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Delta Labor Relations thread.

WeAAsles said:
This thread doesn't matter at all for the point it was made. I've never seen at max 6 people looking at it. The FA's and Ramp have their momentum on Facebook.

And Delta didn't have the influence in their house of lots of people who had a Union before and want one back. Will they one day be successful?????? Maybe, maybe not ever?

As far as what you and I were talking about. Again once the AA peeps get the $$Money$$ anything else will be even more done than it's ever been. You KNOW for a fact I'm right.

Edit: Right now I'm the only "one" on this thread. Me. Not even me, myself and I. Just me. (Dead thread)
you are trying to change the point..... 
You said they have been trying for years and its never going to happen. 
DL's has had FAs and rappers trying for years but yet you support that. It doesn't matter if its here, Facebook or on the moon. 
The real end of the day point is you don't like AMFA for whatever reason. Your two unions screwed you guys and you somehow find a way to blame AMFA. 
it is simple, The TWU and IAM should have either had a vote for which union, out of those two, the employees wanted or gone with which ever was bigger. (I'm guessing TWU) 
the moment they started playing games and trying to create a bull **** end game so both can keep getting money then any other union should have been on the card. instead they wanted to drag the situation out making sure the members had no choice but to "pick" the association. We(labor) took yet another step back because of that **** show and you can't even see it......or just refuse to admit it. 
but you blaming AMFA is an excuse and nothing more. I expect it from 700 but you generally post better than that. 
topDawg said:
 The real end of the day point is you don't like AMFA for whatever reason. Your two unions screwed you guys and you somehow find a way to blame AMFA. 
it is simple, The TWU and IAM should have either had a vote for which union, out of those two, the employees wanted or gone with which ever was bigger. (I'm guessing TWU) 
the moment they started playing games and trying to create a bull #### end game so both can keep getting money then any other union should have been on the card. instead they wanted to drag the situation out making sure the members had no choice but to "pick" the association. We(labor) took yet another step back because of that #### show and you can't even see it......or just refuse to admit it. 
Yes. This.
topDawg said:
you are trying to change the point..... 
You said they have been trying for years and its never going to happen. 
DL's has had FAs and rappers trying for years but yet you support that. It doesn't matter if its here, Facebook or on the moon. 
The real end of the day point is you don't like AMFA for whatever reason. Your two unions screwed you guys and you somehow find a way to blame AMFA. 
it is simple, The TWU and IAM should have either had a vote for which union, out of those two, the employees wanted or gone with which ever was bigger. (I'm guessing TWU) 
the moment they started playing games and trying to create a bull #### end game so both can keep getting money then any other union should have been on the card. instead they wanted to drag the situation out making sure the members had no choice but to "pick" the association. We(labor) took yet another step back because of that #### show and you can't even see it......or just refuse to admit it. 
but you blaming AMFA is an excuse and nothing more. I expect it from 700 but you generally post better than that.
I was trying to motivate and push Kev who has lost complete focus of what his main mission and objective should be.

Trying to get an "Enforceable Labor Agreement"

Instead of coming on the AA Fleet thread, telling us what he thinks we should do, and bashing something whether good or bad he is not a part of.

On that to me he's become just as bad as some of you think 700 is.

Kev has become a meddler.
WeAAsles said:
I was trying to motivate and push Kev who has lost complete focus of what his main mission and objective should be.

Trying to get an "Enforceable Labor Agreement"

Instead of coming on the AA Fleet thread, telling us what he thinks we should do, and bashing something whether good or bad he is not a part of.

On that to me he's become just as bad as some of you think 700 is.

Kev has become a meddler.
WeAAsles said:
I was trying to motivate and push Kev who has lost complete focus of what his main mission and objective should be.

Trying to get an "Enforceable Labor Agreement"

Instead of coming on the AA Fleet thread, telling us what he thinks we should do, and bashing something whether good or bad he is not a part of.

On that to me he's become just as bad as some of you think 700 is.

