In other words, you will go to work for whatever they offer you. What if you are happy with what you have and everyone else is not? Are you willing to cross a picket line because "I don't need to take unnecessary chances when I am perfectly happy". Hmmmm. :unsure:
Hey Raptor, why don't you go ahead and give them the lowest number you are willing to work for, so they can lowball that. Then you can decide if you are "perfectly happy" making an hourly wage in the teens for the next 6 years.
If guys like you are a majority at AA all of your co-workers are in serious trouble.
I think we have already established what the Majority think, didn't we, look at you 2003 contract. :unsure: I mean CONCESSION.
Once again some people are forgetting the
I voted NO on
against the Majority who voted YES, and
against my Union leaders who told me to vote yes on it, where were all the brave soles then :unsure: :unsure:
Majority voted YES not NO
Were they ALL cowards or just smart. :unsure:
I personally do not like being ruled by the Majority, or an International or a Union,, the bottom line is I want to do what works for me not the Majority or the Minority, I know what you are thinking then why did I join a Union, I didn't, I hired on at a company who had a Union, I don't like it anymore than you like your pay but I live with it just as you live with your pay, would I cross a line if it were in MY best interest, do I even have to answer that question, of course I would.
Would I work for AA at any price, of course not but my price and your price may not be the same, so if you are not happy with what you make you have options, you can quit and go work for Southwest, or you can withold YOUR labor and hope they do not replace you, just don't expect me to do it just because you are STUPID enough to do it.
speaking of STUPID as I told Informer there are many types of bravery, many years ago I use to call people cowards but I kind of shyed away from that and I will tell you why, Many people who live in Tulsa know of the cliffs at tenkiller lake the biggest of which is called Big Daddy, it is a 80 foot cliff down to the water, I had dived off that cliff many times and considered myself BRAVE for doing it, although many considered it STUPID, my Best Friend had never dived from Big Daddy, so I called him a coward in an attempt to manipulate him into diving, he was not having any of that so against his better judgment he dived, unlike me he was not experienced at diving off of cliffs, so he landed on his back and split it wide open, I dived in to try to save him to no avail, he bled to death in less than 5 minutes in front of me and about 50 other people sitting on the cliff.
So you tell me was he BRAVE or was he STUPID or was he both, and does it really matter in the big picture because he is Dead now.
My point, I hope is clear, what one person considers BRAVE another might consider just plain STUPID and vice versa, there is a fine line between STUPID and BRAVE, I consider myself smart enough to not let some Idiot goad me into doing something STUPID just because he calls me a coward had my friend had the guts to say, Dude I am not a coward I am just not STUPID then he would still be alive today.
A STUPID person in my OPINION is someone who is STUPID enough to let somone else make decisions for him.
I'm sure my friend whould agree IF he were here today.
Trust me guys I know what I am doing and I ain't going to do nothing STUPID, if you want to then knock yourself out if it does not pan out for you then it will be YOUR problem right. Not mine.
I will put my bravery up against anyone here but I will choose the contest, it will not be something STUPID like choosing not to work when I am making a good living and I am happy with my Pay and Benefits and I am really happy about retiring FOREVER in less than 10 years now, I am finally over the hump, it will be something like diving off of an 80 foot cliff, something that I am sure will turn out much better for me than my opponent.
I make my own choices that are in MY best interest.
Anyone who wants to be a sheep and be led by
anyone, TWU, International, Union, Friend, whoever GOOD LUCK
Personally I think you would be just plain STUPID, NOT BRAVE.