US East has never used thier reserves the way the should. US Air has always used their reserves as a flying position. The result is all the inefficiency. When they put our new reserve system in, iy was designed to complment Preferential Bidding. However, the union and senior F/A's don't want Pref Bidding. SO they only put half of the equation in. That is why it doesn't work. If they put the Pref Bid. in that would help us get to where we need to be interms of F/A's needed on the property. It would also do away with Secondary lines. As of now, US East reserves don't even know what their schedule is for Nov. They won't have those results back until Oct. 25 or 26th. Primary BH are already doing Dec Bids. It's pretty sad over here in that respect.I'm happy that's over with!!!
What about creating more lines of flying so people don't have to sit on reserve for 20 years? Does there really need to be so much open time?
Reserves should be just that. A person you call to work for irregular operations. USeast has the most inefficient scheduling system. We are the only airline that reschedules itself every day. :wacko:
Hopefully, they will do something to correct this, so you folks over at US west will never have to suffer like we have. God bless you all.