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Hatfield for 591 Treasurer - HOW ABOUT NO!

As Hackman cited the Treasury didnt go up when TeAAm Videtich was running the Local.

What about all the DOL stuff?

Are you conceeding that to be factual or do you deny that as well?
The treasury subjects and lies were being discused by Tex and Swordfish, not myself.

I just asked if Underspeed would care to list all the former TeAAm Twu sellouts that have actually CROSSED OVER into the AA management ranks, since he seems to have a problem with accusing Peterson of only interviewing for management.

I guess if Peterson had actually accepted a position in management like some former TeAAm Twu have, he would get a free pass from Underspeed.
The treasury subjects and lies were being discused by Tex and Swordfish, not myself.

I just asked if Underspeed would care to list all the former TeAAm Twu sellouts that have actually CROSSED OVER into the AA management ranks, since he seems to have a problem with accusing Peterson of only interviewing for management.

I guess if Peterson had actually accepted a position in management like some former TeAAm Twu have, he would get a free pass from Underspeed.
That's the point, Peterson wasn't up to AA management standards. He wanted the job but couldn't get it.

As far as "crossing over" it's about picking which side of the fence you want to be on. Those others chose. Peterson? Well he's been wanting to for sometime. He keeps getting left on the playground when management picks teams. Just why does he deny it when he is asked? Tell the truth, he interviewed with management and he wants a management job? Those others did that and left. Bob has already stated what Gary denies repeatedly every time he is asked. That goes to integrity and Gary has none.

Hatfield has been spoken highly of in the past. Ken posted on here that he worked with him and liked him in the past. Bob messed up. He should have run for VP and he would have had a better chance, in fact since no one ran against Steve G, he would already be in. Bob misplayed his hand again just like with negotiations.
That's the point, Peterson wasn't up to AA management standards. He wanted the job but couldn't get it.

As far as "crossing over" it's about picking which side of the fence you want to be on. Those others chose. Peterson? Well he's been wanting to for sometime. He keeps getting left on the playground when management picks teams. Just why does he deny it when he is asked? Tell the truth, he interviewed with management and he wants a management job? Those others did that and left. Bob has already stated what Gary denies repeatedly every time he is asked. That goes to integrity and Gary has none.

Hatfield has been spoken highly of in the past. Ken posted on here that he worked with him and liked him in the past. Bob messed up. He should have run for VP and he would have had a better chance, in fact since no one ran against Steve G, he would already be in. Bob misplayed his hand again just like with negotiations.

