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You bash Gary for interviewing for a management position that he did not get. What would you say to a person that did go into management and came back to the union and became an Int president for the twu? I'll give you a hint his name is jim little. The only reason you back ks is because the int wants him in. You call people cowards here,thats like the pot calling the kettle black if you don't call jim and give him the same treatment that you have been giving Gary. You won't do that will you? Then you top being a coward by being a hipocrite also. If things were bad with Will He Bob Zimmerman (THE ANSWER IS YES) they will be just as bad if not worse with ks. He is Phatt Dons suck boy. Why don't you ask him about breaking up a fellow mechanics marriage due to him not being able to keep his pants zipped. Maybe you can ask him about a local 565 Sexatary that had to make a hasty exit due to a small weight gain over 9 months. I guess he hasn't been happily married for 27 years after all. Oh by the way I asked you before what local do you belonged to? I guess you forgot to answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the end of every Jerry Springer show he has a serious epilogue that teaches us simple lessons in life that sometimes we forget.

In this case lesson learned is, don't get caught with your pants down and try to run for public office, unless you are a member of congress or Bill Clinton. Local twu presidents, vice presidents, and eboard members, always leave their underware on the floor.
All the Int'l bashers are cowards. Did you write this while you were kicking back in the rainbow room? Why not stop skulking around in the internet cafes at the terminal cyber bullying your Int'l reps and call them out on the floor. Because your puffed out chest caves in at the very thought if having to actually grow a pair. I have, I don't agree with a lot of things that happen in this union and others I have been in. Sometimes I am unhappy with the answers but I still challenge the status quo. IAM, IBT, and UAW all have their issues. Instead of stepping up you whine and cry.

Yep Gary tried to get in to management. I thank you for telling the truth I am sure Gary appreciates you coming to his side.

My statement was "You bash Gary for interviewing for management" You were the the one that said he did I am assuming you know what you are talking about. Have you called jim yet? Just what I thought you are a coward. Cowards are the ones that don't volunteer to come to the floor like gless sneaking through the terminal at jfk and don showing up at afw and not going down to the floor or jim little showing up in tulsa in 2003 were he was protected by the bubba club,but not showing up at the 2nd largest local AFW. He sent the lawyer instead. I am stepping up. I want the unaccountable twu gone. Oh and you can be considered a coward since you still have not answered my question. What local do you belong to? If you don't answer I can only believe that you are in the int and another unaccountable appointee (COWARD).
Why don't you ask him about breaking up a fellow mechanics marriage due to him not being able to keep his pants zipped. I guess he hasn't been happily married for 27 years after all.
The rumor I always heard that it was one of his shop stewards. Any DFWers can confirm that.

So it is happily married minus that one or...indiscretion. But then again Tiger was happily married until he got caught. 😉
I received my ballot for 565 elections in the mail today. The voting is to be done via phone or internet. What I do not understand or agree with is the fact that it states that you can vote as many times as you want but only the last vote will count. What kind of vote is tallied in such a way? Not any votes that I have ever participated in whether it be union or civic. This appears at first glance to have a chance of being rigged. I would not think so but you can guarantee others will be crying foul regardless of the outcome.
I received my ballot for 565 elections in the mail today. The voting is to be done via phone or internet. What I do not understand or agree with is the fact that it states that you can vote as many times as you want but only the last vote will count. What kind of vote is tallied in such a way? Not any votes that I have ever participated in whether it be union or civic. This appears at first glance to have a chance of being rigged. I would not think so but you can guarantee others will be crying foul regardless of the outcome.
This voting practice has been going on for 3 seasons now with "Dancing with the Stars," and their has been no descrepancies noted! Have faith brother, I voted for Emmit and Juliann six times last year.
I received my ballot for 565 elections in the mail today. The voting is to be done via phone or internet. What I do not understand or agree with is the fact that it states that you can vote as many times as you want but only the last vote will count. What kind of vote is tallied in such a way? Not any votes that I have ever participated in whether it be union or civic. This appears at first glance to have a chance of being rigged. I would not think so but you can guarantee others will be crying foul regardless of the outcome.
If it is ballotpoint, that is what we use over here, and it kicks butt. You can basically change your vote up until the the deadline. I like it because I have put a ballot in the mail and wished I could have changed my vote. This allows for it. If you change your vote it wipes out the other vote, and once the deadline is there, it counts all of the last votes. Plus I can go back afterward and see how I voted in my history.
JR is a good man and his letter was very genuine. Not an extremist view point like many others on this BB.


I never said extremist. I just pointed out my opinion that local officials from one local should stay out of another local's election. I didn't agree with Luis and the other local presidents stumping against Bob Owens in NY. Local 567's Official's letter was wrong too. Actually, I believe that letters of support for Keith will hurt his chances of winning. The membership of local 565 has a long memory and Keith might get 50 votes but that is all.

