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Everyone complains because the guys in overhaul keep voting certain kind of people in.
What about the line stations?
Why do you keep voting in all these guys that end up taking international jobs?
According to your writings here, some of the line union officers are as bad if not worse than
the base TWU products.How come ? Are you also duped?
Whats your excuse?
Easy answer to that question for the past few elections. Most of the activists and therefore would-be candidates were active in the AMFA campaign that started in 1998. The last round of twu line local elections were in 2005, and we did have JR win in LAX, Chuck and Bobby being put in bad standing and not eligible in NY, and with some major burnout from years of organizing--no one else ran for any office. You got to remember, the goal all along was to boot the twu, not fix the un-fixable. With that said, you're left with the five guys who wouldn't sign an AMFA card at each line station running for office and winning. If no drive to remove the twu is going to take place in 2008, expect to see every local taken over by pro-union guys. <_<
Easy answer to that question for the past few elections. Most of the activists and therefore would-be candidates were active in the AMFA campaign that started in 1998. The last round of twu line local elections were in 2005, and we did have JR win in LAX, Chuck and Bobby being put in bad standing and not eligible in NY, and with some major burnout from years of organizing--no one else ran for any office. You got to remember, the goal all along was to boot the twu, not fix the un-fixable. With that said, you're left with the five guys who wouldn't sign an AMFA card at each line station running for office and winning. If no drive to remove the twu is going to take place in 2008, expect to see every local taken over by pro-union guys. <_<

Fair enough.If I understood you correctly, I hope it happens soon.
Maybe by then the guys here might wake up ,.......but don't count on it.
Fair enough.If I understood you correctly, I hope it happens soon.
Maybe by then the guys here might wake up ,.......but don't count on it.
One or the other needs to happen, and with the local elections starting next summer and through the fall, any drive to replace the twu would have to happen ASAP or else the efforts are going to turn towards taking over the locals.
I'm happy for you. You're living the American dream exactly the way we evil Republicans (I'm Exhibit A in that category) keep saying everybody can. Good for you! :up:
im a republican also and a believer in the lord I want whats best for all i am ok with my life and im ok with giving others whats good for them to live good. i have a hard time listening to the lazy folks around me saying they need more. I am currently looking for other employment I dont want to work here any more, its not hard work its the people i have a hard time with. I have do do whats right for me and i dont want to surround my self with people that dont get it. they just hate life. If you cant make it here on 32 an hr u cant make it on 50 so i hope im not here to vote on anything but if i am sry line guys cause tul wont give u nothing because they only worry about themsleves. I will take any job outside of here if the pay is close
im a republican also and a believer in the lord I want whats best for all i am ok with my life and im ok with giving others whats good for them to live good. i have a hard time listening to the lazy folks around me saying they need more. I am currently looking for other employment I dont want to work here any more, its not hard work its the people i have a hard time with. I have do do whats right for me and i dont want to surround my self with people that dont get it. they just hate life. If you cant make it here on 32 an hr u cant make it on 50 so i hope im not here to vote on anything but if i am sry line guys cause tul wont give u nothing because they only worry about themsleves. I will take any job outside of here if the pay is close
:unsure: ------ I'm sorry you feel that way! And yes, AA was a cultural shook to us also. But believe it or not, there are some good people out there. People ask why I stayed with TWA when things got bad. Well, a lot of it was the people I worked with. The people here at MCI are, for the most part, hard working, God fearin' people! But than again, mostly older also. I hope you find whatever your looking for!
As I said in an earlier post -

You'll hear much in the months ahead about 'market rates', as the rates relate to wages. Just as AMR hired an executive-friendly firm to do their 'research' re: executive compensation, they'll use the same firm to say we're overpaid.

For workers, the market is established when one takes a position at a given rate of pay. If there are no takers, pay will rise until there are takers, or qualifications will be lowered; some combination of this will get someone willing to take the job for the listed compensation.

Executive compensation is a different story, however. This is a matter of 'how much can I get away with taking what I want and not anger the shareholders too much?'

I can't think of an instance where an airline exec went to another industry and did well. Mismanagement isn't tolerated in the real world to the extent it is at the airlines; rather, it's a way of life for the airlines.

A week's waste at AA could feed a poor country for a year.

You'll get your decent wage when people quit believing the glamorous lies about the airline industry and steer clear of it. Far too many toolboxes looking for a home.
You hit that one on the head Goose. When I hired into LAX in 2000, the starting wage at step two was just about unacceptable. But I took the job anyway because I was just laid off from my old one. The only good thing was when I left at the end of 2002 and bumped to SFO, I topped when I hit the hangar door. Fast forward to today, I turned down the recall to SFO. Why? When you look at AA from the outside, the company does not have anything to offer, even if they hired from the street at the top of the rate. You're right, until you realize that working ofr an airline is just a job and quit being starry eyed, nothing in the industry will change.

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