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Bang! - You're Unemployed!


Like it or don't! Management in a capitalist society is not obligated to care about you or I beyond the extent to which it is good business to do so.

Not obligated to any soul on this planet other than who they choose which is obviously the dark forces that currently run the world, but obligated they are like every living soul and will be judged according to their deeds. Wrecking employees lives and families under the guise of, "it's just business" I am afraid will not wash with our creator. Reaping the rewards of this short-lived life at the cost of employees and their families is not a wise choice given the fact eternity is the price they pay.

It would be a different story if all outside forces were totally at fault here, but they are not as we have management leaders who have no problem lying, deceiving and doing whatever other amoral tactics man can invent to exploit the employees of U.

You can preach all day long, I am not looking at the short sighted horizon that you keep pointing to, my point is they will pay for their deeds, and that is truth whether you or anyone believes so or not doesn't change that truth.
cavalier said:

Like it or don't! Management in a capitalist society is not obligated to care about you or I beyond the extent to which it is good business to do so.

Not obligated to any soul on this planet other than who they choose which is obviously the dark forces that currently run the world, but obligated they are like every living soul and will be judged according to their deeds. Wrecking employees lives and families under the guise of, "it's just business" I am afraid will not wash with our creator. Reaping the rewards of this short-lived life at the cost of employees and their families is not a wise choice given the fact eternity is the price they pay.

It would be a different story if all outside forces were totally at fault here, but they are not as we have management leaders who have no problem lying, deceiving and doing whatever other amoral tactics man can invent to exploit the employees of U.

You can preach all day long, I am not looking at the short sighted horizon that you keep pointing to, my point is they will pay for their deeds, and that is truth whether you or anyone believes so or not doesn't change that truth.
Cav -

Your thoughts are only effective for others who share your beliefs.

Our soulless management does not.
nycbusdriver said:
Cav -

Your thoughts are only effective for others who share your beliefs.

Our soulless management does not.
OBVIOUSLY, otherwise they wouldn't act the fools they are.

Trouble is, truth is truth, accept or not doesn’t change truth.
well depends on what "your" version of truth and reality is... obviously in biblical terms some are having a hard time understanding huh?
usfliboi said:
well depends on what "your" version of truth and reality is... obviously in biblical terms some are having a hard time understanding huh?
We all know your truth, it's well documents as per 700U and the CLT lie.

Inventing ones truth only massages their conscience until it’s too late.

I was responding to Bob’s never ending tireless self-responsibility rants of why management is not to blame.

Now, back to the thread at hand.
700UW said:
For you Airline Orphan!

Solidarity Forever!

When the union's inspiration through worker's blood shall run, There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun; Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one, For the union makes us strong.

Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong

Is there aught we hold in common with the greedy parasite; Who would lash us into serfdom and would crush us with his might? Is there anything left to us but to organize and fight? For the union makes us strong

Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong

It is we who ploughed the prairies, built the cities where they trade, Dug the mines and built the workshops, endless miles of railroad laid; Now we stand outcast and starving 'mid the wonders we have made, But the union makes us strong

Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong

All the world that's owned by idle drones is ours and ours alone We have laid the wide foundations, built it skyward stone by stone. It is ours, not to slave in, but to master and to own. While the union makes us strong.

Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong

They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn, But without our brain and muscle not a single wheel will turn; But without our brain and muscle not a single wheel will turn; We can break their haughty power, gain our freedom when we learn; That the union makes us strong

Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong

In our hands is placed a power greater than their hoarded gold, Greater than the might of armies magnified a thousand fold; We can bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old, For the union makes us strong.

Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong

"Solidarity," Words by Ralph Chaplin
Please get me a violin. And in "solidarity" you could be in the unemployment line. But you will have won!!!Priceless... 🙄
PineyBob said:

Sounds remarkably like the the followers of Osama Bin Laden and their reasons for attacking the "Infidels"! I guess it depends on the God of your chossing as to whether it is the "TRUTH" doesn't it?
Reading your posts it's apparent that you are your own God; not requiring anyone or anything, depending on your own resources that come from within, everything external is of no use to you, you’re self sufficient, a God onto yourself. This is why I read your posts and feel for you Bob, knowing you are a lost soul.
Hey folks, I don't want to get too spritualistic over here BUT, the only evil going on at U and in Capitalistic America Board rooms doday is self-induce , "man-made" humanly motivated and pure unadulterated GREED. Its been around for a long, long time.

