Yes i do work for an airline. Infact i work for US Airways. Before that Comair 6 years as a ramp supervisor late twice. and yes we had to go theu security. also had to take in to account the bus ride to the terminal and also the 36 miles it took to get to work. Also was a crew scheduler for comair for 3 years was late once in that time.
Now going on 3 years at us in the crew schedulig dept. in that time late once. I take pride in my work ethic and part of that ethic is being to work ontime. I am there at least 15min prior to my shift starting and guess waht i am not getting paid.
So before you start calling someone a liar you better think before you speak. I know its hard for you but maybe you can learn. Start acting like the professional you claim to be. And also the clock in was a general term. basically when you sign into the computer at the beginning ofyour shift that is clocking in.
It is easy for you, you do not need to go through TSA in PHX, you just waltz in to Buckey Building, and VOILA , you swip your ID at the parking lot and you are just :down: another swip away to you office.