1. Willfully acting as a strike-breaker (scab) during any duly authorized strike, as determined by the striking authority;
2. Willful violation of this Constitution and Bylaws;
3. Willful neglect in paying dues, assessments, or fines levied by the Association;
4. Misappropriating money or property of the Association;
5. Willful violation of the working agreement
6. Initiating and/or prosecuting charges under this article in bad faith (for example, malicious or frivolous charges) against another AMP member;
7. Any act contrary to the best interests of the AMP as an institution or its membership as a whole.
8. Any act motivated by malice or political animus that exposes another member to company discipline, up to and including termination.
Nothing in there about being a bad employee/job performance, maybe you and odie should stop trying to be a spokesman for AMP. If you are going to go on and on about AMP, you should know what you are talking about.
I'm not apposed to AMP, but when you are spreading misinformation and speculation stated as fact, you are not acting in the best interest of our union brothers a lot of mechs like the rhetoric they hear and don't bother finding out the facts. Until TUL gets on board, this is a lot of wasted time.
Duke, I know who you are, and I assumed you were more intelligent than you appear. It's quite obvious that you want specific facts that say "if your lazy or unprofessional, you will be fined or terminated". I wish labor organizations had such language, but they don't. #6, 7 & 8 above would suffice for me when our guys turn other members into HR. How many cases have we had where guys run to HR for pettiness name calling or "your harrassing me!". #7 would cover Laziness and being Unprofessional because those traits are NOT in the best interests of the organization or membership.
The job of union leaders is to educate and provide consultation to it's people regarding the EXPECTIONS and STANDARDS of the organization. I've never witnessed the local leadership pulling someone aside and educating the individuals on what's expected of them. Have you??? Why not pull that individual that writes propaganda on his vest and tell him to remove or replace his vest?? That guy makes everyone look bad!! So, why doesn't Gilboy & Co. do it? Why don't you ask Gilboy next time he comes around? I know the answer because Steve and I have had this discussion, but you want facts, so you ask him.
So, you don't want AMP, but you want accountability and professionalism. Well, I don't see pilots out-of-uniform.....writing propaganda on vests....and acting like goofs around each other, management or mechanics. The pilots, as an organization, will NOT tolerate that type of behavior from it's members.....whether it's written somewhere in their bylaws or not......It's called COMMON SENSE and RESPECT of the profession!!!! something the TWU leadership fails to understand.
I said in an earlier post....I will hold AMP to those standards.....If you preach your willingness to follow the pilot group, as an organization, you better act like them too!! I'm not saying that pilots are perfect, but they definitely act more like adults than children.
I'm being cautious supporting AMP because it's a new organization and doesn't have a proven track record, but if you give me a choice between the TWU and AMP, there is no question by far that AMP provides change from the status quo. I can only judge AMP by what's on paper, and that's it's Constitution. If in fact it mirrors the pilots Constitution, I want AMP.
If I look back over 20+ years...the pilots changed their INTL leadership many times. They just changed their INTL president within the last year. We don't have that opprotunity with the TWU. That alone suggests that AMP will be a more democratic union, and will allow the membership to participate more in national elections than we do now!!!!
I will never change your opinion about AMP because it's very hard to provide YOU proven facts about AMP to compare against the TWU, but common sense tells ME that the status quo is currently UNACCEPTABLE and requires CHANGE. If WE had the ability to change the TWU INTL, WE wouldn't be talking about AMP, AMFA or any other union. WE DON"T!!!!!!