Congress woman shot along with bystanders

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Yeah, I think you're right(no pun intended)......I remember Hillary squawking about the right and the politics of personal destruction.

Know who started the birther crap?? ;)

From what I've seen, they accuse the right of all the stuff THEY do. Jesse, Al, Franke, Reid, Pelosi.

Wake up.

And the right blames the left. What else is new? Wake me when something good happens.
They guy who did the yelling is a disabled veteran who was shot twice, perhaps he wasn't in a very good mood.
They guy who did the yelling is a disabled veteran who was shot twice, perhaps he wasn't in a very good mood.
It is unfortunate for that he was wounded and escaped serious harm.

However immediately after he was released he went on a zany leftist rant against the right with nothing based on fact. Fuller gave an interview with the Democracy NOW radio show, in which he said of the Tucson shootings: “It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle, and the rest got their first target.” Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled,” Fuller ranted on, “senseless hatred leading to murder, lunatic fringe anarchism, subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengeance for all, even 9-year-old girls.”

So it is ironic that a few days after he lays baseless and fact-less blame at the feet of others for his injuries and murder of others, he turns around and threatens to kill someone. PTSD is a symptom not an excuse either.

I swear, you cant make this stuff up. :blink:
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Your boys hold the gold medal and you know it.

Ask Sarah and her family.

How about we ask John Kerry or John McCains adopted daughter while we are at it? The medias job is to sell advertising space. They will broadcast what ever the ignorant masses want to see.
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Wondering why people are obssesed with a nut.

Because it is an excellent distraction. I This is a nice hot button issue that grabs peoples attention. Some nut shoots a member of congress, a judge and a nine yr old girl. It's a freaking tri-fecta. No one want to deal with the real issues that face this nation so this is a great diversion. Never mind that there are about 15,000 homicides each year. This nut job is 'special'. The ignorant masses, you just have to love them.
Because it is an excellent distraction. I This is a nice hot button issue that grabs peoples attention. Some nut shoots a member of congress, a judge and a nine yr old girl. It's a freaking tri-fecta. No one want to deal with the real issues that face this nation so this is a great diversion. Never mind that there are about 15,000 homicides each year. This nut job is 'special'. The ignorant masses, you just have to love them.
You mean the 24/7 365 day Sarah Palin bash-fest-obsession from the party of welfare checks? Yes thats obvious, thats why they lost their collective arse on Nov 2.
You mean the 24/7 365 day Sarah Palin bash-fest-obsession from the party of welfare checks? Yes thats obvious, thats why they lost their collective arse on Nov 2.

That is an excellent example of left BS.

I challenge any of our left buddies here to provide an example of right wing attacks anywhere near the level of Sarah Palin and what her family had endured in the '08 election campaign and what she and her family still endures and why is that acceptable?

Please tell me....I await an answer.