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Aw Tables Resolution-agrees To Doh

Proud f/a
Thanks for the info. Where have I been? I have alot of DH's. Do you know exactly which form I use?
PE-80, white form. I would do each month individually...go into kittycrew option 5, for each month...You can only claim the other 50%, because they have already paid 50%, obviously..<laughing> You can claim this via the hub, electronically.
PE-80, white form. I would do each month individually...go into kittycrew option 5, for each month...You can only claim the other 50%, because they have already paid 50%, obviously..<laughing> You can claim this via the hub, electronically.

Thanks. I have 6 hours worth..will do now.
So DEAL with it!!!!


Was that comment negatively directed to me, awaskyprincess or to the entire AWA workforce? Here I am trying to be professional in communicating with all of you in peace and even defended you and here you are laughing and mocking us. We have dealt it with and accepted it, but no need to respond to us in that kind of tone. Thank you.

Was that comment negatively directed to me, awaskyprincess or to the entire AWA workforce?

Oh no...it was a joke...silly...for all the "deal with its". Hence the reason all the laughs and smiles. Geez, not everything here is an insult or negative comment. I just thought all the "deal with its" were a "a bit much" as well and your response was fitting. It cracked me up.

BTW, if I put a smilie or laugh, it is for a joke or to be fun loving unless otherwise stated. 😉

View attachment 3552

You need to understand the way it all happened. Once upon a time, we had the industry leading contract. Oh, those were the days! No furlough clause (almost laughable, now) reserves could pass trips. flying into days off was only during the most extreme inops, and basically people didn't even have to fly and got paid. That obviously couldn't continue, and once 911 happend the company had its excuse. Granted, we lost riduculous amounts of money after 911... more than any other carrier because DCA was our HQ and our most profitable airport... we operate 42% of DCA flights. When it was closed for three weeks, it was almost impossible to recover from that.

Getting back to the contract, even before 911 and after the United merger debacle, it was clear that our pres/CEO and chaiman of the board both needed to go. They spent almost two years paying no attention to the operations, only the merger which was doomed from the very beginning. During that period, our contract was negotiated and the company pretty much gave away the store rather than spend time negotiating when the figured they's all be gone after the merger anyway.

Well, they left and in walks "labor friendly" Siegel. His story was that he was going to try like hell to avoid bankruptcy by restructuring the entire company, every labor contract, aircraft mosaic, facilities, etc. It was a great song and dance, but I don't think he ever meant to avoid bankruptcy. He told the employees that if they come to the table and negotiate, we won't be asked to take deeper cuts in bankruptcy. This was concessions round number 1. The employees gave back millions and millions and million annually in reduced pay, benefits, and work rules. No sooner had the ink dried on the contract when we entered BK#1. Our supposed financial savior, one David Bronner who runs the Alabama public employees retirement system also said he knew it was important to be labor friendly, and the could not rebuild the company without the help of employees. During the bankruptcy period, Bronner told labor that they need more concessions. Labor resisted and so he put a gun to our heads and said "if you don't negotiate, we will seek abrogation of your contracts." Well, bankruptcy courts are not known to be fair to employees of a bankrupt company, so it's back to the negotiating table for the unions.

Oh, and by the way, leading the contractact negotiations all along the way was one known union busters, Jerry Glass. The man is absolutely ruthless and cares only about his checks and bonuses and probably gets a hard-on at the thought of ruining lives. Keep in mind, we have had many of our fellow employees lose houses, cars, and file bankruptcy. Some of them have even committed suicide. This is what US Airways employees have been through over the past four years. There have been untold numbers of unfair terminations.

So, back to concessions. All unions agree to concessions, we come out of bankruptcy, and everything is supposed to be hunky-dorey. Well, that didn't happen because the company spent the time between bankruptcies screwing employees rather than trying to run a profitable airline. We heard excuse after excues after excuse for their boneheaded decision which cost millions of dollars. They didn't budget money to clean aircraft, they understaffed ground ops to the extent that we had several huge baggage meltdowns (tens of thousands of bags not making flights over a single weekend) which cost millions of more dollars in claims paid, paying outside carriers to deliver them, etc. Well, they turn around and blame the baggage handlers and flight attendants, nationally, on television, saying that the flight attendants had a sick out. That was a downright lie, and as it turned out we were within three or four sick-calls from the same holiday weekend the year before. They never did apoligize to us, even after the FAA gave a scathing report about the incident, having failed to plan and then blaming employees. I can sit here all weekend and think of more boneheaded dicisions they made... get rid of pretzels, get rid of glassware. Before 911 we had a product that was the envy of the industry, and once these guys came onto the property, our product was pathetic.. filthy aircraft, shredded seat upholstry, a/c not properly provisions, etc, etc.,etc.