Keith trys to say that the current 565 Board, with myself included since I ran with those still in office, supported Bob Zimmerman and since Bob flipped to the charms of Don and the International then the current Board doesn't know what they are doing. He can not be farther from the truth. In the beginning of the current Local 565 Officer's term Bob was a stand up guy. He did what a President should do and inform the membership. He didn't sign letters of agreement that didn't first go before the Board and then membership, he was visible on the floor when not in negotiations. But then Bob changed. He allowed himself to fall under the snake oil charms of the unaccountable, appointed int. reps. Bob said he would NOT vote to bring back a concessionary contract but then he did just that and hid behind the claim "I'm not the gate keeper for these guys". BS! Bob flipped and Keith thinks the current 565 Officers are to blame? NO ONE SAW THIS COMING! Bob NEVER confided in the board he voted yes because he gave up. Pure and simple.

So if Keith wishes to attempt to tarnish the current Local 565 Board for Bob's actions then why doesn't he mention the HUGE grievences that Local 565 won? How about the MD-80 wiring fiasco? I believe it was Mr. Mickey Brown who commented that if the local filed a grievence for 500 hours that would be a win. Keith was the President at the time so did Keith agree with this? Elections came, at the right time for the membership, and it was the new elected officers who fought for the bypass for the membership. This was in LARGE PART due to the endless hours Gary Schaible put in making a slam dunk grievence which the Local never wavered from. So instead of 500 hours the new officers fought for and got ELEVEN TIMES that number. 5500 hours of by-pass money! That came out to close to 3/4 of a million dollars for the membership.

So if the membership wants to forget this, and other grievences won by the current Local officers and positives created/formed in their term, and be influenced by letters of support from those outside the local they have the right to. But since the membership of Local 565 has seen a fast difference in the performance of the last and current officers I believe they will vote accordingly. All Local 565 needs is a real President.

I never said extremist. I just pointed out my opinion that local officials from one local should stay out of another local's election.

EXACTLY! Who started this blog? What Local is that person in? Uh, yeah.

The union circus is now coming to you live via the internet! How about somebody lock this crap down. Why did I come on here? Because since very few of you come out and challenge your Local or Int'l leaders out on the floor and in the membership meetings. Members cry in their break rooms and internet blogs about how they have been wronged by the Local or the Int'l yet have no time to get involved in their union unless it is mailed or emailed to them. Really? Seriously? And we want them to walk a picket line? Really? Ken, look at the guys in your break room and are they seriously all going to walk or do a job action? Can you get them to close their laptops and stop playing Farmville, Mafia Wars, or Facebook long enough to even listen? That's what I thought.

I think our "membership" needs to become union members and understand that is more than paying dues. Leaders need to learn that spouting their strategy and personal opinions on the internet is irresponsible. Regardless of how you vote in a board meeting or a negotiating committee your organization looks like a disorganized mob blasting it out on the internet. Here's a good saying from the past, "Loose lips sink ships." The SS Union is sinking and it is because self proclaimed know-it-alls calling themselves leaders run their mouth on the internet under the banner of free speech. No, that's someone looking for attention that's all and we all suffer. Not saying to close off communication but organize it and distribute it through union member only channels so the company can't read it. Because the company does read this.
Overspeed the medical field has pharmaceuticals that can help your issues although some may be illegal you probably ought to ingest some and give your mouth (laptop) a rest.
Overspeed the medical field has pharmaceuticals that can help your issues although some may be illegal you probably ought to ingest some and give your mouth (laptop) a rest.

Classic! I wish, will we be getting a drug testing waiver in the next TA?

Not going anywhere. Just crashing the party. I love firing you guys up with a dose of truth serum!
Luis a definite yes, Gilboy didn't take a position, and both JR and Pike would b#@ch slap you for calling them yes voters on the last TA!

I dont know JR but from his picture on the TWU Negotiations website, the only he he might be b#@ch slapping is another steak into his belly..the guy looks like he is 5 foot tall and about 400lbs.

As formy president, Larry the cowboy Pike, he is the laughing stock of AFW. The guys on my dock all bust out laughing, when we see him wearing that cowboy hat and think that is who is representing our interest in negotiations...we are DOOMED!
I really do not think Larry is going to b#@ch slap anyone, he is a big talker who won;t talk to anyone that isn't team twu. That was proven during the AMFA drive at AFW...what was the percentage of cards signed here? He and Kirky Wells were supposed to the TWU enforcers..what a joke! Once Larry cannot deliver the 2003+ contract and no more concessions, as he promised here at AFW, maybe he can head up north to TULE and try to beat the fleet service clerk president they have have.
We know they read it D.W, they are paying you indirectly to post here so we can pass the August TA
VOTE NO !!!!!!!!!!