God ain't in this equation.
cavalier said:
Trouble is, truth is truth, accept or not doesn’t change truth.
Well, not exactly. The truth is what I (or you) tell myself about the facts. The problem lies in what I tell myself about the facts may be a different story from what you tell yourself about the facts.
PITbull said:
God ain't in this equation.
My point exactly and why we are in a big heap of trouble, unless Satan is a better manager....

Sorry Pitbull, it has everything to do with God. We are being lead by Godless individuals and for that there are consequences. You have said they are like Satan in past posts; you have made it clear they don’t care about the human element. So if it’s not about the absence of God, what’s left? Hell? Yep, this company is sure going to hell. Ask Bob how to fix it; he will give us all a wonder self-derived power point presentation.
Bravo Pitbull ! Cav, it's fine for you if you need God or think others need God to keep from taking advantage of others. Myself and others do well and sometimes better on our own. Judge individuals by their actions and not by gross generalizations.
PITbull said:
Hey folks, I don't want to get too spritualistic over here BUT, the only evil going on at U and in Capitalistic America Board rooms doday is self-induce , "man-made" humanly motivated and pure unadulterated GREED. Its been around for a long, long time.

God ain't in this equation.
"Greed is good" - Gordon Gecko

"Men who speak of money as being the root of all evil are usually the ones who are either to feeble minded or just plain insipid to posess enough of it for themselves to realize it as a root of all that can be good in this world." - Quote from Ayn Rand regarding the meaning of "Atlas Shrugged".

PitBull, why do you blame the nature of capitalism itself, when it is a handful of bad apples who are actually business failures anyway who besmirch the whole of it? Not every CEO is a Ken Lay or a Dumbya Bush(He managed to bankrupt an oil company, "Arbusto energy". Now he will bankrupt the USA).

I suspect you may be one of those who is slanting towards socialism or maybe even communism in theory. Let me give you some advice - there is no such thing as a socialist or a communist. Even those you claim that they are, are nothing but liars. No one, not even you could ever be so impartial in business practice to hold out long.

It is truly a dog eat dog world we live in, and only the big ones or nastiest ones enf up living long. It's easy to say "No concessions", and shake your fist in rage and anger at "Those meany capitalists who beat down the common man". Hint - it's not the boss above you that you should dread the most. It is the other company who is out to kill your job, take you pay, your income, your self pride and respect. It is the worker down on the gate four concorses away who is stealing your paying customers who is the most dangerous enemy of all. Your CEO is just a struggler in reality, trying to steer out of this mess.

I don't know if it is possible to get the point across to you. You may be too fargone into the dreamworld to see the light. If so, prepare to join the workers of Eastern, Pan Am, Braniff, and others as roadkill on the highway of capitalism, run over not by your own boss, but by your competitor and their boss.
Getting people to bare their teeth(or even fangs) is a way of starting provocative and thought indicing conversation. Viva la controversy!

You say you got a work ethic? Ok, I believe you. So why are you losing money? It's not just a system that is run poorly that loses money, it is also when the people on the job don't give a damn anymore about important things like quality or punctuality. It is people who say things like, "I do a good job", when in fact they just THINK they do. If I take you at work one day, videotape you throughout your daily routine, and then have you compare it to one of a Southwest worker or a JetBlue worker, you will see that while you may be working, your probably very different from them. You are probably slower, lesser efficient, and with a radically different work ethic. Sorry, but I will shed no tears in your favor on that one.

Sorry to hear about your troubles in life, but what can I tell you? Life sucks. Deal with it. Cold as it is to say that, it is the awful truth, and is as certain as our own mortality. Unions were concieved thru the notion of giving workers humane and decent conditions and pay. They should never be used for anything excessive like finding more ways for workers to loaf more and get paid more. Or get paid a scholarly salary for a simpleton's job. Or to retain someone who doesn't even like what they do. You said that you couldn't stand people like me - of course not. Junkies always hate the people who try to help them get the monkey off their back, and unionistas hate anyone who speaks the sad, cruel truth of things to them.

