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Delta +7 = $43.56

bikeguy said:
Forget Delta plus 7%. With the money AA is making now. Nothing less than Delta plus 15%.
The company said Delta+7% Lets see what the unions negotiate.
"What exactly does Delta plus 7% mean?" This was the question asked at a recent town hall meeting at DWH.  The response from Isom and his boys was "have you seen Delta's scope clause?"  Bottom line, there was no real commitment from the company to make good on years of taking advantage of the TWU's policy of punishing AMTs with agreements that have AA's AMTs the absolute lowest paid in the industry, with the worst benefits package available.  The conversation continued to a point where the truth came out, and Isom and his boys indicated that it depends on what your union negotiates for you.  Well, we all know that is code for, "sorry line guys, we kept the jobs in house - to maintain dues flow.  What we did was redistribute your pay raises, and benefits improvements, and took credit for saving hundreds of jobs in Tulsa.  Those that don't learn from history, are doomed to repeat it!  It is time to rid ourselves of this type of representation.  Sign an AMFA card.
We gave up everything in 2003 to save jobs, how did that turn out.

Look at all of us typing feriously on our key boards like our opinions matter to our union. Bob who is actually in office, doesn't seem like his opinion matters either
bigjets said:
We gave up everything in 2003 to save jobs, how did that turn out.

Look at all of us typing ferociously on our key boards like our opinions matter to our union. Bob who is actually in office, doesn't seem like his opinion matters either
Not a lot change over the years, this type of AA/TWU tactic has been around a long time. In 1983, to save jobs those already on board sold out those inbound to save their wages and benefits. This has been the tactic for 30 years. I would really like to know what Delta +7% is? It would seem that no one really knows. Except Delta has no union, is that where this is going? Hmmm?
First off Delta plus 7 really means Delta minus 9% (when you factor in their profit sharing), secondly, didn't the APFA and APA get Delta plus 7% plus another 4%?   Why are people even considering Delta plus 7%? 
bigjets said:
We gave up everything in 2003 to save jobs, how did that turn out.

Look at all of us typing feriously on our key boards like our opinions matter to our union. Bob who is actually in office, doesn't seem like his opinion matters either
How you use your wrench and your pen is the only thing that matters. All I or any other Union Leader can do is communicate to and for the membership and offer direction. As long as management feels you will approach your tasks the same way no matter how much they take away from you it doesn't matter what we say. Management will continue to take until they are no longer getting what they want. When they cant get people to come in the door or get those that do to deliver then they will consider what you want. Of course its not that simple as the company will attempt any and every other form of coercion available before they part with their overabundant but still precious cash. 
DELTA +7%.......... Read on
AA management has been talking about offering DELTA +7% for a wage increase. An enticing carrot in our face designed to affect our decisions. Sounds great and who wouldnt need a pay increase after concessions and the AA bankruptcy case decimated our contract. 
The question is when can we reasonably expect to see that pay increase on our paychecks?
Here are some important facts to consider before we allow the enticing carrot to affect our decisions.
American Airlines Pilots and Flight Attendants had quick collective bargaining agreements because those groups had agreements demanding contract terms in 30 days or go binding arbitration.
The TWU/IAM Association has no such binding arbitration agreement in place at this time.
Sean Ryan (IAM )and David Virella  (TWU) have told our membership in recent meetings that they expect negotiations on our contract to take up to 18 months.
It is unreasonable to have expectations of receiving this DELTA +7% pay increase (dangling carrot) anytime soon after the NMB certifies who our representation will be.
We should expect that much time will be required to obtain a contract unless a 30 day or binding arbitration agreement comes after NMB certification.
The point made here is to not let the DELTA +7% dangling carrot in front of you become your guide as to your representation decision at the  negotiating table. 
should get the raise about the time the 787 shows up in tulsa for overhaul.....
Bob Owens said:
How you use your wrench and your pen is the only thing that matters. All I or any other Union Leader can do is communicate to and for the membership and offer direction. As long as management feels you will approach your tasks the same way no matter how much they take away from you it doesn't matter what we say. Management will continue to take until they are no longer getting what they want. When they cant get people to come in the door or get those that do to deliver then they will consider what you want. Of course its not that simple as the company will attempt any and every other form of coercion available before they part with their overabundant but still precious cash. 
Problem is, management has been getting the pipe for so long that they don't have a clue. 
The only raise that will have to come to us is contractual and will occur in Sept 2015.  Everything else means nothing because it is just talk!
If the Company and the TWU really mean Delta +7 then give us the 43.56 now.  There is nothing stopping them, we have opened the contract before for huge concessions what is the hold up with Delta +7?  What negotiations are needed to give back a small portion of what was taken away?    
The answer is ......it doesn,t         It is only a stall tactic.
how many times we will fall for the same playbook?
Chuck Schalk said:
The only raise that will have to come to us is contractual and will occur in Sept 2015.  Everything else means nothing because it is just talk!
If the Company and the TWU really mean Delta +7 then give us the 43.56 now.  There is nothing stopping them, we have opened the contract before for huge concessions what is the hold up with Delta +7?  What negotiations are needed to give back a small portion of what was taken away?    
The answer is ......it doesn,t         It is only a stall tactic.
how many times we will fall for the same playbook?
I think you are correct.  However some are saying that the company is going to be getting something in return for giving you guys the D+7.  More like a cost neutral D+7, where they might dig at will be known during their first nego's and hence why they need to nego in order to give you guys the D+7.  Read between the lines guys, you really don't want this association at the table for these nego's, just like past agreements they will give up the farm for you guys to get D+7.  Don't just look at the money read the the full body of any and all changes.  Remember last time?  Some articles were left blank and the union said they would fill those in at a later date.  
Bob Owens said:
How you use your wrench and your pen is the only thing that matters. All I or any other Union Leader can do is communicate to and for the membership and offer direction. As long as management feels you will approach your tasks the same way no matter how much they take away from you it doesn't matter what we say. Management will continue to take until they are no longer getting what they want. When they cant get people to come in the door or get those that do to deliver then they will consider what you want. Of course its not that simple as the company will attempt any and every other form of coercion available before they part with their overabundant but still precious cash.
I would agree with you if management didn't give the pilots and FAs industry leading contracts. Even after the FAs voted for an arbitrators decision which cost the FAs $82m in pay. Management GAVE the FAs the $82m which they didn't have to do.

