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Democracy In Action

Hey stupid you ask to know what local someone belongs to and I have asked you 3 times what local do you belong to and have refused to answer. You refuse to answer a question and then you expect somebody to answer the very same question when you ask it. Go screw yourself you coward. You cry about members complaining about not challenging the int and the locals. Why is that? They are not accountable to the membership.

How many people showed up for that debate? Gary got left at the altar didn't he!

"Phat Don"? I am sure that's what you call him to his face. Uh, no.

"Coward"? Uh, I haven't been posting on this page since 2008 have I? So posting under a pseudonym for 4 years is super ballsy? Time for you to check yourself.
How many people showed up for that debate? Gary got left at the altar didn't he!

"Phat Don"? I am sure that's what you call him to his face. Uh, no.

"Coward"? Uh, I haven't been posting on this page since 2008 have I? So posting under a pseudonym for 4 years is super ballsy? Time for you to check yourself.
How many did show up? And how many candidates show up? By what you wrote, I am guessing that Gary was the only one to show up. If that is the case, and just one member showed up, the other candidates pretty much screwed themselves for being cowards. What kind of leader doesn't want to face the members and allow them to choose between candidates to decide who is best for the job. In the years that he was president here, i never seen him run from a fight, so it doesn't surprise me that he was there willing to fight.
How many people showed up for that debate? Gary got left at the altar didn't he!

"Phat Don"? I am sure that's what you call him to his face. Uh, no.

"Coward"? Uh, I haven't been posting on this page since 2008 have I? So posting under a pseudonym for 4 years is super ballsy? Time for you to check yourself.
How many people showed up for that debate? Gary got left at the altar didn't he!

"Phat Don"? I am sure that's what you call him to his face. Uh, no.

"Coward"? Uh, I haven't been posting on this page since 2008 have I? So posting under a pseudonym for 4 years is super ballsy? Time for you to check yourself.
At our station we call him HIS PHATNESS !! Looks like Gary's going to be next president,just my guess.
How many did show up? And how many candidates show up? By what you wrote, I am guessing that Gary was the only one to show up. If that is the case, and just one member showed up, the other candidates pretty much screwed themselves for being cowards. What kind of leader doesn't want to face the members and allow them to choose between candidates to decide who is best for the job. In the years that he was president here, i never seen him run from a fight, so it doesn't surprise me that he was there willing to fight.
Nevermind....Just found my answer.


July 22, 2011

Unfortunately, none of the other candidates for Local President showed up to debate or answer membership questions; even though all have verbally committed to do so. The good news is, several members did come out and ask me questions on, what I would do if elected Local President. I was also able to share with those members, throughout the day, visual evidence disproving the alleged "facts" made by Mr. Hardrick. I imagine, Mr. Hardrick will continue to provide members with unsubstantiated slanderous statements as his strategy, what members may want to do is ask to explain how, he intends to run the Local if elected President instead.

Mr. Hardrick went out and told several members, that the debate was cancelled because it was a violation of the Department of Labor's (DOL) rules. There was no violation of any DOL rule(s) and his statement to the members were, once again, just his own short sighted assumption of the truth and not based on fact. Many members have told me, how they view his actions as "shameful in a union election". I imagine Mr. Hardrick will, continue to spread unsubstantiated statements about me, which appears to be his only strategy.

What I ask you to do is have him explain how, he intends to run Local 565 if elected President.

Specifically how does he plan to work midnight shift and administer the business of the Local Union office, attend Executive Board, Membership, and Shop Steward meetings, testify and present in member hearings and investigations, etc. Also, does he intend to be physically present at all the aforementioned meetings, during his term, or is he planning to just "phone it in" via Skype.

Mr. Stewart choose not to attend, his excuse was that someone might video tape what he was saying and he was not going to be a part of that. Even though, he was reassured by myself, there would be no video taping based on his opposition. The moderators of the meetings also told him there would be "NO Video Taping allowed". He took the high road and was a no show!

Mr. Talty, decided to work instead of attending and explaining his position on anything if elected the Local President. The choice to remain mute in this election seems to be Mr. Talty's strategy. If elected Local President, I hope Mr. Talty does not take the same stance with management and allow them to dictate policy to him.

Are these excuses acceptable from the people asking you to vote for them, as your,

Local Union President?

I want to personally thank all the members who took the time out of their day to come out and ask questions or just listen in on the answers. Overall, I think the day was a success and the time spent t together was informative.
"Phat Don"? I am sure that's what you call him to his face. Uh, no.

Once again your truth serum, that recycled fluid probably received from phat don himself is nothing more than comic relief for a majority of the membership outside of the world of hillbilyville. I would have to argue yes they would say it to his face and laugh while doing so. What is phat don going to do? Nothing is what he is going to do. You see he doesn't need to do anything with yes people like you around. I have a suggestion since you are such a persuasive person I suggest you use all your powers that you have and summon the int'l trash to meet with the membership at various locations around the country. Please go back and read previous responses to that statement. It would still be of a very likely nature that the membership would have bouts of projectile vomiting while listening to them or anyone such as you who promote such nonsense.
"Phat Don"? I am sure that's what you call him to his face. Uh, no.

Once again your truth serum, that recycled fluid probably received from phat don himself is nothing more than comic relief for a majority of the membership outside of the world of hillbilyville. I would have to argue yes they would say it to his face and laugh while doing so. What is phat don going to do? Nothing is what he is going to do. You see he doesn't need to do anything with yes people like you around. I have a suggestion since you are such a persuasive person I suggest you use all your powers that you have and summon the int'l trash to meet with the membership at various locations around the country. Please go back and read previous responses to that statement. It would still be of a very likely nature that the membership would have bouts of projectile vomiting while listening to them or anyone such as you who promote such nonsense.

