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How much has the association cost each member so far?

I see no reason we should not have something to vote on this year. The company is more that willing to put good improvements on the table. How much time did that TWU local filing a representation dispute cost us? Let's move forward and get this done. The sooner we start getting our double digit increase plus some other improvements the better.
700UW said:
No I am not wrong.
If there was no merger, you wouldnt be getting a JCBA, you would be stuck under the Chapter 11 CBA till it is renegotiated after the amendable date.
No merger, no JCBA.
Go ask the TWU ATD why they refused to meet and prepare for negotiations.
You are wrong, you see there was a merger and the union did hold up our negotiations because of their own greed and lack of respect for the membership.

You're speaking of what would have happened IF we DIDNT merge.
700UW said:
You do realize you would all be stuck with your Chapter 11 CBA till the amendable date and renegotiation if it wasnt for the merger and the Association?
No I did not but thank you for that bit of information. Rest assured I will do my best to forward it to the ones it has a direct affect too.
700UW said:
No I am not wrong.
If there was no merger, you wouldnt be getting a JCBA, you would be stuck under the Chapter 11 CBA till it is renegotiated after the amendable date.
No merger, no JCBA.
Go ask the TWU ATD why they refused to meet and prepare for negotiations.
Again thank you for your input on this matter.
Docker said:
I see no reason we should not have something to vote on this year. The company is more that willing to put good improvements on the table. How much time did that TWU local filing a representation dispute cost us? Let's move forward and get this done. The sooner we start getting our double digit increase plus some other improvements the better.
Your talking about the TWU, right?
AP Tech said:
I wonder why the "Association" did not become proactive and start these meeting months ago between the IAM & TWU....even though they were not yet an official "Association"....come time when the courts appointed them the official agent  for the group they would have been able to step right up to the table and get things moving....no that would have made to much sense!!!  As usual costing the members $$$....Nothing has changed....I expect a joint contract maybe in about a year......and hopefully we will not be giving much back!!  On a positive note those of us on the IAM side have the mighty 1.5 automatic raise if they are unable to reach an agreement by next Sept...not counting the raise we are scheduled this Sept...
I have said this a long, long  time ago. They should have started getting together along time ago...
Docker said:
I see no reason we should not have something to vote on this year. The company is more that willing to put good improvements on the table. How much time did that TWU local filing a representation dispute cost us? Let's move forward and get this done. The sooner we start getting our double digit increase plus some other improvements the better.
REALLY?  You really think you have a vote on a contract some time this year?  Are you kidding?  Good luck with that brother...
You do realize you would all be stuck with your Chapter 11 CBA till the amendable date and renegotiation if it wasnt for the merger and the Association?
That is another lie. The APA and the APFA are not in alliance and look what they received.
No I am not wrong.
If there was no merger, you wouldnt be getting a JCBA, you would be stuck under the Chapter 11 CBA till it is renegotiated after the amendable date.
No merger, no JCBA.
Go ask the TWU ATD why they refused to meet and prepare for negotiations.
You are not a dues paying member and you have the info and we don't? This tells alot about the twu and the iam. So why don't you tell the members why the twu atd refused to prepare.
The information was made public by the TWU and IAM, not my fault you didnt read it.
What info??????????? The raises would have come merger or no merger. You also stated that we are going to get our raises because of the association which is a complete lie. As I have stated before the association had nothing to do with it due to the fact that the pilots and the f/a got raises. So keep telling half of the truth as usual. The fact is that AA wants more concessions. Meaning outsourcing and closing or scaling back bases. The ass knows this and they are trying to figure away out at our expense of $280 + a week. The iam sold their membership out in their last negotiations. US was a profitable company and the iam gave the membership ONE day to vote which was 5 days prior to US announcing their quarterly profits which everyone new was going to be large. Historically you are given a month but, the iam wanted a yes vote so they manipulated the vote by having a one day vote.
Overspeed said:
Keep in mind that we not merged we would still be receiving profit sharing in a time of record profits even if AA was on its own. Also the wage adjustment language has been misinterpreted to include US now so merging didn't help us there either. Early opener clause would have kicked in by 9/2016 so if the question is did we the members at AA benefit from the merger? No profit sharing which would have far exceeded the 4.3% we got by far. I believe AA would have been better off without the merger and in a position now to takeover US now in retrospect.
I can't be leave it we agree on somthing
Overspeed said:
Keep in mind that we not merged we would still be receiving profit sharing in a time of record profits even if AA was on its own. Also the wage adjustment language has been misinterpreted to include US now so merging didn't help us there either. Early opener clause would have kicked in by 9/2016 so if the question is did we the members at AA benefit from the merger? No profit sharing which would have far exceeded the 4.3% we got by far. I believe AA would have been better off without the merger and in a position now to takeover US now in retrospect.
Why would you trade the 401K match for the PS ? The match is by far a better deal ! I did run across the details of this alleged PS plan and the best we could done is $1000. per year. With the match you get twice that not including earnings year to year.
Name one year American excepted a invitation to early openers.
Sorry, I think we did far better with this association rather go at it alone. 
The last TWU contract (we were still negotiating at time of BK) was opened early under the early opener provision of the CBA.
In past years of PS we were provided with a system to put that money in the 401k. We did only gained more if you are one who maxes out your 401k contributions to get the max match. So if you maxed out your 401k and got PS you would be better off without the merger. In 2016 you would be starting early openers with the wage adjustment in place.
Better off with the merger? Well we have US managers who are actively seeking to change work rules that reduce your quality of work life, want to outsource more than old AA management wanted, and actively argue that all the employees have little to do with the fact their stock options are worth more than they ever thought possible and refuse to recognize the fact that we the frontline employees have EVERYTHING to do with the company's financial success. No IMO and many others we are far from better off with the merger. The APA, APFA, and TWU reps made a deal with the devil when the ran to Parker's promises of greener pastures with his plan. We were far better off with working with what we had then what we have now.
Can't go back now though but no way I can agree we are better of now. No way in hell.

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