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Democracy In Action

Yes I meant 2001. I need to BITE check my EECs.

I didn't say we swapped the $57M I put out there did they swap it for something else.

Strike? Let's do it. Looked around the break rooms lately? Do you think we can rely on the deal cutters, OT hounds, CS scroungers, and other IGM'ers to walk out? Really? I fully understand collective bargaining and if you don't have the backing or the preparation, you are screwed. The history of union strikes in airlines is littered with scabs in the past twenty or thirty years. CAL, Eastern, NW, etc... that's what I am afraid of.
Wow you have such a high opinion of our coworkers. Well ask me this, why do you think people are looking to cut their own deals scrounge for a CS and just take care of themselves? They are simply following the example of the International. Why is it that every year they get raises while we dont? Why do they need to earn so much yet turn around and tell us we need to lower our expectations? They take very good care of themselves now dont they? Dont see them "takin one for the team", makes it laughable when they attack management for that. Now I'm not saying they dont work hard, but they do get paid very well and if we arent getting raises neither should they. Every Local is allowed to make their own rules. CS rules vary from station to station. Most of the language in the contract is gray. Thats one reason why we lose over 90% of our system board cases. There is no central leader that workers in MX, Stores or Fleet at AA can vote for and look to as their leader. Tell me who is in charge of the mechanics at AA? A leader who has full authority over the contract. We have a rudderless structure. You dont like that I blame the International, welll I dont like that the International blames the Local Presidents, none of whom are party to the agreement. Ultimately who is responsible for the structure? Thats been adjudicated several times, and the answer has always been the same-The International. Bobby Gless as AA system Coordinator can sign pretty much whatever he wants into place. Who voted for him? Sure they usually put stuff out in front of the Presidents council for a vote, but we both know that if they cant get the vote to go their way they will do it anyway. The only reason why there is a vote is so the International can say that it was the Presidents Council that voted it in, not the International. Lets take the 29D that was settled where they agreed to the QAM revision removing the experience requirement for line maintenance. Well at that very brief rushed meeting in the attic of the ATD the letter was thrust upon us , all the Presidents, even the Fleet guys, where Bobby and Don said they can rewrite it anyway but "we managed to get all this language in there about training". What a load of crap that was. If they can rewrite the QAM as they please then why hasnt it been done? Why do we have language in the contract saying that we have to agree to changes and even if they can rewrite it as they please and remove any experience requirement for line maintenance why should we give them our blessing? This was an occasion where Gilboy and I were on the same page.You come here and say we should have accepted that crap that the company threw on the table last year. That was a worse deal than what we have now. Then you wonder why we have guys cutting their own deals? The answer to that is simple, because they feel they can obviously cut better deals for themselves than the TWU is willing to help them get. So dont blame the members for doing what they do because of our failures as an organization, try and put some faith in them before you expect them to put any faith in you.

You say we need to educate our members, well I agree, we also need to educate our International, Bobby Gless didnt even know that the TWU was an Industial Union, now as he collects $180k he tell us that we should accept less than what he told us to turn down in 2001!! Whats the difference? In 2001 it affected him, now it doesnt.

I try to educate my members with my admittedly longwinded updates and all I get is pounded because some Presidents feel threatened because their members read my stuff and ask them why arent they hearing this from their President, other Presidents that arent threatened just FWD out what I send out. Members dont want sanitized letters from a faceless committee, they want to hear it from an individual. Someone they can hold accountable. Do you expect people to rally behind , trust and follow a committee? Show me where that happens.

You are afraid because of what happened at NW, well we are AFL-CIO affilaited right? Supposedly NWA lost because AMFA had no support and we can count on support right? Isnt that the advantage to being affiliated and why workers should avoid independant Unions like AMFA? If the same thing would happen to us as what happened to them then where is the advantage? You also pointed out CAL, yep union busting in its heyday under former AFL-CIO affilited Union Leader Ronald Reagan, and of course EAL which I guess you feel was a loss when in fact it wasnt. But there were many other strikes that occured within that same timespan that you ignored. Strikes that were successful, why is that? Sure there's a risk but thats life in a union. Its the risk we take to get better wages and benefits and enjoy better lives. Hey if we lose its not the end of the world, just ask all the guys from NWA who have moved on to better things.

