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I'm Drippy Quill, the furloughed TWA Mechanic thanks to the seniority staple job of the TWU.

I will defend the organization that did this to me with vigor and determination.

I still believe I will be re-employed by AA soon under the lowest pay and benefit package in the industry.

The TWU has treated me more fair, and with more courage than any other union ever.
just goes to show how severe brainwashing can be on ones sense's, its almost sad to see someone who can be so mind controlled to the point of giving thier master praise for the beatings
I'm Dave Stewart, the VP of a non existant local, friend to midgets everywhere.

I will defend the organization that sux.

I still believe I will be employed by AA after AMFA enters as my BA.

The AMFA has treated me more fair, and with more courage than any other union ever...buying my dinner when out sucking up to Delle.
The Emergency Assistance Program is an integral part of The Salvation Army, providing services to families on an emergency basis. This program provides aid for families who need rent, utility, clothing, food or other unforeseen assistance that cannot wait.

Caseworkers, who meet with families to assess their needs, are located in each of the 8 corps community centers throughout the city in order to be accessible to those seeking assistance.

Gifts and food during the Christmas holidays are also provided for nearly 10,000 families.

To find the location serving you, please refer to the following zip code and site list. For further

information, contact the Special Projects Manager, P. O. Box 412577, Kansas City, MO 64141, phone



Bellefontaine Corps -3013 E. 9th St., K.C., MO 64124 816-241-2526 Fax - 816-483-8489

Ricky Harris (ricky_harris@usc.salvationarmy.org) & Catherine Burr

Blue Valley Corps - 6628 E. Truman Rd., K.C., MO 64126 816-483-8702 Fax - 816-241-6942

Greg Robinson (gregory_robinson@usc.salvationarmy.org)

Excelsior Springs RSSC - P.O. Box 625 (mail), 108 W. Broadway, Excelsior
Springs, MO 64024 816-630-4155

Kathy Howe (kathy_howe@usc.salvationarmy.org (Northland Corps)

Cass County RSSC - 1405 S. Commercial, Cass County, MO 64080 816-380-3505 (KC Number)

Lisa Cable (lisa_cable@usc.salvationarmy.org) (Southland Corps)

Independence Corps - 14700 E. Truman Rd., Independence, MO 64050 816-252-3200 Fax - 816-252-8252 Bonita Harrington

Kansas City, Kansas Citadel - 701 Washington Blvd., K.C., KS 66101 913-321-6958
Fax - 913-321-2641

Dee Luttrell (dee_luttrell@usc.salvationarmy.org), Kathy Ledkins & Cecelia Albornoz

Liberty RSSC (In As Much Ministry) - 1838 W. 152 Highway, Liberty, MO 64068 816-781-6357
Fax - 816-792-4839

Don McClain (Northland Corps)
Northland Corps - 4300 NE Parvin Rd., K.C., MO 64117 816-452-5663
Fax - 816-452-0279

Kevin Morgan (kevin_morgan@usc.salvationarmy.org)
Olathe Corps - 420 E. Santa Fe, Olathe, KS 66061 913-782-3640 Fax - 913-782-1349

Phyllis Williams (phyllis_williams@usc.salvationarmy.org)
Platte County RSSC – 4300 NE Parvin Rd., K.C., MO 64117 816-452-5663 Fax - 816-452-0279

Mary Blackmore (mary_blackmore@usc.salvationarmy.org) (Northland Corps)
Ray County RSSC - P.O. Box 242, Ray County, MO 64085 816-470-8227 Phone & Fax

Joy Culpepper (joy_culpepper@usc.salvationarmy.org) and Judy Zilliox (Blue Valley Corps)

Southland Corps - 6111 E. 129th St., Southland, MO 64030 816-763-3244 Fax - 816-966-0313

Lisa Cable (lisa_cable@usc.salvationarmy.org)

Westport Temple Corps - 500 W. 39th St., K.C., MO 64111 816-753-6042, #2231 Fax 816-753-6079
Eva Jenkins (evajenkins@hotmail.com)
As seen on the break tables at MCIE.......


...........MCI will know of your true feelings, great job!
Nightwatch said:
As seen on the break tables at MCIE.......


...........MCI will know of your true feelings, great job!

OH please please, please....

Not the dreaded break table of MCI distribtuion!

Please, I will do anything, just don't do that to me!
I have a lot of members ask who that dummie Dave Stewart is. I reply...nobody.

You'll do anything? That's what I've heard from Delle about you.
Nightwatch said:
I have a lot of members ask who that dummie Dave Stewart is. I reply...nobody.

You'll do anything? That's what I've heard from Delle about you.

The dreaded Nightwatch who opposes AMFA speaks to Delle?

It sure would have been nice over the years if the membership at at AA could have had access to Sonny Hall of the TWU International.
So you could speak and prove your ignorance? Yeah, I speak to Delle everytime I see news about more concessions at NWA and UAL, and ATA, and about 5 others.
Nightwatch said:
I have a lot of members ask who that dummie Dave Stewart is. I reply...nobody.

You'll do anything? That's what I've heard from Delle about you.

I don't "have" any members,

how many do you "have"?

I see my name posted on anti-amfa material and often on the bathhroom walls so what does that prove?

There were 9274 signed cards submitted to the NMB though. And I think over 600 of them came from MCI.

If 400 members RIF'd is a "massive" lay-off then what is 600 cards signed? How about "massive and one half". Which is greater?
Decision 2004 said:
I don't "have" any members,

how many do you "have"?

I see my name posted on anti-amfa material and often on the bathhroom walls so what does that prove?

There were 9274 signed cards submitted to the NMB though. And I think over 600 of them came from MCI.

If 400 members RIF'd is a "massive" lay-off then what is 600 cards signed? How about "massive and one half". Which is greater?
careful decision your about to be walloped with being called "SCAB", "DUMMIE", "LOSER" and a plathora of other TWU names for those who oppose the communist regime <_<
Nightwatch said:
So you could speak and prove your ignorance? Yeah, I speak to Delle everytime I see news about more concessions at NWA and UAL, and ATA, and about 5 others.

nw, correction coward, why don't you ask sonny hall everytime you see more concessions at AA? The twu is THE leader in concessions. Ask all the A&Ps that are no longer in the back shops or those who no longer perform deicing, push backs, air starts. Or the soon to be laid off AMTs at MCI, STL and across the system? Oh, that's right. The twu will protect everyone because they don't care who performs what job at AA as long as they pay dues.

Try answering this question, "Will laid off AMTs at AA be recalled to full pay and benefits like those at NWA?" I thought that the twu took concessions to save jobs? Then why is arpey taking the axe to MCI & STL? Quick, call sonny hall and ask him.
Ken,correction crybaby wannabe somebody transvestite with homosexual tendencies, I'd have to walk over the furloughed from NWA and UAL to get to ask them anything.
Nightwatch said:
Ken,correction crybaby wannabe somebody transvestite with homosexual tendencies, I'd have to walk over the furloughed from NWA and UAL to get to ask them anything.

Thats a odd couple way of describing you and Drippy, huh Nightwatch HAHAHA!!!

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