Aw Tables Resolution-agrees To Doh

You are the one spewing venom desertgal! That is pure gossip! from a select few of over the top people. I'm sorry do you have a list of those people and what their seniority is? They are not junior as you would like to think!! :down: :down: :down: We all want this transition to go well. There is no need for you to say things like that on this board making our East friends thinking we are all bitter. WE AREN'T! Our people our excited to meet East people!
I edited the post in question to make more clear the meaning of my post.
My intent is for USeast folks to understand the majority of HP FAs are level-headed and looking forward to the benefits of the merged airline, but the unhappy ones are very vocal and can not be reasoned with.
I think that most do understand that.

HP Jack, if you are HPafa, you can log onto our board and read it for yourself.
I don't bother to even respond to them anymore.
I agree with desertgal. I think some of the people that post there are really junior and weren't here when we took a pay freeze for 5 years during the Gulf war. I don't even bother posting anything there 'cause you can't reason with some of them. I'm looking forward to joining the team and definetely open to change! I don't know what your seniorities are, but I am ready for something new and I feel that in order to survive, we have to expand and evolve. We have two choices. We can be part of the solution or be part of the problem. I chose solution since it takes less effort!
I have always been a proactive person and encourage everyone now to be apart of the solution. I'm an HP FA. I read our local discussion board quite frequently and have gotten to know quite a few of the people from there. You are correct that some will never be reasoned with but to assume are junior you are quite mistaken! I think desertgals comments were out of line. That is not being proactive relaying those types of messages from a select few. Let them vent, again it is from a few people they will calm down soon and see it was much to do about nothing. Every work group will always have a few. You know what I mean? If that wasn't the intent of your post, why did you write that? You are making all of us look bad! :down:
Excuse me... I read our other discussion board but do not post there. People are rightfully venting... a small select few. And for you to post those remarks over here are completely uncalled for!!! I want this merger to go smoothly and I would say on behalf of all fa's they do to. So what there are a few people over there going a little overboard that doesn't mean you need to tell our new friends at east and make it sound like its a majority of the workforce.. and the junior comment... no no no! :down: I know for a fact that people posting some of those comment are not junior as you like to blame 10-15yr fa's. Shame one you. I resent what you posted because you are feeding our new frieds at EAST gossip basically. Our group for the most part are not like that.

EAST FA's- please take Ms. Desert gals comments as you would reading one of those rag magazine articles.(Is Jessica divorcing Nick?) Our fa's maybe be a little scared about the merger rightfully so... there is a lot of unknown. I believe it is all going to come out in the wash .... we will be fine. Our people are really friendly and really nice. We have a few that may be a tad extreme but I'm sure you guys do too. Our 2 unions will work it out and everyone will be happy.... then both groups will need a eachother!!! Remember we have a merged contract to negotiate down the road... :up:
p.s to all- We have a special group of somewhat junior fa's(i'm not one of them) that I would like to recognize... They know what hardship is about. Anyone that was on reserve on 09/11. ... when the airports reopened they were the first ones back on the job... tagged... dragged ... and abused. They didn't have the option to call in sick . They worked so hard (we all did) and then a majority of them were furloughed... I was with 2 of them when they found out... the one girl was so crushed...waited it out and then only half came back to be on reserve for several more years.
Excuse me... I read our other discussion board but do not post there. People are rightfully venting... a small select few. And for you to post those remarks over here are completely uncalled for!!! I want this merger to go smoothly and I would say on behalf of all fa's they do to. So what there are a few people over there going a little overboard that doesn't mean you need to tell our new friends at east and make it sound like its a majority of the workforce.. and the junior comment... no no no! :down: I know for a fact that people posting some of those comment are not junior as you like to blame 10-15yr fa's. Shame one you. I resent what you posted because you are feeding our new frieds at EAST gossip basically. Our group for the most part are not like that.

EAST FA's- please take Ms. Desert gals comments as you would reading one of those rag magazine articles.(Is Jessica divorcing Nick?) Our fa's maybe be a little scared about the merger rightfully so... there is a lot of unknown. I believe it is all going to come out in the wash .... we will be fine. Our people are really friendly and really nice. We have a few that may be a tad extreme but I'm sure you guys do too. Our 2 unions will work it out and everyone will be happy.... then both groups will need a eachother!!! Remember we have a merged contract to negotiate down the road... :up:
p.s to all- We have a special group of somewhat junior fa's(i'm not one of them) that I would like to recognize... They know what hardship is about. Anyone that was on reserve on 09/11. ... when the airports reopened they were the first ones back on the job... tagged... dragged ... and abused. They didn't have the option to call in sick . They worked so hard (we all did) and then a majority of them were furloughed... I was with 2 of them when they found out... the one girl was so crushed...waited it out and then only half came back to be on reserve for several more years.


Thanks for your post! I agree 100%!

To our new US/east family....please don't think that the (very small) grumpy group on our discussion site that DesertGal refers to are in any way indicative of the mindset of the US/west ( HP) F/A group!! There is some nervousness about the seniority integration issue, but that is to be expected. It is the fear of the unknown and we are not experienced in mergers here at HP as you all know.