I dont trumpet CO, I think its obscene that even a twice BK carrier treats their guys better than AA treats us.
Local 564 President JR Ruiz endorses Keith Stewart as well. Bob seems to be playing all sides... kind of like the people he attacks on the Int'l. Hmmmmm...


JR endorses Keith. Bob doesn't. One Local's officials should not interfere with another Local's elections. Unlike when Bob ran against John there was inappropriateness. Bob won anyway.

JR endorsed Keith without knowing two of the 4 candidates. Perhaps JR should have refrained from supporting Keith.

As for your assumption of Bob "playing all sides" you are again showing your ignorance. Keep up the good work.
. If you hired on you signed up for the roller coaster airline industry. Welcome to reality.

Name calling...that always gets the point across.
Yep, it's been a roller coster ride with these twu contracts and I was asking you what the solution is. My solution would be, replace our current outdated, industrial, catch all, non-democratic, non-respected by the company and peers, unaccountable, money wasteing, AFLCIO affiliated, company suck ass union. And I would like to replace it with a respectable, skilled, craft union, of just AA mechanics and related.

I wasn't name calling.....You have earned my respect Mr. Dickweed
If Pike and JR are endorsing Stewart.....Peterson's a shoe in for president. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Pike, Luis, JR and Gilboy all favor the rejected T/A??

Overspeed, maybe you are a toolboy and cabana boy for Little & Co.! Towel please!


Correction... JR voted NO for the failed t/a along with Bob Owens. JR is a good President and should not have endorsed anyone for Local 565's elections on an official note.


"Yes they bought new airplanes. Kind of humbling huh Bob? They were able to engineer a huge aircraft purchase and not wait for the labor groups. I wonder how that could have happened. Could it be AA has a distinct advantage over other airlines in that they have not gone BK? Those planes can be repossessed or leases renegotiated in BK.

Had AMTs voted in the concessionary t/a we would have been the laughing stock of the industry. Bob is correct about AA having a plan and our NO vote screwed the pooch for them. You are such a company schill it is laughable.
Well then lets roll. We are already at the bottom, cant count USAIR or UAL anymore as they are in mediation as well.
The IAM is not in mediation, they are in early openers of Section 6, no mediator involved.
Yep, it's been a roller coster ride with these twu contracts and I was asking you what the solution is. My solution would be, replace our current outdated, industrial, catch all, non-democratic, non-respected by the company and peers, unaccountable, money wasteing, AFLCIO affiliated, company suck ass union. And I would like to replace it with a respectable, skilled, craft union, of just AA mechanics and related.

I wasn't name calling.....You have earned my respect Mr. Dickweed
<_< ------ oldie, I believe he was referring to my "smart ass" remark!------- It was unwarranted!----- I do apologize! Maybe you weren't so smart after all! :unsure:
Had AMTs voted in the concessionary t/a we would have been the laughing stock of the industry. Bob is correct about AA having a plan and our NO vote screwed the pooch for them. You are such a company schill it is laughable.
I just had an epiphany while eating a bowl of Blue Bell MooLennium Crunch!
Overspeed/aka Mr. Dickweed, is being paid to post by the twu international, to sell the upcoming TA that is going to be ram-rodded in August, so the company can buy their planes and settle with the pilots and flight attendents.
So the solution is what?

Replace the union, so you can complain about another union and its leadership? Why? You are so good at bashing this one.

Not trying to sell the last TA. Just noting that in order to be whole the committee needs to get me all that was on the table plus all the way back to 2001. I am really looking forward to that retro check of $50K plus for each of us. I can't wait!

All you complainers have 20/20 hindsight. You knew all the answers back they didn't you? Full pay to the last day wasn't it? I never said trust the Company or the Union. You should ask questions, you should inform the members of wrong doing, the problem is, I don't think enough people are as radical as you think in reality. They will only go so far.

You guys trumpet about CO and how good they are to their employees. After twenty years of shafting they finally get decent raises and then they become the darlings of labor. Really? So by my calculations if we are to be just like CO employees we have ten more years of beatings before the big raise. Nobody duped you. If you hired on you signed up for the roller coaster airline industry. Welcome to reality.

Name calling...that always gets the point across.

Let's have another "B-Scale"!

Correction... JR voted NO for the failed t/a along with Bob Owens. JR is a good President and should not have endorsed anyone for Local 565's elections on an official note.


