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CACTUS call sign

WELL SAID PILOT! DOH is the only fair way and the reason that some may have trouble with that is obviously because they have NONE. Also, USAirways has never been ACQUIRED (correct spelling) by another, that would entail an outlay of cash...i.e. 1.6 billion US dollars for Piedmont etc...some may not have been around long enough in the industry to know the difference between "acquire and merger".
Oops, I guess I should say something about CACTUS too since this was the original thread. It's a small pacifier, let them have it. USAir makes more sense.
Usair would have made more sense but being bankrupted twice and days from being shut down so be happy you can still use a call sign and not have to pound pavement looking for a JOB. if the acquiring airline was AA or DL you can rest well knowing you would have been stapled to the bottom of there list at least AWA pilots are not as narrow minded as you with the rantings of DOH is fair we look at all option to make sure nobody gets screwed in this acquition(f you if my spelling is wrong) DOH is fair if you had a pot to piss in but Usair didnt.
When all is said and done, the decision will be made for us. We have not input. But once again, we do have a choice...stay....or go.

Why cant people remember that?
As long as there is still a company, I don't care what name they slap on the side of the plane.
>>He has an uncanny ability to cut through the bologna and get right to the heart of the matter. He is thoughtful and mindful of the issues involved and he WILL hammer this out in the fairest manner possible.<<

Cutting through the crap and getting to the issues is what a good lawyer does.

DOH is a method. ALPA merger policy describes a result. There is a huge difference between the two. Past mergers are of little use since the controlling language, the ALPO merger policy, has changed in a very significant way. The language now is clear that the result is what matters; methods to achieve "fairness" are conspicuously absent. That means the arbitrator can do as he sees fit and can choose from a wide variety of methods to satisfy the clear objective of the ALPO merger policy - fairness.
Usair would have made more sense but being bankrupted twice and days from being shut down so be happy you can still use a call sign and not have to pound pavement looking for a JOB. if the acquiring airline was AA or DL you can rest well knowing you would have been stapled to the bottom of there list at least AWA pilots are not as narrow minded as you with the rantings of DOH is fair we look at all option to make sure nobody gets screwed in this acquition(f you if my spelling is wrong) DOH is fair if you had a pot to piss in but Usair didnt.
MARK TWAIN "My death has been greatly exaggerated"...the fact is, we were not shut down and our name is USAirways forever...
to pound pavement looking for a JOB. if the acquiring airline was AA or DL you can rest well knowing you would have been stapled to the bottom of there list at least AWA pilots are not as narrow minded

I think you are narrow minded. AWA was also contemplating bankrupcty itself. Looking for a job should've been high on your list as well as mine. The investers stepped to the plate and bought both companies at the same time.

"You" did not buy "Us" (or anything else) and the name is US Airways.
>>I think you are narrow minded. AWA was also contemplating bankrupcty itself.<<

That statement is so open ended it's virtually meaningless. Sure, if no other airlines liquidated and oil continued to rise then there would have been some problems for AWA. But FRNT and AAI would have been in the same situations too. Financials weren't rosy at any airline save LUV but the plain truth is that all airlines were not in the same sort of jeopardy. We all know who was just about gone for good, however.

Getting back to the original thread, I'll bet this is a record:

When "Cactus" becomes the official callsign, there will be pilots on that property who will have used five different callsigns without changing jobs.


Mohawk or Lake Central-Allegheny-USAir-Speedbird-Cactus


Eastern-Trump Shuttle-US Shuttle-USAir-Cactus

I wonder what the sixth one will be?
Quiz me this sparky:

Oh, and you need to get a clue too. There was no aquisition. It was a merger completed by money owned by everyone other than AWA or U. AWA had no money and U had no money. And your holy grail, Doogie, stated in plain english that AWA would go to C11 ONCE AGAIN if the merger, not aquisition, were not consumated. But don't let the facts get in the way of your story.


I don't know where this stupid rumor started. If you say Doug said we were going into C11 please show me where. We have every single one of Doug’s statements online. I talked to a Sr Mgr about this and this is NOT true. East took a small comment made by Doug and changed it to this. I got quite a profit sharing check from last year.
WE made money. How does that equate to going C11???? The statement from what I understand was somewhere along the lines of....Our options were not as wide as Doug would have liked. He wanted the chance for expansion and growth. He understood that mergers needed to happen in the changeing industry.
Don't try and make it out like you saved us. We needed each other for different reasons. You needed us to stay alive. We needed you for growth and opportunity.
End of story.

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