<_< ------- Raptor, How does a Company with the kind of money AA has on hand go into bankruptcy? Remember that both Northworst, and Us Air rushed into court on the same day. Just before the new Bankruptcy Laws took effect. They did this for a reason! The new laws arn't as Corporate friendly as before, and take a lot of Control out of managements hands! Something I don't think Our-Pay and Co. would tolerate! So, I feel a treat of Bankruptcy should not be taken as seriously!-------As for how I feel about some sort of COLA in high expense areas, remember,------- I did say I came from a line background!----- All this is nothing new! TWA paid their people in HNL a COLA years ago!!! If the IAM could work it out, why not the TWU?
Ya I think a cola would be fine, the Overhaul stations would have to sell it to their Members but if they tried I don't think they would have to much trouble doing it, I do agree the chance of Bankruptcy due to the new laws is less than before but it is still not out of the question.
I really think everything will work out fine, not everyone will be happy of course but that is always the case.
Line stations should really push the COLA cause I don't think AA will give everyone a huge raise, since they have to compete with the other companies, but they could probably be convinced to give the line guys a COLA and the rest of us a small raise.
That would certainly work for me.