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Employee Morale

USA320Pilot said:
Either the company evolves into a LCC or it fails.

And seeing as how they don't have a plan to evolve into a LCC where does that leave US?
Do I like what is ahppening here? No, of course not. But it's you who elects to be angry or bitter nad it hurts nobody but your self.

There is no question this sucks, but as Judge Mitchell said, a 21% cut is better than a 100% cut.


USA320Pilot said:
People have two choices: embrace the change and continue to do the best job possible or accept the changes and use the new contract changes as a bridge to a new career.





That motto is TOO funny! That's rich, Captain. Classsic!!!!!!!! Only you...

House foreclosure? I told my mortgage company to "embrace the change", guess they didn't understand what I meant.

Credit card denial? What does Citi Bank not understand about "embrace the change"? I sent in 79% of my minimum balance.

Child's tuition? Dumb college, I told the Bursar to "embrace the change"!!!

USA320Pilot said:
Do I like what is ahppening here? No, of course not. But it's you who elects to be angry or bitter nad it hurts nobody but your self.

There is no question this sucks, but as Judge Mitchell said, a 21% cut is better than a 100% cut.


get back to me next thursday dude.... :shock:


But when you make 13 dollars per hour what do we have to lose there
are alot of jobs like that out there.

It is the 20 years of time we have invested that we are worried about.

You and your spouse where can you go and start at 100,000 per year
you have more to lose....

That's why you want to see us make it.

Yes i want to see usairways make it but at what cost TO ME..MY FAMILY AND MY STRESS IN LIFE.

HECK i am able to get welfare now are you and yours ?
The beatings will continue until the morale improves.
Mr Lakefield had the nerve to go on tv last nite to say he was dissapointed that the judge only awarded him 21 % and not 23 %......

He expects the unions to come back and give him the additional 2 %...and this guy doesn't give up a penny himself....

Most of the people I have talked to are either started to look for other jobs now, or hopes to be laid off either in a office closure or a liquidation.....

I can't see how the company will survive....Productivity is very low...
And the shock of the small paychecks hasn't arrived yet, as will the unpaid bills, etc...

Most of us have been just getting by, with the low pay we get anyway
even before this devestating paycut...And that after we VOLUNTARILY gave up so more to help this company...

It is a VERY SAD day for the airline, and I believe it marks the end of the company...just like Eastern Airlines...Not the beginnig...
USA320Pilot said:
Do I like what is ahppening here? No, of course not. But it's you who elects to be angry or bitter nad it hurts nobody but your self.

There is no question this sucks, but as Judge Mitchell said, a 21% cut is better than a 100% cut.



You know, you're right. So, take your own advice, quit and shut up already.
it sure seemed like that bruce almight lakefield is way too damn proud that he dont have to lose a damn dime of his 425000 a yr salary. well lets see here: why dont we just try to do a slow down and see what he does? a slow down or even chaos could do but who knows what lies aead for these cheapsake clwns they call a ceo!???
USA320Pilot said:
Do I like what is ahppening here? No, of course not. But it's you who elects to be angry or bitter nad it hurts nobody but your self.

There is no question this sucks, but as Judge Mitchell said, a 21% cut is better than a 100% cut.



I'm sorry....but Judge Mitchell did not say that.

You did.
Dammed if i do not try not to get into Pi#$ing contests with others on this board, But Give it a freaking break 320!

So you are happy that at least you still have a job and I am sure that as a "captain" you are STILL going to make well above $13.00 dollars a hour... But the MAJORITY IN THE COMPANY WILL NOT.

Have a freakin heart and stop the miquoting, stop in the pollyanna attitude and just let people vent, be frustrated OR STRIKE. Let everyone who has a choice... do what they want to do without you coming on board and trying to take that away from them.

This is America, remember? the good ole US of A? NOT a commie country, NOT a dictatorship. Because sir, YOu are no Stalin.

So allow us here. to have our feeling and vent to the world. Oh and as many wonderful posters out there have said... You don't like it? IGNORE!

To all else... sorry I ranted... I just believe in not having your feelings discounted!..

Viva La Employees of US AIRWAYS...

If you think about it, $16.04 vs $17.88 in '92, it is worse than sad. To think that for the last 12 years of service, you're below what you were then in gross pay. That does not include the four fold or more increase in benefits costs. If one takes inflation into account, depsite it being low over the last 12 years and the rise in benefits costs, that $16.04 per hour seems more like $10-$11 per hour in today's money. How horrible is that? Kids bumped from college, cars/house foreclosed. The list is endless.

What is one to do? Get off the wagon, it's heading for a dive off a steep cliff. Look around you, search within yourself and get that resume polished to a high shine. Get out there and look for a new career, it can be done. Just don't wait to look. I made it, you can too!

Good luck to you all.
USA320Pilot is just the kind of employee that USAIR management is looking for, a suck up. But, I guess it's easier to suck up if your still in the 6-figure range versus getting your pay cut back to 1980'S wages. He'll still have his house and cars, while others will be in the BK court themselves trying to keep what they can. But, he'll still tell you the sun is shining, and brighter days are ahead.

As USAIR continues to bleed, the judge only issued USAIR management a band-aid. Soon it will be on life support and eventually the plug will have to be pulled due to no brain activity. :shock:

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