<_< ------- "IF" You can retire at 55, go for it! Bless you son!------ But if you feel you'll have to go back to work after a few years, to maintain your level of lifestyle, your better off staying on the active payroll! The reason all exTWA people have such high seniority is that we got screwed by Icahan, and prior TWA management, and
had our retirement frozen. Then turned over to the PBGC in bankruptcy! Unlike yourself, our AA retirement started in 2002, a year after the merger/buyout! Which it should be! Consequently, we have to work longer to get to the same spot you will at 55! ----- Do I like it? Hey guy, you have to do want you gata do!!! And who said life was fair? As for shutting this place down? I personally don't think it'll happen! In fact, I heard a rumor today that we'll be doing the Internet/ cell phone interface mod prototype here at MCIE!
MCI because of what happened to you guys, I would think you would be the last guy who would want to go on strike, you have seen first hand what happens when you go up against Multibillion dollar companies, you lose.
Because of what happened to you is why I do not want to go on strike and fight this company, I too could be in your same boat 😱 if AA filed bankruptcy or sold off Maintenance, instead of retireing at 55 I would still be here in my sixties and beyond, No thank you, I think I will stay happy with the pay and benefits I now have and retire at 55 thank you.
To me a few extra dollars does not come anywhere close to taking a chance of having to work much longer in this hostile enviroment.
I would be willing to go along with the quality work program 🙂 to make things uncomfortable for AA and also we could discontinue the working together thing.
My condolences's to what happened to you. 🙁 I really mean that man, that sucks.
I do wish you the best you have already suffered enough.