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Call sign decision?

OK.......CACTUS is a compromise. "US" is at the A$$ end of "CACTUS" :lol:

There, there little one...here; have another tissue. If it helps you any? I couldn't possibly care less what the call sign is. Feel better now? Awww....good..give us a nice hug now, and off to bed with you :lol:
no, I dont have proof, it's juts my belief.
And no ..I don't have proof, that's just my belief based on what I described above.

My quote was not of you but 767, however, without PROOF I don't give a damn what you or anyone else's belief is when inflammatory remarks like 767Jetz post CONSTANTLY about the US Airways East employees.
My quote was not of you but 767, however, without PROOF I don't give a damn what you or anyone else's belief is when inflammatory remarks like 767Jetz post CONSTANTLY about the US Airways East employees.

Hey....Cut the kid some slack. Everything has some purpose in life. Even tiny mosquitoes and other annoying little bugs are part of the big picture for some reason.
Actually, it's about time to move beyond callsigns and start using datalink. The technology is there. How about a 21st century ATC communications system.

And another thing. I just finished with my latest Jepp revision. My manuals look like phone books left out in the rain. It's way past time for electronic flightbags.

And another thing, when is our Airbus fleet getting the LCD displays installed? I can either see the instruments - or wear my shades - but not both.

And finally, oxygen masks. Why does the FAA require that we wear them when one pilot leaves the cockpit? They are quick donning, they can be placed in our lap when we are a single pilot operation. The major threat, post 9-11, to the safety of an airliner is an assault on the cockpit, not a rapid decompression. The two accidents in recent years, the Greek B737 and the Learjet with golfer Payne Stewart, were the result of faulty cabin pressure warning systems. The crew was rendered unconscious when the aircraft gradually lost pressure. Today, when one pilot leaves the cockpit and a flight attendant guards the door, I need free and unfettered communication with that person. Eye to eye, read my lips communication. Many flight attendants have trouble understanding us when our disembodied voice, mixed with other voices, emanates from one of the cockpit speakers. And if you are an FFDO trying to wield a firearm while wearing a mask....forget it.

Now I'm finished. What was this thread about?
Hey....Cut the kid some slack. Everything has some purpose in life. Even tiny mosquitoes and other annoying little bugs are part of the big picture for some reason.
Without cursing at certain jerks, I have no time for certain pilots from other airlines, I have nothing good to say about a certain PERSONAL ATTACK DELETED BY MODERATOR ! Now moderators, did I cross the line?? The purpose of such mosquitoes is to be what they are...a pain in the ass and you just want then to go away!!

MOD NOTE: Yes you did cross the line. You went WAY over the line. Its okay to disagree, but personal attacks are NEVER permissable, especially of the type you posted.

You now have some time off to think about that.
Without cursing at certain jerks, I have no time for certain pilots from other airlines, I have nothing good to say about a certain DELETED BY MODERATOR Now moderators, did I cross the line?? The purpose of such mosquitoes is to be what they are...a pain in the ass and you just want then to go away!!

I'd merely left out the airline designator on the mosquitoe in question :lol:

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