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Bang! - You're Unemployed!

sentrido said:
The money you get is the money you put in. Unemployment money is yours, its not welfare.
Incorrect. Workers pay NOTHING toward unemployment insurance benefits. UI benefits are funded through a payroll tax on employers. Has been that way since the law was passed back in 1936.
Incorrect. Workers pay NOTHING toward unemployment insurance benefits. UI benefits are funded through a payroll tax on employers. Has been that way since the law was passed back in 1936.

You are techincally correct(depending on the state). But since it is a payroll tax, it is really, in the end, a tax on the employee (cause wouldnt my employer pay me more if the tax didnt exist?). I guess it just depends how you want to look at it.
FYI: The last two states I work/worked in do collect from employees.
sentrido said:
You are techincally correct(depending on the state). But since it is a payroll tax, it is really, in the end, a tax on the employee (cause wouldnt my employer pay me more if the tax didnt exist?). I guess it just depends how you want to look at it.
Oh well, I suppose we can say that the tax on popcorn at the movie at some point in the economic cycle reduces my pay because if someone didn't have to pay it, they would pay someone else more who would pay more for something which then would mean that my employer pays me more. Your argument is stretched way too thin.

Recent management history does not indicate in any way that reduction of taxes on employers is being passed to the workers in higher wages. See also, Messrs. Kozlowski (sp?), Lay, and Ebbers.

I was responding to your statement regarding the amount paid in by a worker. The amount paid in is nothing. Please specify which state collects unemployment benefit money from workers. Tell me which states have a deduction item on a payroll stub which specifies a deduction for the worker's unemployment compensation account. And, no the fact that some states collect an income tax and then use part of the money to supplement federally-mandated UI benefits does not mean that the tax is being collected to pay UI benefits. That's also stretching things a bit thin.

That's like saying that I pay a bridge tax because some of the income tax I pay is being used to build $2 billion worth of bridges to nowhere in Alaska. (And, if you don't know about this little bit of Republican pork barrel, you should.) I pay an income tax, period. I have little or no say how the government uses the money. I know. I know. I can vote, and I do. But, I don't have the level of income to donate sufficient amounts of campaign money to politicians that would make them actually listen to my ideas as to how the money is spent.
jimntx said:
Incorrect. Workers pay NOTHING toward unemployment insurance benefits. UI benefits are funded through a payroll tax on employers. Has been that way since the law was passed back in 1936.
Actually you are incorrect. Certain states (PA) have a payroll deduction contribution from employees when the state unemployment rate rises to a determined %.

U employees have a payroll deduction every pay period for UI. Its not a small amount, but it exists.
PITbull said:
Actually you are incorrect. Certain states (PA) have a payroll deduction contribution from employees when the state unemployment rate rises to a determined %.

U employees have a payroll deduction every pay period for UI. Its not a small amount, but it exists.
I stand corrected. But, one or two states collecting such a tax does not make it a common enough practice to imply that all workers pay into UI accounts.

In most states if the UI account drops below a certain funding level, the payroll tax on the employer goes up, but the workers don't have to start paying.
I stand corrected. But, one or two states collecting such a tax does not make it a common enough practice to imply that all workers pay into UI accounts.

Ok,OK, My original statment was was to broad, and based on my personal experience. But... one, or two states is not enough to imply that all employees pay NOTHING toward unemployment insurance benefits either. right?
I have 5 employees at this time. I pay their unemployment insurance premium as mandated quarterly. The unemployment premium is infact part of their pay as is workman's compensation and SSI. I pay "x" dollars per hour which includes all of the above; the fact is the employee pays all of the above, but does not know it. In fact most employees only want to know what their bring home pay will be.
Hey El gato,

Do you have a doll you're pricking with pins right now? I wonder if you're somehow related to Uza. He was good at getting everyone to bare their teeth.

First one the agenda, you took this to a personal level by attacking everyone's work ethic. I don't appreciate it and neither do my friends. I haven't had a holiday off in over two years, I don't call off sick unless needed, and I bust my rear end at work. I do a good job because my conscience forces me to as much. You can take your "you're lazy and get paid too much" and shove them right up your rear. I can't stand people like you.

Second on the agenda, you say unions are no good. Maybe you should ask my husband about that. You see he worked in a closed shop. The general attitude was " if you try to unionize, we shut the doors." My husband is crippled and only 31 yrs of age. He was hurt on the job. What did he get? Booted out the door and a fare thee well; meanwhile, he barely got enough to cover a surgery and meds for three years. I might add that it is $900 worth of meds a months. Have you ever been on suicide watch for your spouse? Have you spent half your marriage trying to console someone who will never know what it's like to play ball with their children. My husband has never been able to pick up our youngest child who is now 4 yrs of age. Perhaps if he would have been in a union, he would have had a better chance in his dealings with the company.

I get paid 11.58 an hour. I have lost half my sick days. When I go on vacation, I get paid %75 of my hourly rate, I have lost a quarter of my holidays, and the umbilical cord I am attached to at work ensures that I stick to the half hour lunch and two fifteen minute breaks during the day. BTW, it's an unpaid lunch. I have a three minute window after my start time to clock in at work. If I go 1 second beyond that 3 minutes, I get an occurance which is the same occurance as if I had called off and not come in at all. My FMLA for my husband is ready to expire for the year and now I am contending with case managers that will more than likely deny me. In other words, those days that my husband can't get out of bed or dress himself I will be forced to call off and get an occurance.

Here's a needle to prick my voodoo doll. I don't think labor gets paid enough in any company. Tell me where in the almighty corporate bible it says that CEOs, FCOs, VPs and the like deserve what they get paid? Gee, I wonder what would happen if all laborers decided they weren't getting paid enough and quit. Corporate America wouldn't have companies to run. Hmmmm imagine that ........ without labor production of any product stops. Well who would have ever thought such a thing?

There comes a time when enough is enough. Enough has been enough for over a year now. I have a right to vote. If you truly believe that most people will give again, then you have nothing to worry about. Concessions will pass. However, if they don't, then obviously the majority of workers are fed up. Only a moron cannot draw this conclusion.

dave and jerry have no clue what so ever on how to have a happy and motivated workforce, they spend more time on how to bleed the employees to death then trying to run a company. They have no vision, no plan and no leadership skills, I truly believe they want this company to fail and they way they are trying to negotiate in the press and blame the unions for everything is a way to absolve themselves of any blame if and when US fails.
I believe their plan is to offload all flying to Mesa as much as possible and become a virtual airline.

Before US filed Chapter 11, a Aviation Daily expert wrote if US had 100 narrowbodies, 30 widebodies and 400 RJs they would be the most profitable airline in the US.
PineyBob said:

They most certainly have a vision and a plan. Leadership skills ????????

The reason they negotiate through the press is that the majority of workers in this country rightfully or wrongfully have a negative perception of union workers. They are trying to ensure they win in the court of public opinion. Which they seem to be doing OK at.

If you think they are clueless and have no plan, Guess again! They have a plan and it includes as few of you as possible, particularly your group 700UW!
What Bob, are you now part of them, and advocate paid with extra miles, or are you always so self assured thinking you have life all figured out and everyone who doesn’t have your insight is lost? No soul required for you and this management team, which would just get in the way, it’s easier when there are no barriers to the destruction of employees and their families.

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