Congress woman shot along with bystanders

You better check your facts health care wasn't in place then. :lol:

"We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada," Palin said in her first Canadian appearance since stepping down as governor of Alaska. "And I think now, isn't that ironic?"

The irony, one guesses, is that Palin now views Canada's health care system as revolting: with its government-run administration and 'death-panel'-like rationing. Clearly, however, she and her family once found it more alluring than, at the very least, the coverage available in rural Alaska.
"We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada," Palin said in her first Canadian appearance since stepping down as governor of Alaska. "And I think now, isn't that ironic?"

The irony, one guesses, is that Palin now views Canada's health care system as revolting: with its government-run administration and 'death-panel'-like rationing. Clearly, however, she and her family once found it more alluring than, at the very least, the coverage available in rural Alaska.
Which means what to me? Nothing. More Palin Derangement Syndrome for fools fodder.

Knock yourself out pee wee.... :lol:
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It wqs not just Palin going accross the border. People on both borders were making runs for drugs and care and if you look at the number people taking surgery vacations, they are increasing as well.
"We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada," Palin said in her first Canadian appearance since stepping down as governor of Alaska. "And I think now, isn't that ironic?"

The irony, one guesses, is that Palin now views Canada's health care system as revolting: with its government-run administration and 'death-panel'-like rationing. Clearly, however, she and her family once found it more alluring than, at the very least, the coverage available in rural Alaska.

With Canadians telling us we don't want to go that way, and many crossing OUR border for quality HC, I'd tend to think they know what they're talking about.
But you obviously listen to Harry, Barry and Nancy. :lol:
After all the left wing MSM attacks on freedom of speech and talk radio, in the end it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt......there was absolutely no connection between Jared Loughner and any right wing faction. In fact this guy could be a shining example for those on the left....He hated George Bush. Expect him to do the opening speech at the DNC convention?? :lol:
This such a sad episode. A Federal Judge, a 9 year old girl, and four others dead from a nut with a gun. The nut hated a lot of people.

And some one thinks a laughing emoticon is appropriate when commenting on it.
This such a sad episode. A Federal Judge, a 9 year old girl, and four others dead from a nut with a gun. The nut hated a lot of people.

And some one thinks a laughing emoticon is appropriate when commenting on it.
Whats truly sad are you lefty liberals still perpetuating a lie.
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And yet ....

Gardena High School.

Prince George's County



There were about 15,000 homicides last year. If we use the numbers from 2002 as a guideline, a little less than half of them involved a gun.

Or if you believe this site

- Roughly 16,272 murders were committed in the United States during 2008. Of these, about 10,886 or 67% were committed with firearms
- At the current homicide rate, roughly one in every 240 Americans will be murdered.
- 42% of Americans will be the victim of a completed violent crime (assault, robbery, rape) in the course of their lives
**Looks like I can check that off by bucket list.**


It would seem that something needs to be done. B1tching and moaning about some nut job who added 6 more names to a list of 15,000 +/- is not going to solve anything.

Why is it again that we are surprised and why are we making such a big deal about the fact that 6 more people are dead. Sure I am sad that a nine year old girl will not see her 10th birth day. Statistically, that nine year old is not alone.
Timothy McViegh never filed a single bullet. Should we ban Ryder trucks and fertilizer?

Only fools believe without guns, crazy people will be less crazy.
This such a sad episode. A Federal Judge, a 9 year old girl, and four others dead from a nut with a gun. The nut hated a lot of people.

And some one thinks a laughing emoticon is appropriate when commenting on it.