So, back to the bankruptcy courtroom we go and, of course, we were once again told that if we didn't submit to their will, our already bastardized contracts would be abrogated. So, round #3 begins. And believe it or not, our flight attendant contract fared pretty well compared to the other work groups because Teddy Xidas led a CHAOS strike threat. Before then, the company kept raising their demands on us, postponed negotiations, etc. They very much had a "make them sweat" attitude. Once the CHAOS strike concept was ratified, the company finally began negotiating in good faith.

So that's the past four years at US Airways, in a nutshell. But don't even get me started on the MidAtlantic situation.


You guys went to hell and back. I think most HP F/A'are sympathetic to you, at least the people with enough years of airline experience. Junior FA'a haven't had to go through a lot of the turmoil that we went through and that you went through....We hope that you can look to future now and at least look at the positive things that can result from a change in management. I encourage each of you to tune into the "TOWNHALLS" that will be webcast and archived on the company website in November.
Here is an excerpt from the E-Line that came out regarding the VM and DH pay issue.....I guess more will be coming out soon regarding this issue

The AFA Newsletter for US Airways Flight Attendants

In this Issue

October 2, 2005

Dear Members,


Flight attendants will have their duty rigs and VM pay for deadhead calculated in the same manner as pilots pursuant to the settlement of ALPA's Duty Rigs and VM Pay for DH grievance. In circumstances where payment of deadhead at 50% pay no credit results in the flight attendant receiving less pay than if the deadhead were credited at 100% under any rig (VM, Duty, or Trip), the flight attendant shall receive pay no credit up to the specified rig. This settlement does not mean that DHs will now be paid at 100% pay/credit as one rumor has it. The 50% pay/no credit provision had the effect of eliminating the VM or other duty rigs and resulted in, for example, a two day trip paying less than 10 hours. In the following example you will see how this settlement would apply.

A 2-day trip

DP1 - 4:07 block; 1:22 deadhead (DH); VM 5:22
DP2 - 4:45 block; VM 4:38.
Total value during construction = 10:14 (4:07 + 1:22 + 4:45)
Current Application - 8:52 (4:07 + 4:45) (pay and credit) + 0:41 (50% PNC for DH) = 9:33 total pay for trip.

Application of Settlement - 9:33 + 0:27 (PNC VM) = 10:00
Trip pays 8:52 pay and credit plus 1:08 pay no credit
As a result of the settlement this trip would pay 10 hours (money in your pocket) but would only yield 8:52 in credited time. The settlement is somewhat convoluted in its application and therefore will cause some implementation headaches. The settlement is retroactive to August 1, 2005. We are working with the Company toward a simplified claim procedure for the affected trips as well as a process for claims going forward until the process is automated. As soon as a process is developed I will update you on the details. Please check your CBS messages as well for any news on the process from the Company.

Thank you,

Mike Flores, President
US Airways Master Executive Council


Accessing The Hub:

Logging in the first time your user name is u0(zero) and your five digit employee number. Your initial password is the first five digits of your social security number. Questions about the Hub? Please contact the EDS Help Desk at 336-744-6000 for assistance. More information can also be found HERE.

AFA Local Numbers

Council 40 PIT 724-695-3329
Council 41 DCA 703-212-8090
Council 69 BOS 781-289-8454
Council 70 PHL 215-492-0840
Council 82 LGA 315-736-3483
Council 89 CLT 704-527-0325

New Hotline Number Toll Free: 866-USA-AFA2
US AIRWAYS Benefits Information 800-872-4780

Reply to Inflight: askinflight@usairways.com

This is all correct, with a few new changes. DH's are now paid at 100%, still NO credit. That is retroactive back to Aug. 1, you will need to file a claim in order to have those paid. Also, beginning Jan. 1, your first sick call will be paid at 100%, if you choose to extend that sick call, each additional day/trip will be paid at 70%...For a reserve, your 100% will be for the first 4 days of a sick call, for a blockholder a max of a 4 day trip. It isnt much, but its something.
If I am correct, DH for F/A's are still only half pay, no credit. The pilots won their greivance, but that didn't pertain to us. I called our CLT union office and they told me that was just for the pilots. What the heck is the "me too" clause there for? If you folks know differently, please let me know.

