You need to use the "I" and "Me" when making comments about Tulsa.
So please stop using "We" and "They" when you make reference to Tulsa.
Again, you don't speak for me so speak for yourself by using "I" and "Me" and leave the rest of us out of your problem life that you struggle with due to the guilt you feel for killing your friend who jumped off a cliff and your request.
I do use I and Me quite often and when I use we and they
I have no doubt that No one actually thinks I am speaking for
every single person in Tulsa, that is just common sense

Come on Not even the President of the Local can do that.
I make it clear that it is my OPINION of what I think the Majority believes, and I get that from hearing comments at Union meetings the few that I have went to and talking to my fellow co-workers and from the past History. ( voting record etc. )
History does tend to support my statements, look at the voting record of Tulsa compared to other stations, does that not make a statement in and of itselt. :unsure: , it does not take a rocket scientist to see the picture, from the comments I have seen on this forum from many area's it appears to me that the Majority of posters have the same OPINION of Tulsa that I do. ( but not all )
Once again the reason comes from the History.
I could certainly copy and paste post quotes from many other people on this forum that are from other area's concerning their feelings towards Tulsa, they have those feelings for a reason, I have no doubt that their feelings do not come from me but more likely from the voting record, they are not baseless in my OPINION.
I do believe the Majority of Tulsan's feel differently about things than the Majority at the line stations and that is not a bad thing it is just different.
Are you saying that you think the
Majority of Tulsa feel and think the same way as the line stations ?
That there really is not a difference between the
Majority of us here in Tulsa and the line stations. ?
Is Tulsa getting a bum reputation unjustly ?
I believe most people are selfish and look out for themselves first and formost, I get that OPINION from just looking around and seeing how so many people are constantly boning each other.
In my shop some talk about how we are one happy family but the first time they call for Overtime you should see how people try to bone each other, it get's down right ugly let me tell you. It becomes every man for himself and screw the other guy
You are clearly a selfish decision maker and would cross a picket line in a heart beat. You admit this to be fact.
What I admit is that I am not a humanitarian, I do look out for myself and my family first and formost, to that end I will do whatever is best for ME and my family not what is best for you, if I feel I need to withold my labor because I think I am not being treated right then I will do that regardless of what anyone else does, that is just taking control of my own life, and vice versa, I don't think I need to put my job at risk because you are not happy, I'm not in this life for you, hell I don't even like you, so why would I do that ?
I also do not believe tha Majority always know what they are doing, I think the guys at Northwest that went back to work when they were issued the Ultimatum of come back now or you will never come back were smart, they are still making a good living and they have a job, the guys who chose not to come back if that is what makes them happy then that's fine too.
You seem to be in defensive mode to me, like you need to be accepted by the rest of the system or you have something to prove, don't take this stuff so personally man, this board is all just OPINIONS and we all have different ones, life would be boring if we all felt the same way.
when someone gets the wrong idea, I try to correct them and let them know I am not speaking for every single person in Tulsa, of course they already know that unless they are a complete moron.
Life is too short to be letting other people make decisions for you, I understand the whole Union concept but I really just don't agree
with it. I like being an individual with some control of my own life.