bikeguy said:Forget Delta plus 7%. With the money AA is making now. Nothing less than Delta plus 15%.
The company said Delta+7% Lets see what the unions negotiate.
"What exactly does Delta plus 7% mean?" This was the question asked at a recent town hall meeting at DWH. The response from Isom and his boys was "have you seen Delta's scope clause?" Bottom line, there was no real commitment from the company to make good on years of taking advantage of the TWU's policy of punishing AMTs with agreements that have AA's AMTs the absolute lowest paid in the industry, with the worst benefits package available. The conversation continued to a point where the truth came out, and Isom and his boys indicated that it depends on what your union negotiates for you. Well, we all know that is code for, "sorry line guys, we kept the jobs in house - to maintain dues flow. What we did was redistribute your pay raises, and benefits improvements, and took credit for saving hundreds of jobs in Tulsa. Those that don't learn from history, are doomed to repeat it! It is time to rid ourselves of this type of representation. Sign an AMFA card.