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Axe To Fall At Aa

Hopeful said:
Can someone tell me how concrete this info is?

I could tell you that I heard it from a certain level of management, however with the TWU able to modify our contract at will, anything could happen.

With the bankruptcy court allowing for another 21% pay cut at USAir, the fuel prices continuing their upward trend and the traditional representation of the TWU, the company will seek a level playing field.
Over 12 hours without a twu cultist posting is a cause for alarm.

CIO, Nightwatch, TWUer.....Hello, anyone home....
perhaps a big weeney roast fest is going on over at the kremlin on pine st. who knows? i especially miss those most intelligent and informative postings from the SCAB SCRAPER :up: can't wait to hear the twist that bunch throws around when the hammer falls.
Hopeful said:
Can someone tell me how concrete this info is?

Well look,

AA Management says this is what AA wants to do. That is concrete.

TWU is meeting with AA management for alternatives. That weakens the concrete.

Only thing concrete is AA needs more cost cuts, and they want them in the next 90 days.

Given the AA current position, you would need a jack hammer to convince me this is not going to happen.

This from TWU-ATD...

Current and future financial projection update - Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 07:05
Today we met with Senior American Airlines management to review the current and future financial projection.

Also during this discussion we met with operational management to discuss the 2005 M/E business plan. A group has been established to continue those discussions in the weeks and months ahead.

Once a specific plan is finalized the membership will be updated as to the impact it may or may not have on the operation.

What does that sound like to you?

Either this is GOING to happen, or you are going to take another major pay and benefit cut, one or the other!
Decision 2004 said:
Well look,

AA Management says this is what AA wants to do. That is concrete.

TWU is meeting with AA management for alternatives. That weakens the concrete.

Only thing concrete is AA needs more cost cuts, and they want them in the next 90 days.

Given the AA current position, you would need a jack hammer to convince me this is not going to happen.

In Aircraft Overhaul management is going to restructure by placing one supervisor on each shift per dock or they might go as far as one supervisor per shift per two airplanes.
Buck said:
In Aircraft Overhaul management is going to restructure by placing one supervisor on each shift per dock or they might go as far as one supervisor per shift per two airplanes.
this is something that should have occurred a long time ago, yet i will believe it when i see it.
local 12 proud said:
this is something that should have occurred a long time ago, yet i will believe it when i see it.

They will do this so that Jim Little can claim shared sacrifice victory, while in the face of massive lay-offs and a base closure!
United said it needs the additional labor cost savings in place by mid-January to ensure the company can maintain a comfortable cash balance. Still, the airline hopes it can strike deals with the unions before having to ask the court to cancel union contracts under Section 1113 of the U.S. bankruptcy code.
Drippy Quill said:
United said it needs the additional labor cost savings in place by mid-January to ensure the company can maintain a comfortable cash balance. Still, the airline hopes it can strike deals with the unions before having to ask the court to cancel union contracts under Section 1113 of the U.S. bankruptcy code.

What the hell does that have to do with the axe falling at AA and Jim Little selling your ass down the river?
Decision 2004 said:
What the hell does that have to do with the axe falling at AA and Jim Little selling your ass down the river?

US Airways chief executive Bruce Lakefield said the wage cuts were a regrettable but necessary step. "This provides an opportunity to successfully complete our transformation plan," he told reporters outside the court.
Drippy Quill said:
US Airways chief executive Bruce Lakefield said the wage cuts were a regrettable but necessary step. "This provides an opportunity to successfully complete our transformation plan," he told reporters outside the court.

And you don't think "transformation plans" are what has happened at AMFA represented Airlines?

Oh I get it, when it happens to an industrial union it is "regrettable", but when it happens to a Craft Union, they suck and the sky is falling?

Is that called "Knot Logic" where you come from?
I hear MCI is going to be a skeleton crew when the dust settles in Kansas City.
MaryLou said:
I hear MCI is going to be a skeleton crew when the dust settles in Kansas City.

Do not believe everything you read in here Mary. Stewart's predictions are batting about 0%.
Ever notice how Stewart seems to "sport wood" everytime he gets the chance to start some bad news...what a guy!...HAHAHA!!!
I guess Nightwatch And Quill believe the increase in fares that AA made are going to solve all of the companies problems.

Do you really believe that AA is not going to inflict more pain on the employees?
Do you think they are not going to make cuts and demand more concessions?
In regard to this statement by Drippy Quill:

Ever notice how Stewart seems to "sport wood" everytime he gets the chance to start some bad news...what a guy!...HAHAHA!!!


No, I doubt many of us would notice something like that. Do you have a rainbow sticker on the back of your vehicle by chance?

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