The CEO's, VP's Donald Trump's, and yes even George W. Bushes of this world earn their wages based on the mantra that the top dog deserves the top rate. Just as you believe that the pilot of any plane should command the largest salary and not the lead f/a, just as you believe that a f/a deserves more than the guy working the blue cart, and so on. It is salary based upon responsibility and the rareness of the class of employee. The one thing that has been missing lately in the US is merit. Failures in life usually end up with lousy pay, so should failure leaders as well.

Keep one thing in mind girl. It is not David Siegel or Dr. Bronner who has the boresight of unemployment and all that accompanies it locked onto you. It is folks like Uncle Herb and Gordon Bethune who have got their arms drawn. Siegel and Bronner will move on in life, but from what you tell me, you won't. It sounds to me like if US Airways goes T.U. you will go from bad to worse. Not so the folks working at the companies who will replace you. The gates, planes and everything will be worked by people who chose a different path in life than you. They will have, what you once did, but no longer do.
How does her courage drip from the page? She is one more person out there who is having a rough time in life. There are thousands of people having an even worse time(and there will be many more if US dies), but I don't see them taking their misery and hanging it out on a banner for the whole world to see to try to elicit special symapathy. You want to see misery? Try talking to the widow or parent of one of our soldiers in Iraq who has had their life stolen from them. Or try talking to the veterans of Iraq war one, who are dealing with a plethora of "mystery" illnesses. Why the hell should one person's misery and fortitiude to go on make them more special then the others going through similar circumstances in life?

I can scarcely believe you have written this, PineyBob. maybe your account has been hacked or something by some joker who thinks they are being cute. Nothing you have ever said in the past has been like this. You usually are a rock of intelligence and wisdom on here, but this is very unlike you. Sure it is nice to have compassion for someone, but not when they try to use it as a "Woe is me, give me what I want and not what I need" banner.

Could I stand at a res counter while a loved one is in pain? Yes. Could YOU haul bags and pushback planes while your girl is on the edge of death? I suspect not from what you said, but I did. I found the reasons why I should continue to live normally and not disrespect her by ignoring the tasks that needed to be done, like providing a check to help pay for her child. I held resolute, and did not break down in despair. For my efforts, I believe that I was rewarded by having her saved from dying.

It is weird to me that you are bringing up religion here. Walking a mile in someone elses shoes is not as hard as it seems, because in the end we ALL will feel the same pain. We all will experience loss and grief and eventually death. But I choose not to go and wave my misery in life around in order to gain symapthy, and I find it very difficult to respect anyone who does so. It is a lowly, detestable act, and for you to defend it is almost as bad.

Wake up. Find your inner strength and get on with your life, I would tell them. You cannot afford to sit on the edge of your bed with your face buried in your hands sobbing because of what has happened. Your loved ones would not want that, and certainly the god in which you choose to believe would not want that as well. It is no way to live.
Perhaps you need to read better! Youngblood is first off and foremost a human being.

So are you. So am I. So are we all. What's your point?

You sir seem to relish in their misfortune...

How on earth do you know what I "seem" to feel? I feel for her situtation in life, but I am sorry to say that there are others closer to me whom I actually know who need my pity and compassion. And the message I get when someone decides to post something like that in a forum about a job is that someone is either trying to fool around, or is trying to "threadjack" things to gain sympathy. I guess she was successful, wasn't she? You seem to have bought it.

You preach self reliance like I do on these pages and yet when someone gets a little down over her situation and vents some frustration what do you do? You berate and belittle her as a whinner. She doesn't need our pity she needs our encouragement. She has chosen the tough road. She could have left her husband and child for the state to care for and found a healthly and maybe wealthy man. Yet because of her character she chose instead to do the right thing. Why ANYONE would seek to belittle that is beyond me.

Nothing wrong with getting depressed, it happens to us all. But I don't see it as right when you post it in a place that has little to do with it. Goto church, see a counselot, find consolation with a family member. Why drag it into a place where people are talking about their jobs? And why use it as a crutch from which to attack someone else's opinions. You don't like my opinions, fine. Say it direct and straightforward. But don't use a personal tale of misery as a way to suade someone. That is just plain low.
Thank El Gato for being such a turd.

Uhm, ToddB? I thought personal insults was a no-no here?

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