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CACTUS call sign

The only problem with "U.S." is one of its benefits. Gotta love how radio static can hide things....

"Philly tower you-ass 21 holding short..."

<in my best Jackie Gleason voice>

for the last time it's U S, not you ass. 😀
The majority of the pilots I talk with ...



Are also pompous and egotictical idiots.

p.s. - Before the hate mail starts, notice what I said did not include the vast majority of U pilots.
Even something more reminiscent of the southwest (the region, not the airline) like Desert is taken.

Maybe we could give the British controllers a chuckle and use "Colony" - it's not taken.

As someone else said, it's just a callsign for crying out loud. If something like this is supposed to split the employee ranks apart, there's no hope of unity to begin with.


Maybe it should be "Phoenix", as in the mythical bird rising from the ashes.

(A cross between different breeds, groups, or varieties, especially a mixture that is or appears to be incongruous.)
IMO. 🙄 :shock: B)
Finally, I believe the "U.S." call sign would be something different, it would not have either pilot group disappointed, and it would help assist the culture integration.

. . .

I believe a new and fresh "call sign" like "U.S." would be appropriate and it would help Larry LeSueur with the culture integration.
I take it you were also against naming the new entity "USAirways" (though, oddly, I don't recall seeing any posts by you on the topic)? After all, if you think it is so wise to have something "new" and "fresh" and "different," and are claiming to be sensitive about "disappointing" either pilot group, and are concerned about "culture integration," isn't the name "USAirways" just a big slap in the face to the America West folk?
Maybe it should be "Phoenix", as in the mythical bird rising from the ashes.

Not bad at all, except it's taken also - Imperial Airways in the U.S. ("Phoenix"), Phoenix Air Service in Germany ("Phoenix), Phoenix Avia in Armenia ("Phoenix Armenia"), Phoenix Airlines in Brazil ("Phoenix Brazil"), and Phoenix Aviation Air Company in Kyrgyzstan ("Phoenix Group").

Not bad at all, except it's taken also - Imperial Airways in the U.S. ("Phoenix"), Phoenix Air Service in Germany ("Phoenix), Phoenix Avia in Armenia ("Phoenix Armenia"), Phoenix Airlines in Brazil ("Phoenix Brazil"), and Phoenix Aviation Air Company in Kyrgyzstan ("Phoenix Group").


If you u r not a pilot you need not put your 2 cents in because this topic doesnt pertain to you. and if u r a pilot and have a problem with the call sign then i say get over it. this company needs more direct answer like this than lets take a vote or poll because it only divides both east and west.
Thats because you don't have to say it 100 times when you come to work.

So now you can read 59 posts about it during your off time on a chatboard.

For a few years I’ve been seeing these little cactus things on car antennas. Sometimes they have little cowboy hats and sunglasses. I really want one now.


I just wonder if the word has an unfortunate slang meaning in some part of the world, like fanny.

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