Reservation Agent said:
The morale is in the dumper...It will definetely affect ticket sales...

And the sticker (paystub) shock hasn't even occured yet....

I believe we are getting real close to liquidation now... with this move by Mr. Lakefield, instead of looking for additional investors....Or properly funding the investments operating budget...

I believe RSA and the greedy rednecks are gonna loose everything, in this game, they are playing.... :huh:
well i will vent--cause i feel i need too! i know that the unions are all in solidartity but may i ask why this wasnt the case when the union and mgmt (if you want to call it that) allowed a number of cities to be sold down the river without the life preservers to become mainline express and i think a few of them even had the ramp contracted out? would it make sense now to bring those cities back up and the ones with the contracted out bring it back with the furloughed employees? it would be at with the lower wages now that usair has decidied to bomb the employees with their "i hate you" attitudes.

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