As I said in an earlier post -
You'll hear much in the months ahead about 'market rates', as the rates relate to wages. Just as AMR hired an executive-friendly firm to do their 'research' re: executive compensation, they'll use the same firm to say we're overpaid.
For workers, the market is established when one takes a position at a given rate of pay. If there are no takers, pay will rise until there are takers, or qualifications will be lowered; some combination of this will get someone willing to take the job for the listed compensation.
Executive compensation is a different story, however. This is a matter of 'how much can I get away with taking what I want and not anger the shareholders too much?'
I can't think of an instance where an airline exec went to another industry and did well. Mismanagement isn't tolerated in the real world to the extent it is at the airlines; rather, it's a way of life for the airlines.
A week's waste at AA could feed a poor country for a year.
You'll get your decent wage when people quit believing the glamorous lies about the airline industry and steer clear of it. Far too many toolboxes looking for a home.