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CLT F/As more important than PIT ?

still holding on to that skyguy?? I lost count how many times I asked someone to work a leg and I got a lot of no and a lot of yes's...Did you ever decline yourself?? Nobody has to work a leg for someone, regardless of the reason, Your on a trip, you work the trip. If it works out that you finish hours early, yippee for you,, I could never understand people getting pissed when someone tells them no..

Even you all don't like each other and #### and moan about each other. As a customer - it's even worse because I am paying to be treated badly! And go figure - the airline is going down the tubes - wonder why?
I think the company is closing PIT..SOON... That is most likely the reason why they are just doing it that way(displacements only in PIT). They just cant keep offering leaves. Because when it does close, you will have 2 or 3 hundred f/a's being displaced all at once. Better to do it like this, with 20 here..40 there...little by ittle to ease it closed. It wil close. Tempe does not see it at a money maker anymore. I am sorry for their displacements, beleive me, I know it feels stressful. I have been through so much stress for 4 years. Those f/a's will just need to adjust and either retire or find other means of work out of PIT or just commute. My suggestion to the ones that are left there in PIT..Start planning to get the axe aswell. You know its gonna happen after the summer months are over. I know you love this job and your city of PIT, so if you dont want to move, maybe think of another line of work. Southwest is probably hiring out there. Just some suggestions. Hang in there.

Sounds an awful lot like somebody would rather have the PIT F/As quit rather than displace half the world back to reserve elsewhere. Careful what you wish for.
I think the reason they are offering leaves in CLT and not PIT is the fact that CLT will eventually need FA's once again; PIT will not, as it continues shrinking.

It's funny tho, Astrolounge brings up the "warm welcome" LAX FA's received in PIT when they finally dismantled California..... Remember that well.... :unsure:

I couldn't agree more! Consider the following:

I was a mid-seniority flight attendant flying out of DCA during the October 2001 timeframe. During that timeframe, DCA was closed, and all of our flights went out of IAD or BWI. The pairings almost always ended with 1-2 dead-heads just to get us home.

One the last day of a four day, we had a flight from PIT to PVD (a no-serve in the back, and a snack basket only in first!). The load factor was also very light, less than 50%.

There was a PIT crew sitting in the boarding area, and they were dead-heading to PVD. When we learned there was a direct flight back to IAD leaving in about 30 minutes, we politely asked the dead-heading crew if they would mind working this ONE leg for us. That would allow us to get back home around 10:30 in the morning, as opposed to 8:30 at night, if we took our scheduled 2 dead-heads home.

The most senior of the crew, said "Let us talk about it". A few minutes later, she walked over and asked what our seniority was. I told her mine, as well as the remaining crew (2 five years, and one 15 year). She said "We've been talking - we've all been flyging since 1975 or longer, and we've decided that we don't want to work this leg for you".

We nicely thanked her for considering (cursing her under our breath of course). The 15 year flight attendant, with her wisdom said "Don't worry Honey! One day PIT will get downsized and these dinosaurs will have to commute for the first time. Then, all we can do is return their 'courtesy' to them.

Looks like her prediction is coming true.
Move on, dude. Happens all the time, and has nothing to do with the PIT base specifically.
Even you all don't like each other and #### and moan about each other. As a customer - it's even worse because I am paying to be treated badly! And go figure - the airline is going down the tubes - wonder why?
This has nothing to do with "liking each other" morale is low and some take it out on the passengers, however, most of us still treat everyone with respect, but we won't take any s@#t from anyone...that includes fellow employees.. We(employees) are not sending this airline down the tubes, We want this company to succeed and to be proud to put on the uniform... Attitudes need to change from the top.. Sorry if this is off topic... <_<
I don't mean to sound insensitive here but after 9/11 junior folks were being displaced all over the place. I was in PIT, lived in PIT and had no intention of leaving but come June 1st of 2003 I found my booty in PHL. Due to the fact that they were in the middle of offering leaves the displaced flight attendants got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the way of assistance with your move. All we received were out moving days and clearly remember a fiasco over THAT. I had my schedule for June and they gave me my and many others moving days OVER our off days and would NOT move them. While I don't like to see anyone get the boot from their base PIT is inevitable. It is next to gone. Look at the mainline that goes out of it. I never thought I'd see the day. What good would VPLOA do for PIT if it's only going to get smaller and you would end up getting displaced anyway down the road? I know it's hard to swallow but close it and end the misery.
Even you all don't like each other and #### and moan about each other. As a customer - it's even worse because I am paying to be treated badly! And go figure - the airline is going down the tubes - wonder why?
What are you talking about? I have never heard any of my fellow FA's trashing a certain base. Sure we all make jokes from time to time ( :lol: ), but an all out #### fest? Sorry, never seen it, not sure what you are seeing, frqntflyer, but it sure ain't "base hate." Maybe you were on the flight where the 2 FA's suddenly discovered they were both dating the Captain? Now THAT can get uuuuuuuuuugly.....

This is what needs to happen system wide....

They need to recall EVERY F/A (vol/Invol). There are way too many programs going on out there.

Most of those people aren't coming back. I would say 70% won't return.

It is sort of like shaking the dead leaves off of the tree.