Kev has become a meddler.
You mean Kev doesn't share your hate for AMFA and must always suck the big trade unions d**ks? 
Nope that is very un-700 like. I find Kev very reasonable in the issue...... 
topDawg said:
You mean Kev doesn't share your hate for AMFA and must always suck the big trade unions d**ks? 
Nope that is very un-700 like. I find Kev very reasonable in the issue......

Don't hate AMFA or any Union in particular actually. A trade Union no matter what trade you belong to by its nature needs to be working for the betterment of those who participate in it. The problem is the less "people" you have that are participating and believe the elected leaders should do all the heavy lifting, the weaker your "union" is. Union means to be United.

I've said before that I just don't believe the Mom and Pop Union shops have the power to force change for Corporations if they want to play hard ball. And the Laws 9 times out of 10 stack the deck against them. I'd prefer to shop at the little Hardware store but you and I both know they can't compete if Walmart moves in across the street. Again it's nothing against the small business it's just how I see the World and the reality of it all.

On a side note believe it or not. I'm hoping AMFA at SWA hits a massive home run. I'm also very very glad to see other Unions including the TWU showing them support. And was over the moon to read AMFA supported those rampers that were thrown out a few months ago. Fantastic. That's the way it should be.

As far as Kev and him and I have discussed this many times. I just think he concentrates too much on the Politics of the Unions rather than putting all his energy into getting in the Country. What is the point of someone in England complaining about Clinton and Trump here in the US if they aren't a citizen and have no vote? Now if that person gets a US Visa, works hard and eventually becomes a US citizen he then gains a vote and a voice.

Kev right now is a man with no Country. So that's the part I think he should put his entire focus on. Then he can work on trying to straighten out those Politics he hates so much.

IMO of course.
WeAAsles said:
Don't hate AMFA or any Union in particular actually. A trade Union no matter what trade you belong to by its nature needs to be working for the betterment of those who participate in it. The problem is the less "people" you have that are participating and believe the elected leaders should do all the heavy lifting, the weaker your "union" is. Union means to be United.

I've said before that I just don't believe the Mom and Pop Union shops have the power to force change for Corporations if they want to play hard ball. And the Laws 9 times out of 10 stack the deck against them. I'd prefer to shop at the little Hardware store but you and I both know they can't compete if Walmart moves in across the street. Again it's nothing against the small business it's just how I see the World and the reality of it all.

On a side note believe it or not. I'm hoping AMFA at SWA hits a massive home run. I'm also very very glad to see other Unions including the TWU showing them support. And was over the moon to read AMFA supported those rampers that were thrown out a few months ago. Fantastic. That's the way it should be.

As far as Kev and him and I have discussed this many times. I just think he concentrates too much on the Politics of the Unions rather than putting all his energy into getting in the Country. What is the point of someone in England complaining about Clinton and Trump here in the US if they aren't a citizen and have no vote? Now if that person gets a US Visa, works hard and eventually becomes a US citizen he then gains a vote and a voice.

Kev right now is a man with no Country. So that's the part I think he should put his entire focus on. Then he can work on trying to straighten out those Politics he hates so much.

IMO of course.
AMFA is the only union that had any balls during the 2000s. Not only did they have to put up with management issues but also IAM/TWU scabs and management help! 
Oh and mom and pop unions don't work? 
best unions in the airline industry right now are the APA and APFA........ 
topDawg said:
AMFA is the only union that had any balls during the 2000s. Not only did they have to put up with management issues but also IAM/TWU scabs and management help! 
Oh and mom and pop unions don't work? 
best unions in the airline industry right now are the APA and APFA........
Didn't say that they DON'T work. Just that I think they have it rougher when push comes to shove.

Note: NWA. Push "came" to shove. Details and particulars irrelevant. Company won BIG time.
Kev3188 said:
Like I've said before, AMFA does some things very well that other unions would be wise to emulate.
Curious? According to SWAMT they just chucked all their top officers. Were those people doing the negotiations? How long will it take to put in new negotiators? How long to get them up to speed? Does this set the membership further back now in trying to come to an agreement?

Hope you enjoyed your vacation?

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