Paid by the company? You are too. You were posting on company time just the other day in the AA internet cafe. You're pretty funny.

I though it was Mr. DW? Did I do something to lose favor with you.
Classic! I wish, will we be getting a drug testing waiver in the next TA?

Not going anywhere. Just crashing the party. I love firing you guys up with a dose of truth serum!
That is true you aren't going anywhere and more than likely will not ever. I'm not fired up as you put it. That serum as you call it probably came from some int'l guys groin area for which you recycle as they tell you to tell the membership to be the truth.
EXACTLY! Who started this blog? What Local is that person in? Uh, yeah.

The union circus is now coming to you live via the internet! How about somebody lock this crap down. Why did I come on here? Because since very few of you come out and challenge your Local or Int'l leaders out on the floor and in the membership meetings. Members cry in their break rooms and internet blogs about how they have been wronged by the Local or the Int'l yet have no time to get involved in their union unless it is mailed or emailed to them. Really? Seriously? And we want them to walk a picket line? Really? Ken, look at the guys in your break room and are they seriously all going to walk or do a job action? Can you get them to close their laptops and stop playing Farmville, Mafia Wars, or Facebook long enough to even listen? That's what I thought.

I think our "membership" needs to become union members and understand that is more than paying dues. Leaders need to learn that spouting their strategy and personal opinions on the internet is irresponsible. Regardless of how you vote in a board meeting or a negotiating committee your organization looks like a disorganized mob blasting it out on the internet. Here's a good saying from the past, "Loose lips sink ships." The SS Union is sinking and it is because self proclaimed know-it-alls calling themselves leaders run their mouth on the internet under the banner of free speech. No, that's someone looking for attention that's all and we all suffer. Not saying to close off communication but organize it and distribute it through union member only channels so the company can't read it. Because the company does read this.

Hey stupid you ask to know what local someone belongs to and I have asked you 3 times what local do you belong to and have refused to answer. You refuse to answer a question and then you expect somebody to answer the very same question when you ask it. Go screw yourself you coward. You cry about members complaining about not challenging the int and the locals. Why is that? They are not accountable to the membership. To a certain extent the local is accountable,but when they want to do somthing like ramrod a local president and others the int covers the ass of the locals by slow playing and using rules that were design to protect the unaccoutable. Don't come out and preach to the members that they need to be accountable for their actions. The bottom line is that the rules were created to protect the int and make members so frustrated that they do not care so that they lose interest in the twu and allow them to do what they want. It is the same principal that all large corporations and unions use on the people to lose hope and settle for less. In the military leadership starts at the top and they lead by example. In the twu they say that the membership is in control,but that is not the truth. They use that as a mirage to cloud the issues You know as well as I do that the blogs are the way of the future and you are complaining about it. BOB is the only local president that has come on here and informed the membership of what is going on in neg and that is because he has backbone and morals that the others do not have. This is the closest thing that we have to members viewing neg. The reason the twu does not want members viewing neg is that if you were viewing neg and one thing was said in neg and another were agreed to the members would know that they were getting screwed and the twu can't have that. Spin it how you want,when it comes to leting the company know about our neg strategy. The bottom line is that jim is telling gerard first hand whats going on within our ranks. Why do think that during the count of the ballots on the failed TA that Phatt Don was telling people at the ballot count that this TA was going to pass by 85%. Mary Tinsman was in compete shock when the vote turned out the way it did due to the fact that she was so used to believing what the twu int told her and I can understand why, since the twu has always delivered for the company and they didn't realize how pissed the membership was with the so called shared sacrifice. Why do you think that we have people like Bobby ( I HAVE FIRECRACKERS IN MY TRUNK) Gless and jim little this past week telling people that we should lower our expectations. Lets not forget about how much we need to give the company in neg do to the fact that Gary Yingst and his wife got their flight privlages suspended do to their drunkin arguement in first class on their way to Hawaii when she locked herself in the first class lav. Oh and by the way it was reported to the authorities by the flight crew and their is no records of it ever happening,but I do have a copy of their computer data saying that their flight benifits have been suspended. If the other local presidents would stand up and do the same as Bob Owens,the int would not have the power that they do. Look at the present 514 pres, Sam Cirri he interview for a management position before he became pres of local 514,but nobody wants to talk about that. I wonder why? Local 567 started this crap with Gary Peterson by giving one of the other canidates info that was not totally correct to say the least and bank on people being lazy. Well I guess it blew up in their face. If they did not have a personal agenda similiar to the int it might have worked,but that was not the case.

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