Guess we will see. Never heard Gary deny anything

As far as "negotiations" we were dealing with marked cards and we let the membership know how the game is played, the game isn't over yet.
Hey overspeed, I just put the assets down for informational purposes. Funny how Hatfield has one document that says he quadrupled the locals money and another, on the "Sold us out forever Ticket", I mean Soldevere Ticket, website says he tripled the money. The only reason that Local has any money is because the membership cleaned out the Phat Don fun club! This election, like the 2011 election in 565, will once again prove just how out of touch with reality you truly are. I will tell you what would have been fun, if Videtich would have run for office and not had his boy Nick step up and take the beat-down for him. Nick is nothing more than the lead marionette with a cast of puppets being pulled around by Videtich...he is so dumb that he has even written it, the only time I think Videtich had his hand out of Nicks a$$ was when Nick quoted Hitler in his letter to the membership. If you want to talk smack, lets hit on the 2 hours extra pay Don's boys get every day, the Crystal sex scandal the membership paid for, the sleepy days and drunken nights the membership paid for, shall I go on because I can. Overspeed, you are an ignorant boy who lives in the past, delusional like Videtich. The line membership has already left the TWU, they are just waiting on TUL and AFW to catch up. As for the men (not the Videtich tools) running for office, I commend their effort because they are losing money and personal time taking care of our grievances but none of them are doing it for the TWU.
Overspeed, I gotta laugh....only you would say, "Peterson wasn't up to AA management standards. He wanted the job but couldn't get it."
You are now on here defending the hiring practices and standards used by AA.
It is obvious you do not work in the operation and have no clue just how low AA's standard is these days.
Maybe you need to stop eating your crayons and get back on your meds or off the bottle boy!
To Hackmans point, AA recently scraped the bottom of the barrel at DFW to hire another "Team TWU" puppet.
You constantly embarrass yourself with your posts and in the end do nothing more then drive TWU members away...so keep on posting, I am enjoying your ignorance.
Overspeed, I gotta laugh....only you would say, "Peterson wasn't up to AA management standards. He wanted the job but couldn't get it."
You are now on here defending the hiring practices and standards used by AA.
It is obvious you do not work in the operation and have no clue just how low AA's standard is these days.
Maybe you need to stop eating your crayons and get back on your meds or off the bottle boy!
To Hackmans point, AA recently scraped the bottom of the barrel at DFW to hire another "Team TWU" puppet.
You constantly embarrass yourself with your posts and in the end do nothing more then drive TWU members away...so keep on posting, I am enjoying your ignorance.
Not defending. The crop of managers that AA has and continues to hire shows how low their standards are. The point being made is Peterson apparently wasn't even up to those mediocre standards.
Hey overspeed, I just put the assets down for informational purposes. Funny how Hatfield has one document that says he quadrupled the locals money and another, on the "Sold us out forever Ticket", I mean Soldevere Ticket, website says he tripled the money. The only reason that Local has any money is because the membership cleaned out the Phat Don fun club! This election, like the 2011 election in 565, will once again prove just how out of touch with reality you truly are. I will tell you what would have been fun, if Videtich would have run for office and not had his boy Nick step up and take the beat-down for him. Nick is nothing more than the lead marionette with a cast of puppets being pulled around by Videtich...he is so dumb that he has even written it, the only time I think Videtich had his hand out of Nicks a$$ was when Nick quoted Hitler in his letter to the membership. If you want to talk smack, lets hit on the 2 hours extra pay Don's boys get every day, the Crystal sex scandal the membership paid for, the sleepy days and drunken nights the membership paid for, shall I go on because I can. Overspeed, you are an ignorant boy who lives in the past, delusional like Videtich. The line membership has already left the TWU, they are just waiting on TUL and AFW to catch up. As for the men (not the Videtich tools) running for office, I commend their effort because they are losing money and personal time taking care of our grievances but none of them are doing it for the TWU.
You started this thread quoting inaccurate numbers from the LM2 (you don't know the difference between assets and cash). The point is cash on hand went from $80K to $360K so it more than quadrupled.

If you have facts and evidence about scandals at 565 maybe you should have filed charges.
So then we all agree. The info Swordfish put up on this blog is false. The numbers he quoted were assets when Hatfield correctly stated cash on hand quadrupled. Swordfish is a liar and distorter of the truth in the LM2 and Hatfield's campaign statement.

Agree on something? Okay, you remain a coward. You remain unable to explain why the membership does NOT elect all twu atd officers. You support an industrial union yet AMTs belong in a craft union.

"Let's say Jim was in management, he was in and now he is out working for keeping overhaul jobs."

We did say he was in management. "Working" for keeping overhaul jobs? At the expense of all AMTs industrywide by accepting more concessions. Is that what "fight like Hell" means in the appointed world of those who are unaccountable and only able to post from behind an alias?

teAAm videtich = twu atd tools
" Ken posted on here that he worked with him and liked him in the past."

I did work with Mike when I was on the E-Board with Bob, Gary, Mike Bush and Jerry. Mike was professional and he seemed to actually enjoy our E-Board meetings because with the previous officials he had said that they would always argue and he would always walk away with a head ache.

Not once while I was on the E-Board with Mike did he ever mention ANYTHING about paying for Curtis' mileage and the other unknown payments he was making in order to keep don happy. With those actions I consider Mike untrustworthy and self serving. Two characteristics highly sought after in the atd world of appointed officials.

You and other twu supporting sellouts acted as if my stepping down before my term had expired was something of not being able to perform my duties. I believe it was implied that "I couldn't handle it". But I stepped down in order to support AMP to replace the undemocratic unaccountable ways of the atd. At the Local level our E-Board was making a change for the better. I stepped down on principle. Now why did Mike resign? What is that word???? Humm???

teAAM videtich supported only by people like os who can only slander/post from behind an alias. What's next? Quotes from Stalin?
Not defending. The crop of managers that AA has and continues to hire shows how low their standards are. The point being made is Peterson apparently wasn't even up to those mediocre standards.

