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CLT F/As more important than PIT ?

As a customer - it just amazes me at the complaining and whining that goes on on these boards. You are all union employees, with a union negotiated contract, and then when something doesn't go your way you expect the company to do what isn't in the contract. Give me a break! You work in a union shop - you live with the union contract - and get over it. If you were at Delta it would be a different story - and I might have some sympathy - but you aren't - so deal with it!
As a customer you don't have a copy of our contract in your hand. You say that we expect the company to do what isn't in the contract...however they ARE offering unpaid voluntary furloughs in CLT...why can't they do that in PIT ? That's not rewriting the contract ----that is taking in to consideration that people in PIT might have something else going on in their lives where they can take a VF and have someone below them not be displaced.

If you were a SMART customer, you would WANT them to keep PIT staffed as much as posiible and begin to run connections through there instead of PHL.
When PIT was the largest base we never had the meltdowns that are becoming all too common in PHL.
As a customer you don't have a copy of our contract in your hand. You say that we expect the company to do what isn't in the contract...however they ARE offering unpaid voluntary furloughs in CLT...why can't they do that in PIT ? That's not rewriting the contract ----that is taking in to consideration that people in PIT might have something else going on in their lives where they can take a VF and have someone below them not be displaced.

If you were a SMART customer, you would WANT them to keep PIT staffed as much as posiible and begin to run connections through there instead of PHL.
When PIT was the largest base we never had the meltdowns that are becoming all too common in PHL.

PIT also does not have the origination volume to make money. Dead City- Dead Airport
PIT also does not have the origination volume to make money. Dead City- Dead Airport

Even you all argue with each other - even all of the original USAir employees can't agree - which may be the heart of the problem. Not once has a United flight attendant ever said a disparaging word about another to me as a customer. But, on US, Charlotte bashes Philly, Philly bashes PIT, and PIT bashes everybody. The only nice ones were LAX back in the day - they never said a bad word about other flight attendants ever - but then again - look where that got them.
Who you calling Nancy?

I'm not anti-union crap - all I'm saying is - you are in a union - you negotiated a contract - so live with it. If you don't want to - then work in a non-union shop. There are pros and cons to both - but you chose where you are.

And that is exactly the attitude I'm talking about - "as a customer why don't you butt out" - that is a MAJOR problem with US and why the company is in the condition it is in - not only from Mgt but from employees.
They didn't negotiate their contract, Bankruptcy 1 and 2 done that. They have a right to B!tch. If you don't like the
b!tchin', go somewhere else.
As a customer you don't have a copy of our contract in your hand. You say that we expect the company to do what isn't in the contract...however they ARE offering unpaid voluntary furloughs in CLT...why can't they do that in PIT ? That's not rewriting the contract ----that is taking in to consideration that people in PIT might have something else going on in their lives where they can take a VF and have someone below them not be displaced.

If you were a SMART customer, you would WANT them to keep PIT staffed as much as posiible and begin to run connections through there instead of PHL.
When PIT was the largest base we never had the meltdowns that are becoming all too common in PHL.

Good argument. Get your Pres to confront management for the same offer. Squeeky wheels always get the grease. 😉
Yes, PIT stands at a 30% RSV factor that is true. However don't you think that the F/As should at least be offered a voluntary furlough before they displace. The other bases you mentioned closed, for now PIT is still open. I have talked to two already just today who would prefer to take a VF but that is not being offered. If they were closing the base that would be one thing.

Actually, a voluntary furlough is not being offered. Not sure where that information came from. Voluntary personal leave of absence is what is being offered for CLT because the overstaffing (supposed overstaffing) is only temporary because of the reduction in summer block hours. PIT is not experiencing a temporary reduction in block hours. The reduction is permanent.
PIT also does not have the origination volume to make money. Dead City- Dead Airport

Righto. I'm sure, say, Southwest (who has made money [e]every[/b] year for the last 30+) agrees with your vision.

CLT has less origination volume than PIT.

If you wanted to rag on the costs at the airport (entirely LCC's predecessor's fault, BTW) you might have been on to something.

Stupid (and wrong) rhetoric won't cut the mustard. N'at.
Even you all argue with each other - even all of the original USAir employees can't agree - which may be the heart of the problem. Not once has a United flight attendant ever said a disparaging word about another to me as a customer. But, on US, Charlotte bashes Philly, Philly bashes PIT, and PIT bashes everybody. The only nice ones were LAX back in the day - they never said a bad word about other flight attendants ever - but then again - look where that got them.
Well, for one, I was not original USAir. For two, LAX was a PSA base. For three, I came on here with my original post asking for fair treatment for all bases....and number four...we are where we are due to 2 BK and bad management decisions.

I know if the tables were turned and this was happening in another base to my fellow F/As, I would support them. I don't think that as you are not one of us that you can comprehend that all families fight but we do try to support each other.

