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CACTUS call sign

How did a thread about the call sign get degraded into more whining about seniority?
Maybe we could give the British controllers a chuckle and use "Colony" - it's not taken.

Or if we really wanted to make them happy, we could use "rebels" or "treason" or "traitors" or... 😉

Or in acknowledgement of our happiness together, we could use "unity".

Or in acknowledgement of our cocky side, we could use "suck on it Delta, United, American, JetBlue and Northwest, we made money." You think ATC would mind?

Or in acknowledgement of our great leaders, we could use "sand castle".

Or in acknowledgement of what is no longer with you guys (pilots), we could use "retirement", or "wasted career".

Or in acknowledgement of our turn-around, we could use "resurrection", (or for you senior East pilots, "lack of erection") or maybe if we quit flying into Rome, we could use "Jesus Christ". Can you imagine that, "Jesus Christ 135, contact departure"?

Or if we are in the mood for some fun, let's have a tongue-twister in there, and see how many near-misses we get.

Or in acknowledgment of all of our acknowledgements we have been doing, we could use "acknowledgement". "Acknowledgment 25, please acknowledge my last transmission."

Any more?
????? And this thread is about?
Make no mistake. This thread is about entitlement, and what people perceive to be their right, be it seniority or a call sign.

All the west folks should take notice...
Here is a direct quote from a PM I received:


You see, as much as some talk about unity and blah, blah, blah... behind the scenes they believe they have a right to a name, a position, a title, and even an identity.

As you can see from the post above, some don't really believe that this merger was a meeting of the minds, but more like a a bully absorbing someone else and eliminating their identity.

It's about posturing, and climbing over each other to establish a pecking order.

It's about ego.

Damn right! After 22 years in the right seat I'm "entitled" to the left seat! Don't give me any BS about choices either. I chose to work for Piedmont. I (and most east pilots) didn't choose to work for USAir, we got bought and got DOH. We got bought again and will get DOH again. Thats the way it is- live with it, it was your choice to work for AWA...

You chose to stay with a stagnant and poorly run company. So did I. You could have tried to get a job at AWA or another company in 1988 and you chose not to. Why does that entitle you to an AWA Captain's job? He's suppose to give you his job because you made a bad decision?

You're entitled to the job you had before the merger. Nothing more. Unless the arbitrator completely ignores the Merger Policy, it's not going to be anything like DOH.
If you want to talk about seniority again, start another thread. This thread is about the call sign--Cactus, US or whatever ONLY.

Please get it back on track folks.

Thank you.
Damn right! After 22 years in the right seat I'm "entitled" to the left seat! Don't give me any BS about choices either. I chose to work for Piedmont. I (and most east pilots) didn't choose to work for USAir, we got bought and got DOH. We got bought again and will get DOH again. Thats the way it is- live with it, it was your choice to work for AWA...

you are entitled to sh&& just be happy you still have a pay check you crack me up with your entitlment bullsh** and when you hit 23 years you will still be in the right seat so get over it
I think Cactus is a swell call sign.

Cactus 195, cleared to land.

Cactus 195, cleared for takeoff.

Cactus 195, congrats on the arbitrator ruling for date of hire.

Yep, Cactus is a swell call sign. I like it a lot.

I think Cactus is a swell call sign.

Cactus 195, cleared to land.

Cactus 195, cleared for takeoff.

Cactus 195, congrats on the arbitrator ruling for date of hire.

Yep, Cactus is a swell call sign. I like it a lot.


I like this one better

usairways 195 turn left heading 180
no reply
usairways 195 turn left heading 180
still no reply
usairway 195 how do you read center
no reply

one of two things happen
1)usairways is out of business(before they were aquired)
2)it is now called cactus
ok 3 things
3) the whining Bi*** in the right seat for 22 years dont wont to answer the radio because he is flying with a 8 year CAPTAIN from AWA(how is that for your DOH) every last one of you easties that think DOH is your entitlement need to wake up and get a clue

OOPS! My bad. I'll edit and re-submit:

Make no mistake. This thread is about entitlement, and what people perceive to be their right, be it seniority or a call sign.

