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Delta Labor Relations thread.

700UW said:
Why doesnt someone explain The Pulse, company sponsored bullying from passengers?
Oh so now I get what "triggered" you.
From the latest IAM propeganda
And now, Delta leaders decide to distribute belittling customer complaints on "Pulse," bafflingly refusing to redact discriminatory insults based on age, inherited accents and body type?
Good god, what a bunch of freaks.
Kev3188 said:
It's freaky that someone claiming to be an F/A at DL had no idea what Pulse was...
Oh I knew what it was. However i wasn't aware of the insane and juvenile freak out that IAM idiots where having over it.

Kev3188 said:
Of course you did. 🙄
Oh im sorry....am i supposed to jump on your "triggered" train because you all found some passenger comments "hurtful" to you delicate nature and feeewings?  
Grow up buttercup, Its called the real world.
Wasn't me that posted they had no idea about a major program for their workgroup.

You're "supposed" to see the flaws in a program that has you and your peers' work records being affected by things they have no control over.

The idea that your employer is letting uneccessary cruel comments come through is just salt in the wound.

The fact that you're okay with it speaks more to your lack of self respect than anything else.

Some "family."

There are some so vile I cant post them here without getting in trouble as they are profanity laced.
Amazing how a company is sponsoring bullying by passengers.
Like the way Unions blame the company for "Soaring" health insurance cost instead of the real culprit.......UNION BACKED BaRack-O-Care!
southwind said:
Like the way Unions blame the company for "Soaring" health insurance cost instead of the real culprit.......UNION BACKED BaRack-O-Care!
Yeah that sure backfired...
atlmech said:
Personally, for me it is how I am treated on a one to one basis. Managers and leads have always treated me with the same amount of respect they deserve being in a position of management. Safety of flight is always the priority, if there is a problem its always addressed, I wont be asked to sign off on something that I don't feel safe about.
Theres more of course but its difficult to really put the words to type.
I'm curious, is Maintenance using the time clocks yet or are you guys still "exempt" years after they were first instituted for ACS in order to ensure payroll was correct....i never quite could understand why maintenance was exempted from using time clocks if it was simply to ensure proper payroll as everyone was originally told a few years back. Of course, OSM's (formerly called Performance Leaders, and before that Supervisor)and above in ACS aren't subject to using time clocks since they apparently have no such issues with regards to payroll. 
Lucky777 said:
I'm curious, is Maintenance using the time clocks yet or are you guys still "exempt" years after they were first instituted for ACS in order to ensure payroll was correct....i never quite could understand why maintenance was exempted from using time clocks if it was simply to ensure proper payroll as everyone was originally told a few years back. Of course, OSM's (formerly called Performance Leaders, and before that Supervisor)and above in ACS aren't subject to using time clocks since they apparently have no such issues with regards to payroll. 
No time clocks...yet. Some areas use a program that tracks the amount of time they spend on a job. When they get a job they have to log in and attach their man number to it. So it is basically clocking in and out to that job.
I never understood the heartburn over having time clocks. I've always seen it as a way to keep both the employee /and/ company accountable...

That said, he idea that we will soon have to push a button specifying whether we're clocking in or out is a bit much. Time to invest in better technology...
Lucky777 said:
I'm curious, is Maintenance using the time clocks yet or are you guys still "exempt" years after they were first instituted for ACS in order to ensure payroll was correct....i never quite could understand why maintenance was exempted from using time clocks if it was simply to ensure proper payroll as everyone was originally told a few years back. Of course, OSM's (formerly called Performance Leaders, and before that Supervisor)and above in ACS aren't subject to using time clocks since they apparently have no such issues with regards to payroll. 
Funny how that works...