REMEMBER Doug is in charge now..welcome to a low cost airline...really its not so bad once you get used to it ...
HMMM, can you say BITTERLICIOUS - honey we aren't trailer trash and if that is how you wish to represent your fellow colleagues god bless you!! Don't forget that your airline now does transatlantic to Paris, Munich, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Dublin, Shannon, Glasgow, London, Venice, Rome as well as extensive carribean and canada and latin america! The getting rid of ENVOY name is diluted and ignorant at best - I would love to know who thought to call it "business class" that must have been a long thought out decision. There are a few things that marketing does - the most important draw a customer and paint a picture - that doesnt do it, and you are now part of the star alliance as well - you don't go through the cabin throwing peanuts on a transatlantic flight like a southwest tacky khaki - come on that is going to be the difference even though we are low cost we are going to be professional - we have all come from professional class airlines and we will not stoop to the level of acting like trailer trash or at least i won't I can reassure you of that!!! and if that is DOUGS intentions I feel sorry for the poor guy b/c number one you can have a professional image and still keep your costs low -