All the west folks should take notice...
--- edited ---
I can't post a direct quote from a PM, so I'll just say that I heard from a certain USAir (east) captain that the reason for the Cactus call sign is to make AWA pilots "feel better" for "losing their identity."
--- edited ---

You see, as much as some talk about unity and blah, blah, blah... behind the scenes they believe they have a right to a name, a position, a title, and even an identity.

As you can see from the post above, some don't really believe that this merger was a meeting of the minds, but more like a a bully absorbing someone else and eliminating their identity.

It's about posturing, and climbing over each other to establish a pecking order.

It's about ego.

I like this one better

usairways 195 turn left heading 180
no reply
usairways 195 turn left heading 180
still no reply
usairway 195 how do you read center
no reply

one of two things happen
1)usairways is out of business(before they were aquired)
2)it is now called cactus
ok 3 things
3) the whining Bi*** in the right seat for 22 years dont wont to answer the radio because he is flying with a 8 year CAPTAIN from AWA(how is that for your DOH) every last one of you easties that think DOH is your entitlement need to wake up and get a clue

Quiz me this sparky:

If date of hire is unfair, how is it that a guy with 8 years at AWA is a Captain and a guy with 2 years at AWA is a copilot? How is it that a new hire pilot at AWA isn't made a Captain immediately? How is it the guy with 8 years is "entitled" to be a Captain but a new hire is not? Do you guys at AWA base your upgrades, vacation, schedule etc.... on Date of Hire or is it based on who is the nicest guy in the base? Age? Ability? Good looks? Cactus juice?

I'm pretty sure everything out there at AWA is based on DATE OF HIRE. Please correct me if I'm mistaken.

Here's the clue you want me to get:

Everything in a pilots life is based on DATE OF HIRE. Except of course when it doesn't work in YOUR favor. Then that rule goes out the window eh? I've got my clue.

Good luck with the arbitration. Ask the former Piedmont and PSA guys how our lists were merged. They got the clue too.

Oh, and you need to get a clue too. There was no aquisition. It was a merger completed by money owned by everyone other than AWA or U. AWA had no money and U had no money. And your holy grail, Doogie, stated in plain english that AWA would go to C11 ONCE AGAIN if the merger, not aquisition, were not consumated. But don't let the facts get in the way of your story.

Quiz me this sparky:

If date of hire is unfair, how is it that a guy with 8 years at AWA is a Captain and a guy with 2 years at AWA is a copilot? How is it that a new hire pilot at AWA isn't made a Captain immediately? How is it the guy with 8 years is "entitled" to be a Captain but a new hire is not? Do you guys at AWA base your upgrades, vacation, schedule etc.... on Date of Hire or is it based on who is the nicest guy in the base? Age? Ability? Good looks? Cactus juice?

I'm pretty sure everything out there at AWA is based on DATE OF HIRE. Please correct me if I'm mistaken.

Here's the clue you want me to get:

Everything in a pilots life is based on DATE OF HIRE.
Except of course when it doesn't work in YOUR favor. Then that rule goes out the window eh? I've got my clue.

Good luck with the arbitration. Ask the former Piedmont and PSA guys how our lists were merged. They got the clue too.


WELL SAID PILOT! DOH is the only fair way and the reason that some may have trouble with that is obviously because they have NONE. Also, USAirways has never been ACQUIRED (correct spelling) by another, that would entail an outlay of cash...i.e. 1.6 billion US dollars for Piedmont etc...some may not have been around long enough in the industry to know the difference between "acquire and merger".
Oops, I guess I should say something about CACTUS too since this was the original thread. It's a small pacifier, let them have it. USAir makes more sense.
Well I guess one point to consider... NOONE else will be using Cactus.. how many other "firsts" can we attain as a company... gee maybe we can start appreciating/acknowledging frontline employees instead of just management when it comes to bonus' and salaries...
Personally I think we and this company would be better served to let this argument be settled by the respective merger comittees and the mediator/arbitrator. I have the utmost respect for this arbitrator and have found his awards to be the fairest I've seen in my career. He has an uncanny ability to cut through the bologna and get right to the heart of the matter. He is thoughtful and mindful of the issues involved and he WILL hammer this out in the fairest manner possible.

The product of these recent posts on the subject will cause nothing but hate and hard feelings. IMO we need to step back, take a deep breath and do our jobs. This will be settled starting in November.

A320 Driver B)


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