The way I see it management has dealt with two unions and those work groups did very well. The only thing holding us back is the TWU. The "carrot" is the good contract, we will not get that until there is a joint contract, another stepping stone for the merger. What is holding us back is the greed of these two industrial unions.

Look at the troubleshooting chart. APA APFA, industry leading contracts. The twu IAM members will have to wait ANOTHER 18months, and no telling how bad it's going to be. For some reason the twu thinks the mechanics should sacrifice pay to make more jobs.
Sign an AMFA card or vote no Union.

Sure would be nice to hear from the association but evidently the membership doesn't matter. They do collect their dues every month though.
bigjets said:
I would agree with you if management didn't give the pilots and FAs industry leading contracts. Even after the FAs voted for an arbitrators decision which cost the FAs $82m in pay. Management GAVE the FAs the $82m which they didn't have to do.

The way I see it management has dealt with two unions and those work groups did very well. The only thing holding us back is the TWU. The "carrot" is the good contract, we will not get that until there is a joint contract, another stepping stone for the merger. What is holding us back is the greed of these two industrial unions.

Look at the troubleshooting chart. APA APFA, industry leading contracts. The twu IAM members will have to wait ANOTHER 18months, and no telling how bad it's going to be. For some reason the twu thinks the mechanics should sacrifice pay to make more jobs.
Didn't you know that you should give up pay and benefits so the International can maintain dues flow, and take credit for saving jobs?
Listen guys you know the past of the TWU and the company in negotiating contracts. We give you this in return for this and so on. If the company is willing to give us the so called Delta plus 7 or as I read in a post here Delta plus 15 what are they going to get in return or what is the association going to let the company have? OUR FRIGGIN FROZEN PENSIONS!! Giving it up will free up the company's financial obligation in turn for a long over due pay raise. The IAM pension fund gets our money, the association gets an increase of union dues and we lose our pension. All this for what? A pay raise that we should have had in the first place? The unions and company are going to hang the pension in the balance over a pay raise. Is this what we really want? That's like launching nuclear missiles. You live for the moment and not even considering the future.
AA is making huge profits and they can afford to pay us industry leading rates and benefits but the Association will not fight for the membership. They will just sit back and say we got you the Delta plus 7. Oh sorry about your pension but you voted for it.
I thinking what the company wants is 100% line and 50% OH scope clause. I'm basing that on what Isom said in townhall meetings.

I'm betting the libtards will say we do 100% oh and 60% line and we give back 4% along with 3 sick days
At the CLT Town Hall video on JetNet today, Doug Parker says it is Delta Plus 7% and he defined it as 7% above the highest paid., meaning Topped out mechanics plus 7%. i guess now the only thing that is holding up that raise is the Unions. I am curious what happened to the 4% increase at the first of 2015?
Does anyone know the wage status of Delta's Mechanics? 
And how it is broken down? 

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