I find your definition of "mediocre" amusing. What exactly does your claim that an educated representative, voted into office by a vast majority of the largest line local's membership, who you define as "mediocre," say about how you view yourself and they view their president? Before you answer, remember we all know that the appointees you follow blindly, are high school educated as best. Maybe this is why you are the ultimate "crayon eating puppet" and one of only a few who defends those appointed leaders. Or quite possibly, you are just insecure that your own lack of education may one day also be exposed.
You started this thread quoting inaccurate numbers from the LM2 (you don't know the difference between assets and cash). The point is cash on hand went from $80K to $360K so it more than quadrupled.

If you have facts and evidence about scandals at 565 maybe you should have filed charges.

Overspeed, you might possibly the easiest disciple of Videtich to take down. By Mike's own admission he isn't clear if he personally tripled or quadrupled the cash on hand and that is only one of the indicators of financial strength. Just because someone has cash in the bank does not mean that they have tripled or quadrupled anything, especially when you still carry a large amount of debt. Mike and Don appear to be famous for the long term and lousy agreements, where debt is carried for years at high interest rates, in an attempt to make the books look better to the membership. Kind of like the 40 year note on the building Nick Soldevere endorsed, oh yeah don't forget they took over 100K extra to fix the old girl up, then borrowed another 100K to stay afloat. That is all buried in the history of 565. I am going to ask you one more time Overspeed....are you sure you want to keep on going at it with me? I know where all the bodies in 565 are buried and I have no problem digging them up!
$180k and more to eat crayons and a high school eduation. Simply amazing. Find it hard to believe that we can't find better educated people for those positions.

We can find better educated people however these individuals have morals, principles and honor. Three things that are not allowed in the atd.

However, if you are quick on your feet and can formulate a response when cornered by your peers, say with something like "you have to lower your expectations", then the atd is the place to be.

Oh, to keep things on topic still didn't vote for Hatfield.
I find your definition of "mediocre" amusing. What exactly does your claim that an educated representative, voted into office by a vast majority of the largest line local's membership, who you define as "mediocre," say about how you view yourself and they view their president? Before you answer, remember we all know that the appointees you follow blindly, are high school educated as best. Maybe this is why you are the ultimate "crayon eating puppet" and one of only a few who defends those appointed leaders. Or quite possibly, you are just insecure that your own lack of education may one day also be exposed.
Gotcha' Gary!


Bob Owens

Posted Today, 04:41 AM


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Overspeed, on 01 March 2013 - 10:27 PM, said:

Gary why don't you tell us how your management interviews went? Why did AA not want to hire you. Passed over three times. Ouch that must hurt. Not good enough to even make AA management.

Hmm, wasnt Jim Little in AA management?

Don't Jim, Don and Bobby enjoy the same privileges that only Senior Management at AA get such as A-5 Travel passes and company paid for Admirals Club membership?

Isnt it true that their pensions from AA are based on what the Union pays them, and they earn two pensions, one from AA and one from the TWU paid for by us?

Bob: No one that knows you is surprised when you make a post that is substantially inaccurate. The problem is not pointing out the errors, it’s keeping track of them.

For instance: A5 Passes

The Truth: For many years a designated number of the top officers of each Union at American are granted an equal number of A5 passes. That includes the APA, the APFA, and the TWU. Local officers like you get A10‘s or A12‘s while on Union Business. There are no company paid Admirals Club Memberships involved.

AA Pensions:

The Truth: AA Pensions are not based on any individual’s Local or International Union salary. Pension vesting and pension credited service continues for Union Leave of Absence or UB Time, with the final average salary that would be attributed to an active employee in the same classification, title group, and length of service as the individual on union leave. You should know that since it applies to you exactly the same way while you are on union leave as Local President.

As for Gary Peterson, its well known that he attempted to get into management but was rejected in each of his three attempts. Some people think this is important; some not. I certainly don’t think that Jim Little’s service as a Load Agent, which was the non- union classification he was in at one time before becoming a dispatcher, has any greater significance than Peterson’s failed attempts to move from mechanic to manager.