Eventually,and it is just a matter of time, AA will spin off overhaul. When that does happen the company will once again gut your contract. And you will be paid like the rest of the MRO facilities in the US. So it will not matter if you live in Kentucky, Alabama, or Oaklahoma the company will bring your wages and benefits down to be competitive with the rest of the MRO's in the country. So enjoy your lifestyle now because it will not last forever. You will be lucky to get 3 more years or till the end of the next contract. The company is all ready gearing up for the MRO work on foreign carriers. In order for them to get any business they will have to streamline the pay and benefits in Tulsa. Then where will you move to
First of all do not confuse my comments and those of that Raptor thing.
I dont agree with what he says.
That said…….
You guys are unbelievable.
Do you think you are telling me something I don’t know?
When all this happens, as you say, what will you get out of it?
Will you get on this board and write “see I told you so”, and gloat?
What else will you get out of it?
How will your situation be any different than it is now?
How will it be different in the meantime while we are all waiting for this to happen?
Will the cost of living on the coast fall drastically because of it?
Do you think AA will give you, the line, something?
Instead of recognizing what I wrote as an accurate assessment of our situation, start thinking of what can be done,
and maybe start seriously thinking if you are willing to do something really drastic about it, you write the pathetic crap above.
Will the knowledge that I will for ever be destroyed and will have nowhere else to go,
allow you to get over your pour scolded ego and do something?
Or will it be enough to satisfy you so that you can go back to posturing ,bitching, and blaming everyone ,but yourself?
I am absolutely convinced that unless we strike and are willing to lose everything
we will only get peanuts. Every single time.
Do we have what it takes?
Or are we just cowering behind our worthless union to hide the fact we don’t have a pair?
Twu will never go on strike? Twu will always sell us out? So what?
Are you willing to strike? Are you willing to put it on the line? Who cares if little is walking the line or not.
Think about this.
Regardless if we go on strike led by the union, or wildcat, what will the government and AA’s actions be?
I think that their reaction (whatever that might be) will be the same either way.
If you agree, what do you care about what twu, or overhaul do?
Its about time to put up or shut up guys.
Or we can leave things as they are, and live unhappily ever after.
Unless of course you guys have any better ideas.