Congress woman shot along with bystanders

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Mccain was earen by his own in 2000. Kerry was shredded in 2000 as well. I hold the rnc and Mccain responsible for Palin. The put a neophyte on the stage and just threw her in the deep end. Her comments were inexperienced and they let her trot her family out as a distraction which back fired ina big way. Yet after all the complaining about her family being in the lime ligjt, she has her own program and Bristol was on Dancing and made about $200k off the deal.

Its like Vanesa Williams, she made a killing off the pics that she did not want published. I dont buy it.

Oh yea, almost forgot about the Bs Clinton went through with the blow job.
Like I originally where the right wing wacko's attacked someone to the level Sarah Palin was by the left........waiting............... :unsure:

Who brought the BJ into the oval orfice???

Like I me attacks from the right equal to SP.
Mccain was earen by his own in 2000. Kerry was shredded in 2000 as well. I hold the rnc and Mccain responsible for Palin. The put a neophyte on the stage and just threw her in the deep end. Her comments were inexperienced and they let her trot her family out as a distraction which back fired ina big way. Yet after all the complaining about her family being in the lime ligjt, she has her own program and Bristol was on Dancing and made about $200k off the deal.

Its like Vanesa Williams, she made a killing off the pics that she did not want published. I dont buy it.

Oh yea, almost forgot about the Bs Clinton went through with the blow job.
Translation: Yet more Palin Derangement Syndrome.
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Like I originally where the right wing wacko's attacked someone to the level Sarah Palin was by the left........waiting............... :unsure:

Who brought the BJ into the oval orfice???

Like I me attacks from the right equal to SP.

So we have a difference of opinion. You like Ms. Palin and I do not. I believe some of the charges levied against MS. Palin were justified. Those that questioned her intelligence and her ability to be POTUS were in my opinion justifiable concerns. I do not believe any of the personal attacks against her or her children were and I have said so in the past. I like McCain, Kerry and Clinton and thought the attacks levied against them were completely unjustified.

We just have a difference of opinion as to what is a vicious attack and what is not. I still maintain that what was done to McCain and his adopted daughter is the most vile of all attacks I have seen in politics. That showed absolutely no regard for human dignity or honor.

So I can be clear on what you define as 'attacks', can you post some examples. I do not remember recall any from main stream media that were out of the ordinary for US politics. I'm not talking about you tube posts from some hammer head because we can find all sorts of BS there. I assume we are talking about net work news sources. SO lets see what you are talking about and then we will go from there.

What two consenting adults do is no ones business but theirs. It was a fishing expedition to embarrass a sitting president.
So we have a difference of opinion. You like Ms. Palin and I do not. I believe some of the charges levied against MS. Palin were justified. Those that questioned her intelligence and her ability to be POTUS were in my opinion justifiable concerns. I do not believe any of the personal attacks against her or her children were and I have said so in the past. I like McCain, Kerry and Clinton and thought the attacks levied against them were completely unjustified.

We just have a difference of opinion as to what is a vicious attack and what is not. I still maintain that what was done to McCain and his adopted daughter is the most vile of all attacks I have seen in politics. That showed absolutely no regard for human dignity or honor.

So I can be clear on what you define as 'attacks', can you post some examples. I do not remember recall any from main stream media that were out of the ordinary for US politics. I'm not talking about you tube posts from some hammer head because we can find all sorts of BS there. I assume we are talking about net work news sources. SO lets see what you are talking about and then we will go from there.

What two consenting adults do is no ones business but theirs. It was a fishing expedition to embarrass a sitting president.

If Clinton is what you are referring to...on my tax dime and on his watch and in my oval office......your totally wrong.

Never said or claimed I like Palin......I don't like the left media's attacks to her and her family. She is quite qualified as the Constitution never laid out any requirements for someone to be eligible to hold office.
I wasn't aware Yale, Harvard or Princeton were requirements for public office, or making millions of dollars. Where did it go wrong?

Kerry had questionable associations....Clinton was/is corrupt.......McCain is a progressive.

What did Palin's religion or family personal problems or daughter's problems have to do with an election?

Tell me about Obama's schooling, high school grades, birth certificate, and on and on.

Like I said, show me where the right wing media attacked anyone to the level of Sarah Palin.

Don't try and pass off any whiny BS he level of SP.
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If Clinton is what you are referring to...on my tax dime and on his watch and in my oval office......your totally wrong.

