No thinking required. I would choose the one who stuck by their convictions. That would be Don and Keith, not Gary.
Here is a question for you, is your criteria for local President not wanting to move up and represent their members or all union members the best they can? Then our union will be a mess, or any union that uses your theory.
Nope, not Don. Keep guessing. I am bigger than a bread box. And for your information, Don wouldn't post on blogs but he would come around to your station, in fact every station's break rooms, ready rooms or GMMs. Why doesn't he, well he has this little thing called negotiations and those executive boards that backed a no vote probably are afraid of Don calling them on their misinformation and spin doctoring. Easier to spread falsehoods when you don't have anyone their to challenge you or face you when you tell stories. Why not ask Gary S, Gary P, Bob Owens, Ken M, and the others that talk smack to call Don on the carpet in front of you. They won't because they don't have the guts. Call the hall and say you want these so-called leaders who blame the Int'l to request that Don be brought out to your station to meet with the people. They local probably won't return your call.