"Yes they bought new airplanes. Kind of humbling huh Bob? They were able to engineer a huge aircraft purchase and not wait for the labor groups. I wonder how that could have happened. Could it be AA has a distinct advantage over other airlines in that they have not gone BK? Those planes can be repossessed or leases renegotiated in BK.

Had AMTs voted in the concessionary t/a we would have been the laughing stock of the industry. Bob is correct about AA having a plan and our NO vote screwed the pooch for them. You are such a company schill it is laughable.

JR iis a good president, a good man, and a tough union administrator. He did endorse a different candidate for 565s president (which you should at least agree to disagree with) due to his large concerns with the current 565 E boards inability to choose a good president (see their current and sitting president), But way more importantly their INABILITY to reign in and fire if necessary their choice in presidents. Hes a toiugh union administrator .... he knows what accountability is ... what a concept. He has large concerns in going to the table with and trusting his back to our E boards choices in lead men. Then disgust in their tollerences when (in his eyes) they dont cover his back. If you like JR as I do, and you call him a friend as I do, you need to retract the above statement ... I doint want to get over dramatic .... and with apologies to our men and weomen who have served ... but this is kind of like climbing into a fox hole and taking bullets ... Most would admit JR and I are an unlikely pair ... but I had his back and he had mine, Id take a bullet for him as he would for me, IE not covet his B checks his head count his programs or put any "ear" to the companys constant station vs station BS. If youve never been there you would not understand. please retract the above statement and understand your presidents concerns with 565s choices. the 565 clown act is still going strong to their members disgust ... see the new TA on article 3 ... and hope not to attend this Thursdays membership meetings when the DWH boys get in the hall to speak on 565s Eboard chosen current president and their inability to deal with a man that has quit but stayed in office. Why should 565s people trust 565s E board chosen presidents??

Keith Stewart
The IAM is not in mediation, they are in early openers of Section 6, no mediator involved.
This is from Article 23 DURATION,pg 94 of the April 3, 2008 Agreement by and between USAIRWAYS INc and the IAM
"The Parties will commence bargaining for a new collective bargaining agreement no later than January 15, 2011. If the parties have not reached a tentative agrement by July 1. 2011, they will, no later than July 10, 2011, jointly apply for mediation with the National Mediation Board."
FAA authorization bill being held up by house republicons and aviation industry.
Seems they don't like the normal vote counting system, they want to go back to
counting people that don't vote as NO votes ! These people have no shame !
JR iis a good president, a good man, and a tough union administrator. He did endorse a different candidate for 565s president (which you should at least agree to disagree with) due to his large concerns with the current 565 E boards inability to choose a good president (see their current and sitting president), But way more importantly their INABILITY to reign in and fire if necessary their choice in presidents. Hes a toiugh union administrator .... he knows what accountability is ... what a concept. He has large concerns in going to the table with and trusting his back to our E boards choices in lead men. Then disgust in their tollerences when (in his eyes) they dont cover his back. If you like JR as I do, and you call him a friend as I do, you need to retract the above statement ... I doint want to get over dramatic .... and with apologies to our men and weomen who have served ... but this is kind of like climbing into a fox hole and taking bullets ... Most would admit JR and I are an unlikely pair ... but I had his back and he had mine, Id take a bullet for him as he would for me, IE not covet his B checks his head count his programs or put any "ear" to the companys constant station vs station BS. If youve never been there you would not understand. please retract the above statement and understand your presidents concerns with 565s choices. the 565 clown act is still going strong to their members disgust ... see the new TA on article 3 ... and hope not to attend this Thursdays membership meetings when the DWH boys get in the hall to speak on 565s Eboard chosen current president and their inability to deal with a man that has quit but stayed in office. Why should 565s people trust 565s E board chosen presidents??Keith Stewart
I don't want to interfare into other local's election matters, but what makes Keith Stewart more qualified to run 565 than Gary Peterson and the other candidates??? Give me tangible solutions to your issues?????

I thought the 565 membership elects their presidents?????
This is from Article 23 DURATION,pg 94 of the April 3, 2008 Agreement by and between USAIRWAYS INc and the IAM
"The Parties will commence bargaining for a new collective bargaining agreement no later than January 15, 2011. If the parties have not reached a tentative agrement by July 1. 2011, they will, no later than July 10, 2011, jointly apply for mediation with the National Mediation Board."
They have applied, not in it yet and no mediator has been assigned.

Negotiations Update