Never said or claimed I like Palin......I don't like the left media's attacks to her and her family. She is quite qualified as the Constitution never laid out any requirements for someone to be eligible to hold office.
I wasn't aware Yale, Harvard or Princeton were requirements for public office, or making millions of dollars. Where did it go wrong?

Kerry had questionable associations....Clinton was/is corrupt.......McCain is a progressive.

What did Palin's religion or family personal problems or daughter's problems have to do with an election?

Tell me about Obama's schooling, high school grades, birth certificate, and on and on.

Like I said, show me where the right wing media attacked anyone to the level of Sarah Palin.

Don't try and pass off any whiny BS he level of SP.

A POTUS cannot have sex while in office for up to 8 years? That's a lot to ask. Who he has sex with is none of your business.

Fine, my mistake. I still want to see these attacks on her family that you are referring too.

I'm not talking about Kerrys associations (what ever those were) I was referring to his military service.

Every POTUS is corrupt. What else is new.

When was being a progressive worthy of attacking McCains adopted child?

Palins religion is as valid as Obamas religion. Further more, when you believe in witches and exorcisms I think that is valid news for public consumption. I believes that goes to her ability to be fit for office. I do not believe in witches or exorcisms and believe that those who do are not fit to hold office. She brought her family into the news. Specifically Bristol when she preaches abstinence when her own family cannot practice what she preaches. At least Cheney had the decency to support gay marriage because his daughter was gay. BTW, why do you think that was not a big deal? May be because Cheney was not a hypocrite when it came to gay marriage. But again, give me some links for the attacks. Not saying they did not happen but I want to know what we are arguing about.

The birth cert is out there. Sorry if you do not believe it but it is. I was not aware that school grades were public knowledge.

Like I said, perhaps we have different standards of what are valid/invalid attacks. I believe the ones I mentioned do meet the standard.
A POTUS cannot have sex while in office for up to 8 years? That's a lot to ask. Who he has sex with is none of your business.

A POTUS, who is the supreme law enforcement officer of the land should be setting a shining example for decency and not having some young woman almost half his age under the desk literally giving him head while he is on the phone conducting state business with a wife and a child in the same building.

Or is that cool with you?

Fine, my mistake. I still want to see these attacks on her family that you are referring too.

About 4,880,000 results

Have at it:
For the same reason it is not the way the right portrays it either. It's politics. Both sides lie through their teeth so that the typical idiot voter will not look behind the curtain and see the guy pulling the strings.

As I have said before, we have the government we deserve.
Thats a pretty Nihilist way of thinking there puddy tat. Should we be concerned? :huh:

Friends say Loughner did not have much use for God or religion. Loughner was a Nihilist. According to his friend Bryce Tierney, he believed that “life had no meaning and that the world literally had no substance.” We once taught our children that they were made in the image of our Creator and that each life had dignity and worth based on that fact. Now we teach them that their existence is a cosmic accident. Loughner, is part of a generation that has moved away from God and the community of the faithful.

Time to call the padded wagon on yee self perhaps? ;)
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A POTUS, who is the supreme law enforcement officer of the land should be setting a shining example for decency and not having some young woman almost half his age under the desk literally giving him head while he is on the phone conducting state business with a wife and a child in the same building.

Or is that cool with you?

About 4,880,000 results

Have at it:

A POTUS as a shining example? Reagan and Bush sell arms in violation of Congressional law, Clinton getting a hummer, W Bush starting a war based on lies and misinformation. While I agree its a nice idea, I hardly think it's a practical one at this point.

And no I don't care what he does in the privacy of his home so long as it does not violate the law.

Sorry, but I am not going through all those hits. You can type in who shot JFK and come up with who knows what. It does not mean they are true. Was Palin attacked, yes. Were other politician attacked, yes. Was Palin picked on more than others ... debatable. I don't think so.

Some of the attacks were not justified and across the line but that is US politics for you. It's a win at all costs. Was the attack on McCain and his adopted child justified, no but it is what it is. We accept these candidates and their actions and we have the government we deserve.
You mean the 24/7 365 day Sarah Palin bash-fest-obsession from the party of welfare checks? Yes thats obvious, thats why they lost their collective arse on Nov 2.

Party of welfare checks, does that include a women who snuck her family over the Canadian border for free health care?
That is an excellent example of left BS.

I challenge any of our left buddies here to provide an example of right wing attacks anywhere near the level of Sarah Palin and what her family had endured in the '08 election campaign and what she and her family still endures and why is that acceptable?

Please tell me....I await an answer.

Like the idiots that are still posting about the birth certificate?