I'd like to see where I promised anything. I stated that the TA was concessionary and unacceptable and that we needed to reject it. Making false claims from behind an alias doesnt lend you much credibility but in your case it may lend you more credibility than if you used your real name.
I've been pretty consistant in saying that if we are to get what what need we have to go the whole way, that means self help. The only way to get there is to be released, the only one who has the authority to ask for that is the International. I've been pushing for that since April.
The fact is that we all still have our retire medical, why are you so anxious to put another $57 million in the company's pockets? Did you feel the $76 million they pocketed from the Supplimental wasn't enough? Funny how that just faded away and the International never challenged it. We still dont have ASMs, we still have Title Ii in class III cities and Title i and V in class II cities, new hires still get the pension and still dont have scores of other concessions that were in that TA, you either forget that or those concessions dont affect you so you dont care.
Yesterday the company announced that they are financially fit enough to buy 460 new airplanes, they claim its the largest order in history. Does that sound like a company thats about to go out of business? Management can spin it as they like by making claims the leases will pay for themselves. thats a sales pitch, not a fact. Frank Borman made the same sales pitch 30 years ago when he renewed the fleet at EAL. This order pales in comparasion. But no matter how management tries to spin it the financing had to come from somewhere, and who ever agreed to it saw AA's numbers and figured that AA would have the ability to pay. If they have the ability to pay for 460 new airplanes then they have the ability to pay us.
As far as "going against a group that is better organized than you, has better resources, and more backing outside your inner circle " , well did the TA pass or fail?