Maybe we could give the British controllers a chuckle and use "Colony" - it's not taken.
Make no mistake. This thread is about entitlement, and what people perceive to be their right, be it seniority or a call sign.????? And this thread is about?
Damn right! After 22 years in the right seat I'm "entitled" to the left seat! Don't give me any BS about choices either. I chose to work for Piedmont. I (and most east pilots) didn't choose to work for USAir, we got bought and got DOH. We got bought again and will get DOH again. Thats the way it is- live with it, it was your choice to work for AWA...
Damn right! After 22 years in the right seat I'm "entitled" to the left seat! Don't give me any BS about choices either. I chose to work for Piedmont. I (and most east pilots) didn't choose to work for USAir, we got bought and got DOH. We got bought again and will get DOH again. Thats the way it is- live with it, it was your choice to work for AWA...
I think Cactus is a swell call sign.
Cactus 195, cleared to land.
Cactus 195, cleared for takeoff.
Cactus 195, congrats on the arbitrator ruling for date of hire.
Yep, Cactus is a swell call sign. I like it a lot.
I like this one better
usairways 195 turn left heading 180
no reply
usairways 195 turn left heading 180
still no reply
usairway 195 how do you read center
no reply
one of two things happen
1)usairways is out of business(before they were aquired)
2)it is now called cactus
ok 3 things
3) the whining Bi*** in the right seat for 22 years dont wont to answer the radio because he is flying with a 8 year CAPTAIN from AWA(how is that for your DOH) every last one of you easties that think DOH is your entitlement need to wake up and get a clue
Quiz me this sparky:
If date of hire is unfair, how is it that a guy with 8 years at AWA is a Captain and a guy with 2 years at AWA is a copilot? How is it that a new hire pilot at AWA isn't made a Captain immediately? How is it the guy with 8 years is "entitled" to be a Captain but a new hire is not? Do you guys at AWA base your upgrades, vacation, schedule etc.... on Date of Hire or is it based on who is the nicest guy in the base? Age? Ability? Good looks? Cactus juice?
I'm pretty sure everything out there at AWA is based on DATE OF HIRE. Please correct me if I'm mistaken.
Here's the clue you want me to get:
Everything in a pilots life is based on DATE OF HIRE.
Except of course when it doesn't work in YOUR favor. Then that rule goes out the window eh? I've got my clue.
Good luck with the arbitration. Ask the former Piedmont and PSA guys how our lists were merged. They got the clue too.