Good point. DL had a hub at DFW and then decided it wanted to drop it. DL can offer service today from DFW as there are available gates. It was WN who stuck it out at DAL when other carriers showed little interest. Now that the Wright hostage amendment is gone, DL wants back in and claims it wants to compete but when talk of another badly needed Atlanta airport surfaced, they went to great lengths to stop it.
no, it isn't a good point.
there is NO requirement that DL or any carrier EXCEPT WN has to serve one airport or the other at the expense of its service at the other.
There is NO law anywhere that restricts DL or any carrier except WN from serving one airport in the Metroplex or the other.
and there is NO law anywhere in the US that restricts any carrier from serving one airport because of service it has at any other airport.
That wont prove any of us wrong either, because UAL did not use their gates to capacity.
We would only be wrong if WN held only their 16 preferential use gates used at full capacity and was forced to give Delta or anyone else gate space on them.
That is what would break the Scarce Resource Provision.
The fact that UAL decided to sub-lease to WN makes it unknown how these two gate leases will be seen because WN is a preferential lease holder, but they are not at those two gates.
All along we have said the only way for Delta to be forced to leave is if the Preferential gate holders filled their gates to full capacity and their schedules conflicted with Deltas.
You on the other hand have made wild claims about the Wright Amendment Reform Act and how it would be overturned.
If Delta is allowed to stay because of the UAL sub-lease to WN, the process has still been followed and the WARA is still intact.
If WN has full use of 16 gates (80% of LOVE) we were right and you were wrong.
If WN holds 80% or more with only 3 jet carriers at Love, you were proven to be, in your words, "beyond delusional".
However, if the UAL sub-lease is upheld to also be covered as preferential for WN, and Delta has no place to park, we will have to find better words to describe how really wrong you were.
I'm so glad you finally made that post because it means that we are on the same page.
and what you posted is not at all what some other people have said.
I have never said that WARA being overturned but simply said that WARA does NOT apply to the two gates which WN acquired from UA but ONLY the 16 gates which WN had at the time of the 5PA.
and WN has publicly not acknowledged that they are willing to share any part of their two UA acquired gates so if you believe that to be the case and WN believes that will be required, they haven't said so at this point.
I have said and will repeat that the case will end IF WN accommodates schedule of 5 or 6 flights to ATL. DL does not have any recourse to ask for any space beyond that.
However, I believe that DL could pursue an antitrust case against WN for not DL being able to expand and for WN adding service to cities including DTW which DL said it intended to serve but for which DL does not have gates.
Again, I believe there is no antitrust protection for WN for any flights above what fits on the 16 gates it had at the time of the 5PA but that may or may not be part of the case which is before the Appeals Court right now.
If you want to argue that 5 or 6 DL flights on ANY gate (I'm not sure that WN cares which TWO gates but maybe they do) is a settlement for both DL and WN, then I agree.
again, others have never said that could be the outcome and WN has never acknowledged publicly they are willing to consider that as an acceptable outcome.