Now, everyone is back....those who aren't resigned....seniority numbers PLUMET!!!!!!!!!!!!! :up:

Now, if we are overstaffed...offer ONE (1) voluntary furlough. Everyone is on the same program which would be much easier to manage. Those in PIT or anywhere else can leave via furlough if they so choose!!!
Ummmmm excuse me....Helllo. Twice, we don't do SIMPLE here K. If it's not screwed up to the point that a lawyer can't figure it out whats the point? :lol: Great idea to do ONE final VFLR and let those that want to go from ANY base go and bring the furloughees back. Less pay on the property per hour and those senior enough to hold can leave. Pretty much a win win.
What are you talking about? I have never heard any of my fellow FA's trashing a certain base. Sure we all make jokes from time to time ( :lol: ), but an all out #### fest? Sorry, never seen it, not sure what you are seeing, frqntflyer, but it sure ain't "base hate." Maybe you were on the flight where the 2 FA's suddenly discovered they were both dating the Captain? Now THAT can get uuuuuuuuuugly.....

Trust me - I've had many conversations with FA's over the years about how PIT people are old and nasty, or CLT will stab you in the back etc. etc. - If you think it isn't going on out there - you are sadly mistaken. They may not say it to you as a fellow employee - but there are plenty of your fellow FA's who would glady throw you out the door at 35000 feet. And to make things worse - this seems to be a trait unique to US employees. Maybe it's because there are so many different cultures that were combined over the years - who knows.
All I can say is I hope they do rescind the displacements in PIT. Let them stay there and be happy. My friend DH all over the place out of there covering other bases trips.
Remember too, that the most junior displaced out of PIT has an '88 seniority. Those of us with hire dates '88/89 and above will get knocked down a notch or even worse displaced because of contract language...so let them stay where they are !!!

Trust me - I've had many conversations with FA's over the years about how PIT people are old and nasty, or CLT will stab you in the back etc. etc. - If you think it isn't going on out there - you are sadly mistaken. They may not say it to you as a fellow employee - but there are plenty of your fellow FA's who would glady throw you out the door at 35000 feet. And to make things worse - this seems to be a trait unique to US employees. Maybe it's because there are so many different cultures that were combined over the years - who knows.

As for you frqntflyer, you came on here and made your original post about how you feel that we all bash each other....then you made another one, and another one continuing with your same rant. That has nothing to do with this post...why don't you go make your ill informed comments on another thread ?
All I can say is I hope they do rescind the displacements in PIT. Let them stay there and be happy. My friend DH all over the place out of there covering other bases trips.
Remember too, that the most junior displaced out of PIT has an '88 seniority. Those of us with hire dates '88/89 and above will get knocked down a notch or even worse displaced because of contract language...so let them stay where they are !!!
As for you frqntflyer, you came on here and made your original post about how you feel that we all bash each other....then you made another one, and another one continuing with your same rant. That has nothing to do with this post...why don't you go make your ill informed comments on another thread ?

Hmmm - appears I might have hit a nerve - you are awfully defensive on the issue.
Even you all don't like each other and #### and moan about each other. As a customer - it's even worse because I am paying to be treated badly! And go figure - the airline is going down the tubes - wonder why?
Of All my travels on ALL airlines, there will be a few FA's that have issues. I would not call that a problem, I would simply may think that person just might have a personal problem that they are dealing with. Sure I agree that they shouldn't bring it to work, but after all, they are humans and certain problems affect each and every one of us. US FA's have been thru alot, 2 bankruptcies, pay cuts, benefit cuts. Sure its easy to say, quit and go someplace else. But most of them love their job and do their job with alot of respect to the customers. And how many customers are nice to them? There are some travelers that irritate them as well as other travelers. You and I are not the first that they seen. These US FA's are Good at what they do, they are getting their hands tied from management. And US management does not care about nothing except pleasing the Shareholders. That is the American way, and who has to feel the consequences? The customer. They (US Management) believe that the little problems that they have are OK, and the customer will keep on coming back. Guess what, they are in for a rude awakening. I can not fault none of the frontline employees, its the management making the problems. The employees offer valueable suggestions to them and they fall on a deaf ear. And the customers complain and get NO response from them, it is just a matter of time before they realize they are not the know-it-all management. Until their own arrogance wears off, then they will start to see reality.

Hmmm - appears I might have hit a nerve - you are awfully defensive on the issue.
I think they know what their talking about, you obviously don't!
Hmmm - appears I might have hit a nerve - you are awfully defensive on the issue.
You surely did hit a nerve. Everywhere you post on this thread and board is negative about the employees. You go on and on about how it's no wonder we are going down the tubes and you keep mentioning the employees. I'm sorry that you have encountered some bad apples but we are all not like this. Aside from that, if we are so disgruntled and you dislike US so much all I can say is that this is a free country and you can go fly another airline. You could be Mr. Chairman's Preferred +++++ but if you are so unhappy then why bother with us and this board at all. Sorry off topic
Time to wake up. Enough with taking every perceived slight to PIT personally. LCC has moved on. PIT is no longer a crucial part of LCC's vision. It's a business decision. Deal with it. If you can't deal with it, find some other employer in PIT who you think loves its employees, if that is what you are looking for from an employer.

It's too bad, because PIT is a great city. But apparently it is not great enough from a $ perspective for LCC, or any other major international carrier, to center its plans on.

Keep in mind that when PIT was our largest base with 3000 F/As,1600 pilots and over 400 flights a day, it NEVER had the meltdowns that PHL is now seeming to encounter on a regular basis.
Hmmm - appears I might have hit a nerve - you are awfully defensive on the issue.
This is because you are dead wrong. Also, there are VERY few flight attendants who have not been based in at least two bases during their careers. You can fly with the same people whether you're in CLT, PIT, PHL, etc...We have a great group that has worked together for many years and I am proud to have spent half of my life with this company and this flight attendant group.