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Call sign decision?

You think they're going to force British Airways to change their callsign from "Speedbird"? Or China Airlines from "Dynasty"? Not bloody likely.

Actually, CA might want to consider changing their callsign, if for no other reason than I know a pilot or two that prefers to use the callsign "Die Nasty"... :shock: :lol:
Gooness People, is this really worth hours of discussion -- it's a radio designation for goodness sakes, not much different from a uniform. Just wear the clothes we're given (OK, that we pay for -- even if we look like 1960's Texaco employees), and say what you're supposed to say (even if we F/A's make our own amendments to the pa's). Is it really that big a deal? And if it is, is it worth some movement on that senority issue? Maybe it's a pilot thing. Heck, goodness knows we F/A's have all sorts of our own issues.
I can't believe that anyone is really fussing over a call sign.

USAir sounds fine to me. That is who we are. It's an adult call sign.

The little cutsie "Cactus" call sign is just a litttle too junior high for me.

Grow up people. :lol: :lol:
Compromise....Cactus for West. DOH for East.

Parker is right, United it will be in the new year.
Parker is right, United it will be in the new year.
It was the East who was up in arms about even the thought of using the Cactus callsign. A typical emotional tantrum with zero consideration for anyone but themselves. Just the thought of giving an inch was a huge blow to their perceived ego.

Proof, please??
It was the East who was up in arms about even the thought of using the Cactus callsign.

I agree with you. And to answer a previous posters' question: no, I dont have proof, it's juts my belief. Here's why:

On another thread, someone commented that AWE pilots were "whining" during the latest crew news about the Cactus vs. USAir call sign. They weren't whining, they were simply asking Scott why it seems the company is now "reconsidering" using Cactus.

Sometime last year, it was announced that Cactus WOULD be the call sign for the combined carrier. However, they seeem to be avoiding the topic altogether. We ARE still using 2 call signs for the time being, and I agree that we need to. There are too many other issues to sort out, and despite having one certificate, there are still 2 separate operations. So using 2 call signs for now makes perfect sense.

However, eventually there WILL need to be one call sign. As I said before, the company announced last year that cactus WOULD be the call sign. However, in the lastest crew news, one of the things Scott said was "I never said the call sign wouldn't be Cactus". Well, why didn't he then say that the call sign WOULD be Cacut either??? That was decided a long time ago. It seems to me that they are reconsidering. Why? I don't know, but my guess is that once again it's because of whining on the east.

And no ..I don't have proof, that's just my belief based on what I described above.
OK.......CACTUS is a compromise. "US" is at the A$$ end of "CACTUS" :lol:
Why can't we just use CRYBABY it seems to fit both sides...lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

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