Actually, a voluntary furlough is not being offered. Not sure where that information came from. Voluntary personal leave of absence is what is being offered for CLT because the overstaffing (supposed overstaffing) is only temporary because of the reduction in summer block hours. PIT is not experiencing a temporary reduction in block hours. The reduction is permanent.
You are right, it is a voluntary leave.....I wrote the wrong type of leave. However why not offer the same to the PIT F/As just as they are for CLT ?
I don't think that as you are not one of us that you can comprehend that all families fight but we do try to support each other.

You are right that all families fight from time to time - but bashing each other to the customers is not the way to go. And I don't mean on this posting board - I mean on the plane while I am flying. If you tell your customers how bad the FA's from the another base are - they just might start believing you. Doesn't seem like you are doing yourself any good complaining about each other to the customers who are flying on your planes. And I'm using the term "you" in a general way - I have no idea if you personally have ever done this - but I certainly have witnessed it countless times during my many years of flying on US.
PIT also does not have the origination volume to make money. Dead City- Dead Airport

Maybe a dead city, maybe not. But you are wrong. PIT has, and had, more originating traffic than CLT. That does not save PIT, but just same, how about a little research before, again, slamming a group of people that work for this airline...those in PIT. And oh yeah..how about that OCC center...why did it not go to CLT? Also, if the DL merger had occured, and thank God it did not, PIT was off the map, and CLT was a mini-jet hub. That is fact.

Probably because even with the 40 gone, PIT will still be overstaffed. Not to mention they have the most miserable negative flight attendants in the system. I actually think it is funny these people who are on reserve now where the same people that used to look down on reserves as the scum of the earth back in the good old days of PIT.
Not to mention have no compassion or empathy for the many PSA folks who saw the three west Coast bases (LAX/SFO/SAN)be closed and forced to commute across the country just to get to work. Many used the argument, "if they don't like it....or Everybody knows THIS industry is unstable and changes.....yadda yadda...". As a former Yunzer myself, I am glad I left when I did and have never been happier being out of THAT City. To the ones that remain- stay if you want or are able BUT don't expect any boohoo's and tears from the rest of US. The PSA folks have already written a chapter on upheaval and disrupted lifestyles.....have been doing it for many years and do it with a SMILE. They never felt "entitled". For the record I am NOT a former PSAer but can honestly say, I have NEVER met one that I didn't like.
I agree with you SongBird, Pit should be given the same consideration as Clt..
Probably because even with the 40 gone, PIT will still be overstaffed. Not to mention they have the most miserable negative flight attendants in the system. I actually think it is funny these people who are on reserve now where the same people that used to look down on reserves as the scum of the earth back in the good old days of PIT.

I couldn't agree more! Consider the following:

I was a mid-seniority flight attendant flying out of DCA during the October 2001 timeframe. During that timeframe, DCA was closed, and all of our flights went out of IAD or BWI. The pairings almost always ended with 1-2 dead-heads just to get us home.

One the last day of a four day, we had a flight from PIT to PVD (a no-serve in the back, and a snack basket only in first!). The load factor was also very light, less than 50%.

There was a PIT crew sitting in the boarding area, and they were dead-heading to PVD. When we learned there was a direct flight back to IAD leaving in about 30 minutes, we politely asked the dead-heading crew if they would mind working this ONE leg for us. That would allow us to get back home around 10:30 in the morning, as opposed to 8:30 at night, if we took our scheduled 2 dead-heads home.

The most senior of the crew, said "Let us talk about it". A few minutes later, she walked over and asked what our seniority was. I told her mine, as well as the remaining crew (2 five years, and one 15 year). She said "We've been talking - we've all been flyging since 1975 or longer, and we've decided that we don't want to work this leg for you".

We nicely thanked her for considering (cursing her under our breath of course). The 15 year flight attendant, with her wisdom said "Don't worry Honey! One day PIT will get downsized and these dinosaurs will have to commute for the first time. Then, all we can do is return their 'courtesy' to them.

Looks like her prediction is coming true.
I agree with you SongBird, Pit should be given the same consideration as Clt..
I think the company is closing PIT..SOON... That is most likely the reason why they are just doing it that way(displacements only in PIT). They just cant keep offering leaves. Because when it does close, you will have 2 or 3 hundred f/a's being displaced all at once. Better to do it like this, with 20 here..40 there...little by ittle to ease it closed. It wil close. Tempe does not see it at a money maker anymore. I am sorry for their displacements, beleive me, I know it feels stressful. I have been through so much stress for 4 years. Those f/a's will just need to adjust and either retire or find other means of work out of PIT or just commute. My suggestion to the ones that are left there in PIT..Start planning to get the axe aswell. You know its gonna happen after the summer months are over. I know you love this job and your city of PIT, so if you dont want to move, maybe think of another line of work. Southwest is probably hiring out there. Just some suggestions. Hang in there.
still holding on to that skyguy?? I lost count how many times I asked someone to work a leg and I got a lot of no and a lot of yes's...Did you ever decline yourself?? Nobody has to work a leg for someone, regardless of the reason, Your on a trip, you work the trip. If it works out that you finish hours early, yippee for you,, I could never understand people getting pissed when someone tells them no..