Read further and realized that I was wrong. Thanks for the info all.
You guys, with regard to the verbage on the previous page, let's try to make this merger work.
We don't know SQUAT about what the company will keep/get rid of/adapt with regard to procedures.
There is no point in arguing about this stuff.
The seniority issue is resolved. We are one company. Do we need to keep fighting over things we have no control over?
Let's really try to build bridges rather than burn them.
I am so anxious to meet my new co-workers at US East, and I have heard the same from so many of my co-workers at US West.
The other issues will present themselves in due time. Let's look forward, begin anew, and stay positive!
Rock on Hulagirl!!!! I think most of us are right there with ya!!
You guys went to hell and back. I think most HP F/A'are sympathetic to you, at least the people with enough years of airline experience. Junior FA'a haven't had to go through a lot of the turmoil that we went through and that you went through....We hope that you can look to future now and at least look at the positive things that can result from a change in management....

I believe this to be true also.
Even tho the DOH has been settled, there is still a SMALL GROUP OF Jr. HP folks crying about it. When I read some of the posts on our afa66 board, I picture the poster flailing around on the floor, kicking and screaming like a 2yr old.
They say things like "we're getting screwed". They absolutely will not see that they are actually GAINING a tremendous amount thru this merger. (and they REFUSE to see it as a merger, they prefer to believe HP is some sort of 'saviour' airline).
They are crying for decertification, (obviously a lame and baseless idea), they spew venom directed at Pat Friend and Mike Flores, they say "its not over!!" "lets get outside lawyers".
I heard reserves in the breakroom laffing about fistfights on the airplane. They like to accuse USeast of being arrogant and wanting it all, when it is they who are being ridiculous.
Just totally cluless as to how this industry operates. HELLO!! Its a crapshoot! All you can realistically hope for is to still have a job. You can't expect it will always remain golden rosey.
When things finally shake out and the dust settles, we'll end up with a great airline with great future.
I believe this to be true also.
Even tho the DOH has been settled, there are still Jr. HP folks crying about it. When I read some of the posts on our afa66 board, I picture the poster flailing around on the floor, kicking and screaming like a 2yr old.
They say things like "we're getting screwed". They absolutely will not see that they are actually GAINING a tremendous amount thru this merger. (and they REFUSE to see it as a merger, they prefer to believe HP is some sort of 'saviour' airline).
They are crying for decertification, (obviously a lame and baseless idea), they spew venom directed at Pat Friend and Mike Flores, they say "its not over!!" "lets get outside lawyers".
I heard reserves in the breakroom laffing about fistfights on the airplane. They like to accuse USeast of being arrogant and wanting it all, when it is they who are being ridiculous.
Just totally cluless as to how this industry operates. HELLO!! Its a crapshoot! All you can realistically hope for is to still have a job. You can't expect it will always remain golden rosey.
When things finally shake out and the dust settles, we'll end up with a great airline with great future.

Excuse me... I read our other discussion board but do not post there. People are rightfully venting... a small select few. And for you to post those remarks over here are completely uncalled for!!! I want this merger to go smoothly and I would say on behalf of all fa's they do to. So what there are a few people over there going a little overboard that doesn't mean you need to tell our new friends at east and make it sound like its a majority of the workforce.. and the junior comment... no no no! :down: I know for a fact that people posting some of those comment are not junior as you like to blame 10-15yr fa's. Shame one you. I resent what you posted because you are feeding our new frieds at EAST gossip basically. Our group for the most part are not like that.

EAST FA's- please take Ms. Desert gals comments as you would reading one of those rag magazine articles.(Is Jessica divorcing Nick?) Our fa's maybe be a little scared about the merger rightfully so... there is a lot of unknown. I believe it is all going to come out in the wash .... we will be fine. Our people are really friendly and really nice. We have a few that may be a tad extreme but I'm sure you guys do too. Our 2 unions will work it out and everyone will be happy.... then both groups will need a eachother!!! Remember we have a merged contract to negotiate down the road... :up:

p.s to all- We have a special group of somewhat junior fa's(i'm not one of them) that I would like to recognize... They know what hardship is about. Anyone that was on reserve on 09/11. ... when the airports reopened they were the first ones back on the job... tagged... dragged ... and abused. They didn't have the option to call in sick . They worked so hard (we all did) and then a majority of them were furloughed... I was with 2 of them when they found out... the one girl was so crushed...waited it out and then only half came back to be on reserve for several more years.

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