But, hope to start seeing more and more of our US/east family on our flights in the near future. Come on over and see us "westies" sometime.....the water is fine! B)
Hey all you US West folks. I look forward to eventually flying and having quite a few brews with yall. It seems like you might have a group of people who just don't like what's going on here at the new US Airways. I'll tell ya what I used to do when I encountered F/A's on my jumpseat and all they did was complain about eveything. (examples: Closing of bases, displacements, loss of block/line, didn't get the vacation they wanted because a senior F/A transfered into their base just to bid vacation,then transfered out the next month, paycuts, paycuts again, theirs more, but I won't get into all of them. But hee is what I used to say to them. If it's that bad, I have a form in my bag, it's a balnk resignation letter, you can fill it out and make this your last trip. We can go out and get drunk and have a great time. We can make this a great last trip for you. Most of them said" I can't quit, I can't do anything else". So I would say" Well, can you shut up, because we all have things going on and I don't bring mine to work and bring you down, do I. They wouldn't bring it up again. It works great. Try it. Anyway, back to hoping to fly with you all or having some great RON's. Take care all.
I believe this to be true also.
Even tho the DOH has been settled, there is still a SMALL GROUP OF Jr. HP folks crying about it. When I read some of the posts on our afa66 board, I picture the poster flailing around on the floor, kicking and screaming like a 2yr old.
They say things like "we're getting screwed". They absolutely will not see that they are actually GAINING a tremendous amount thru this merger. (and they REFUSE to see it as a merger, they prefer to believe HP is some sort of 'saviour' airline).
They are crying for decertification, (obviously a lame and baseless idea), they spew venom directed at Pat Friend and Mike Flores, they say "its not over!!" "lets get outside lawyers".
I heard reserves in the breakroom laffing about fistfights on the airplane. They like to accuse USeast of being arrogant and wanting it all, when it is they who are being ridiculous.
Just totally cluless as to how this industry operates. HELLO!! Its a crapshoot! All you can realistically hope for is to still have a job. You can't expect it will always remain golden rosey.
When things finally shake out and the dust settles, we'll end up with a great airline with great future.
Its sad that a small group of f/a's think they are entitled to something they havent earned. Anyone who has educated themselves on this subject realizes, doh is the bottom line in this industry. If any former AWA f/a has done their homework they will also realize by the time the operations and seniority lists are merged, we will be nearly equal in the amount of active f/a's that each airline has. The only ones on the seniority list that will feel as though they are getting "screwed" will be those with less then 5 yrs. You know what, I am sorry about that. Let me share something with you. I was a new hire when Ueast purchased PSA/Piedmont/Trump Shuttle. I dont remember if PSA was represented by AFA but I know Piedmont was not. You want to talk about 3000 f/a's freaking out, Ueast could of easily sent them to the bottom of our seniority list. Ask any one of them what we did, we slotted them in DOH. Along with giving the Empire f/a's back their seniority that Piedmont took away from them. PSA was slotted in DOH, talk about some senior f/a's! I felt "screwed" but you know what, I understood that they deserve to be treated with respect. They have paved the way through their years for those of us coming in behind them. We at Ueast have proved that we can take many airlines combine operations an seniority list, to make one fine airline with some of the best f/a's in the industry. If this small group were to educate themselves they would realize there will be NO mad dash for any Ueast f/a to come into PHX. AWA has only ever had to deal with one crew base, everyone is there. We have 6, an at one time we had 10. You cannot transfer into a base if there are NO openings. You do not even need a fence, if there are no base openings you cannot just bump into a base. As far as screaming decertification, that goes to show how right there you can't argue with these people. A decertification would never happen because you would need a majority to vote out AFA, even though we have not yet merged in operations/contracts we are ONE airline. I almost hate to say this, but Ueast far out votes the majority even if every AWA f/a were to vote for decertification you wouldn't carry it. Thats just simple math. I am sure these small few will be happy to have the Ueast f/a's onboard when we are fighting for a decent contract. We have been through hell and back with contract issues. One thing I will say, we are one strong group. With cash in the bank, you can bet we will NOT be bending over with the next one. So its time to shake off this doh, and move on. We have a contract to fight for. We all can agree to that.
(OLD)Piedmont FA's were represented by AFA before the merges.
My mistake, maybe it was PSA then...regardless Ueast has always honored DOH, even providing Empire back their original DOH status. Which Piedmont didnt honor when they took over Empire.
desertgal is correct from what I have seen of the West AFA site.
Besides that, there were poster's from both forums that were taking bits and pieces of posts from this web site and posting over on the West AFA forum, as I was quoted over there and got a beating from the poster's over there.
I have said this again and again, but I have yet to speak to anyone that disagrees with DOH, and everyone is looking forward to meeting and working with our East counterparts. It is only a very few vocals on the West side that are upset.
Don't beat up desertgal for being honest--she is right on!
Really HULA maybe if you started flying with some people that weren't from single digit class numbers you'd see otherwise. The decision has been made give some of these people a little time to heal. I accept it and am ready to move on! However, there is no reason to be posting what she did. It's all about perception man! Lets hammer out a little fence to make everyone happy and Party like never before! :up:
I have to agree with you about "Desert Gal". She is a traitor. One of those loose-lipped gals you dread sharing the jumpseat with. There is absolutely no reason for her to be dramatizing the private conversations of flight attendants on the America West discussion forum. People over there are venting - pure and simple. A lot of FA's were disappointed with the BOD ruling but in no way did I get the impression that anyway was "lying on the floor kicking and screaming". Desert Gal - get a life and ZIP IT!
I think they do need some time to heal. Their union was telling them they would win something for them that they could not produce. They had their hopes dashed. yeah, give them a little time.

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