Dude you hit the nail on the head, you are right most likely the only way New York will get what they should have is if they go on strike and nobody fills their positions, Tulsa will not do it for them, we are taking care of ourselves just fine, New York will have to fight their fight without expecting support from Overhaul stations if they wish to ensure their success.
counting on Overhaul will only lead to disapointment that has already been proven from the past.
Some line Mechanics have threatened to go on strike or fight back in another way no matter what the Overhaul stations do, if that is more than just TALK then maybe they have a chance to get what they want, but if they are waiting for the TWU or Overhaul to help them
then I think they will be waiting for a very long time.
I do think that New York and other High cost area's deserve a COLA it only makes sense to me, but they can only count on themselves to get it, as you said Limit if they think they are underpaid then they can withold their services untill they feel like they are being paid enough, if they were to do that then it would not matter what the Overhaul stations did.
It will be interesting to see if the line stations will continue to go along with the TWU Majority vote or if they have the guts to rebel and go their own way as an autonomous group, if they choose to follow the Majority once again I will not call them cowards for not standing alone for what they need, although one could if they wanted to.
It is easy to call someone names for doing what they think they should do as oppossed to doing what you think they should do.
Good point Limit.
Obvious setup hah?
You might believe that you should be paid a location wage, but the company prefers you get a market wage.
What are the market wages these days for line and periodic checks in NY?
Location hah?
I got news for you guys.
The only reason mechanics like you are underpaid (for their location that is,right?) is none other than yourselves.
You and only you.
Stop blaming TWU, Tulsa, Guatemala, the White House, Congress and your dog.
The line mechanics that keep coming to work for those same low wages are to blame.
Years ago I faced the same problem.
Keep going to work for practically poverty wages in the east, quit and go work another job in NY, or move. I chose to move.
If you guys expect to get anything more, YOU must do something about it.
If you think that guys in Tulsa, Guatemala, England or Germany will get this done for you, well frankly you are idiots.
Most of you are in your forties and fifties for Christ sake, what kind of dream world are you in?
As long as there is a pool of workers willing to do your work for less you don’t have a chance of achieving your goals.
I was not willing to stay out east and did not want to quit, so guess what?
I am not suggesting you move or quit. Maybe you have another solution, I don’t.
Even if by some incredible miracle overhaul supported you, and went on strike, their impact to operations will be minimal for weeks.
It’s you, the line that has to walk, regardless of what overhaul does.
You think you need TWU’s approval for that?
Bull I say, it’s all inside you.
And since practically none of you can secure a working permit in Guatemala, Germany or England its either Tulsa , another “Location†or some really deep soul searching for you guys.
In the mean time instead of Germany wages you will get American wages.
And this my friend is your location as far as this industry is concerned.
Eventually,and it is just a matter of time, AA will spin off overhaul. When that does happen the company will once again gut your contract. And you will be paid like the rest of the MRO facilities in the US. So it will not matter if you live in Kentucky, Alabama, or Oaklahoma the company will bring your wages and benefits down to be competitive with the rest of the MRO's in the country. So enjoy your lifestyle now because it will not last forever. You will be lucky to get 3 more years or till the end of the next contract. The company is all ready gearing up for the MRO work on foreign carriers. In order for them to get any business they will have to streamline the pay and benefits in Tulsa. Then where will you move to