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Nightwatch said:
Ken,correction crybaby wannabe somebody transvestite with homosexual tendencies, I'd have to walk over the furloughed from NWA and UAL to get to ask them anything.

You will not trip over those furloughed at AA and USAir? I guess if you are in an industrial union associated with the politically powerful afl-cio and are laidoff/furloughed it is different than if you were in a craft union. Explain to us how the twu's sister union, the iam, will shut down USAir if they break the contracts AFTER three turns at the concession stand.
Expalin why AMFA won't negotiate a contract...instead they complain about inheriting an industrial pinko commie contract...AND THEN EXTEND the damn thing...GO FISH...HAHAHA!!!
Expalin why AMFA won't negotiate a contract...instead they complain about inheriting an industrial pinko commie contract...AND THEN EXTEND the damn thing...GO FISH...HAHAHA!!!

Ask any twu AA AMT if they would take the NWA AMFA extended contract over the twu 6 year without further ratification contract.

The "industrial pinko commie contract" is far better than the garbage we were forced to accept for the next 6 years. But thank you twu for saving our jobs with the massive concessions. Well most of our jobs :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wanna trade? I'd be more than happy to trade you my furlough for your "garbage we were forced to accept for the next 6 years."

That's what I thought...now go hug Dave some more.
Drippy Quill said:
Wanna trade? I'd be more than happy to trade you my furlough for your "garbage we were forced to accept for the next 6 years."

That's what I thought...now go hug Dave some more.

You need to change that in for a really big " I "
Drippy Quill said:
Wanna trade? I'd be more than happy to trade you my furlough for your "garbage we were forced to accept for the next 6 years."

That's what I thought...now go hug Dave some more.

So you are being furloughed?

Thanks for clearing that up, now go hug the AFL-CIO some more.
Drippy Quill said:
Actually Buck..I'd rather hug you.
drippy you know for someone who likes to throw around the term homosexual, you seem to like the idea of becoming quite intimate with the same sex :shock:
Drippy Quill said:
Actually Buck..I'd rather hug you.

Whats a matter "drippy" did Nightwatch already get furloughed?

One thing is for sure no one has to worry about "drippy" reproducing!
Actually no one has been furloughed yet..check w/ your sister Dave for exact date....and really local..is a hug an intimate act to you? Did you hug your momma...HAHAHA!!!!
Drippy Quill said:
Actually no one has been furloughed yet..check w/ your sister Dave for exact date....and really local..is a hug an intimate act to you? Did you hug your momma...HAHAHA!!!!

I do have at least one advantage over you.

I can tell the difference between the male and female.

This trouble you have with recognizing the difference in the sexes, does it apply when you are in the barnyard also?
Drippy Quill said:
so now you're local12? next time sign out before replying you big dummie..HAHAHA


Now change the subject again. No denial concerning the barnyard?
Drippy Quill said:

I believe you mean BAAAAAHHHHHHHH.....HAHAHA!!!

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