Good Time Bob,

INTL can't make it.......

Overspeed, Phat Don, Little, Gless, and the other stooges are having a Liars club meeting at Centrepork!

for all we know Overspeed might be Phat Don????? I'm just sayin!!!

"The SS Union is sinking and it is because self proclaimed know-it-alls calling themselves leaders run their mouth on the internet under the banner of free speech."

You are incorrect. It is the SS TWU that is sinking. And it is because of the structure of the twu as a whole. As for free speech I believe that Bobby Gless's comment about "lowering our expectations" is like the twu international appointed bucket brigade using buckets to dump water that is causing them to sink. Except the buckets have no bottoms in them!

"Know-it-alls"? Okay, you got me there. I know what democracy is and how it is suppose to work. The twu is not democratic.

Free speech? Okay...

Bobby Gless's comment about "lowering our expectations".
That would be a direct correlation to them raising their salaries would it not? When you don't live under the contract or something of a like nature is is very easy to tell the membership to lower their expectation.

"The SS Union is sinking and it is because self proclaimed know-it-alls calling themselves leaders run their mouth on the internet under the banner of free speech."

You are incorrect. It is the SS TWU that is sinking. And it is because of the structure of the twu as a whole. As for free speech I believe that Bobby Gless's comment about "lowering our expectations" is like the twu international appointed bucket brigade using buckets to dump water that is causing them to sink. Except the buckets have no bottoms in them!

"Know-it-alls"? Okay, you got me there. I know what democracy is and how it is suppose to work. The twu is not democratic.

Free speech? Okay...


No Ken/Chuck/Bob,

One thing I have going for me is that, unlike you, do not flip flop my union affiliations at the drop of a hat. I realize we have problems however I do not throw out everything and start over because their are issues. Are you a mechanic or a parts changer? When you troubleshoot do you keep shotgunning parts until you fix the problem or do you perform a true diagnosis of the issue and fix the real problem. Maybe that's why you ran from SAN when the heat got to be too much, or why you turned your affiliations from AMFA to AMP when you realized they weren't giving you what you wanted, or why you quit the TWU Local Exec Board because you realized that might be work to change from within, and then eventually ran back to your cubby hole in SAN.

Face Ken, you are like a little child that doesn't get it his way and runs to Mom or Dad when the other won't give them what they want.

And do you know what a true democracy is? Not what you think. If every issue would have to voted on that would mean we would vote on things like which grievances to take forward. There has to be some type of empowerment on the part of elected leaders to make daily decisions. You should know that from your brief tenure at 565.

Ken not saying you have not made valid points but a new union? That's not going to make things better. The same people will run it and things like term limits prevent good people from staying involved. Checks and balances are a good thing so why not do that within the TWU. It can happen but you need to be organized in your approach. Don V started that about 15 years ago why not talk to him about it. Calm down and think it through.
No Ken/Chuck/Bob,

One thing I have going for me is that, unlike you, do not flip flop my union affiliations at the drop of a hat. I realize we have problems however I do not throw out everything and start over because their are issues. Are you a mechanic or a parts changer? When you troubleshoot do you keep shotgunning parts until you fix the problem or do you perform a true diagnosis of the issue and fix the real problem.
We haven't flip flopped yet, we still have this defective part called the twu! The troubleshooting has been done, and we are in the process of fixing the real problem.
It is Richard Weed, isn't it?
By the way what local are you from Richard?
No Ken/Chuck/Bob,

One thing I have going for me is that, unlike you,
do not flip flop my union affiliations at the drop of a hat
. I realize we have problems however I do not throw out everything and start over because their are issues. Are you a mechanic or a parts changer? When you troubleshoot do you keep shotgunning parts until you fix the problem or do you perform a true diagnosis of the issue and fix the real problem. Maybe that's why you ran from SAN when the heat got to be too much, or why you turned your affiliations from AMFA to AMP when you realized they weren't giving you what you wanted, or why you quit the TWU Local Exec Board because you realized that might be work to change from within, and then eventually ran back to your cubby hole in SAN.

Face Ken, you are like a little child that doesn't get it his way and runs to Mom or Dad when the other won't give them what they want.

And do you know what a true democracy is? Not what you think. If every issue would have to voted on that would mean we would vote on things like which grievances to take forward. There has to be some type of empowerment on the part of elected leaders to make daily decisions. You should know that from your brief tenure at 565.

Ken not saying you have not made valid points but a new union? That's not going to make things better. The same people will run it and things like term limits prevent good people from staying involved. Checks and balances are a good thing so why not do that within the TWU. It can happen but you need to be organized in your approach. Don V started that about 15 years ago why not talk to him about it. Calm down and think it through.

Is that flip flopping who you represent, mechanics or the rest of the Industrial Work force?

do you know what a true democracy is?

True Democracy
The Greek words that form "democracy" mean "people" and "rule". Rule by the People.
It most certainly does not mean Rule by Majority Vote. In fact, the Founders of the US despised majority rule. They called it The Tyranny of the Majority, and pointed out repeatedly that it would be the destruction of any civilization that adopted it.

There has to be some type of empowerment representation on the part of elected leaders to make daily decisions.
Is it Richard WEED ?

Nope. But I am sure that type of behavior will get the top pay that a professional like you thinks he deserves.

You: "Mr Kane we believe we should be paid more."

Kane: "I have not seen a successful argument to support that."

You: "What? Your name should be Richard Weed."

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