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US Airways ALPA MEC Chairman's Message

Had AWA MEC Chairman speak at recurrent training today. Nothing earth-shattering. He explained how Prater is just trying to be a politician

There is no question, the EC will do whatever will gain the most dues money. If that means delaying long enough to avoid a new union hitting the East then that is the gamble they will take.

It sucks to be the EC. 😛
First, where do you read I have disdain for the east pilots? If you realy want to know, I do hold nothing but disdain toward the east MEC, but complete respect for the east pilots and the long hard road they have endured throughout their career. I was simply asking why the east pilots do not step up and do the right thing, and that is honor the agreement/process and ALPA merger policy that was followed to the letter. That is not holding the east pilots in disdain, SAVVY.

Second, you are wrong if you think there aren't any east guys that think the award was fair because I know many of them and have spoken to even more. There take is that it is difficult for many to accept because of the lofty expectations that were sold to them over the last two years by, you guessed it, your MEC. Primarily due to the wackos in PHL that have the roll call to get what they want done.

Finally, where in the world did you read that I slammed the east operation? I think we are starting to see a pattern of why some in the east cannot understand the Nic decision. I've read my own message 16 times and cannot find where I slammed the EAST operation. Maybe you misconstrued by direct counter to USA320 implied notion that the current Company woes are somehow a result of the east pilot’s actions and can be solved by vacating the Nic award. Is that what you thought was slamming the east operation! Give me a break. :wacko:


We clearly have a difference in opinion that will never be solved here on the board. We are in a process to decide what to do with the Nicolau award, a joint contract, and the future of ALPA. We will just have to wait and see how that all unravels.

You seem to behold much distain for your fellow pilots in the east. I'm perfectly ok with that. But I would disagree that our rejection of the Nicolau award equates to some level of greed. As I am curtain that if any of you guys and gals in the west were in our shoes, you too would share the same stance. That is why we haven't seen one single post here from an east person stating that they are happy-or evan ok-with the Nicolau award.

It's not your place in aviation that any of us want, it's our place. Our differences on this issue are a product of the differences in the makeup of each of our seniority list. So disperse the "they are greedy" thing all you like. It accomplishes nothing. Further, your slamming of the east operation is something akin to biting the hand that feeds you. Not very polite! Remember this, the east is by far the greatest producer of profits and revenue for this organization. To me, that doesn't really mean much, until I hear some rant coming from the west that we wouldn't be here without you.

One last thing:

To put it in your words (sort of), gloating over the east financial horsepower today is akin to a person being on welfare almost their entire life and suddenly becoming condescending toward those less fortunate after new found riches is bestowed upon them. Be humble, be grateful, and be unpretentious.

Remember this, the east is by far the greatest producer of profits and revenue for this organization. To me, that doesn't really mean much, until I hear some rant coming from the west that we wouldn't be here without you.


Callsign said: "Second, you are wrong if you think there aren't any east guys that think the award was fair because I know many of them and have spoken to even more."

USA320Pilot comments: Callsign, I do not know what US Airways pilots you have talked with, but there is not one US Airways pilot I know who is not willing to go to war over the Nicolau Award.


Boeing Boy

Did BOB (the bend over babe) ever answer you on your offer of the bet. I've never seen a response.......


Managements Fairytales Are Passengers Nightmare's.

Bill Board In Phx AZ By the AIRPORT,
Washington & 44 St Area.
USA320Pilot comments: Callsign, I do not know what US Airways pilots you have talked with, but there is not one US Airways pilot I know who is not willing to go to war over the Nicolau Award.

Historically, the number will be somewhere in the %57 range.
Go to war with whom? ALPA, Company, West pilots, or all of the above? Like I said, talk is cheap, just get on with whatever 'war' you think there is to be fought so we can pick up the pieces and move on without you corporate terrorists whose only goal is to hold the entire airline hostage until your needs are met; nothing short of extortion. Stop talking and just do it General Custer!! You will meet your defeat and face your demise quickly.


Callsign said: "Second, you are wrong if you think there aren't any east guys that think the award was fair because I know many of them and have spoken to even more."

USA320Pilot comments: Callsign, I do not know what US Airways pilots you have talked with, but there is not one US Airways pilot I know who is not willing to go to war over the Nicolau Award.


Jim, Isn't that your policy also....? 😉
Let's just say I was pretty sure of my position, but not 100% (and I don't claim secret "inside" sources :shock: ). Besides, it was only "play money".....


Well given his track record, I guess he has learned his lesson.

.....or is tired of losing money. :blink:
Or has no idea but wants people to think he does.....

Stop talking and just do it General Custer!! You will meet your defeat and face your demise quickly.
Nothing to fear here. He and his buds are just full of hot air. Don't know if you heard the rumor that things were going to get ugly around June 1st. From what I can tell they did nothing and are doing nothing.


Nothing to fear here. He and his buds are just full of hot air. Don't know if you heard the rumor that things were going to get ugly around June 1st. From what I can tell they did nothing and are doing nothing.

Things got ugly today in PHL, but Mother Nature was the culprit.

Lots of cancellations and diversions due to weather.

The US Airways pilots will never agree to the Nicolau Award and will take whatever steps necessary to right what MEC Chairman Jack Stephan said were the injustices of this egregious award.

At today's East MEC meeting there was an interesting potential scenario discussed in that Doug Parker could keep the two airline systems separate and then when the next merger took place he could spin off the West operation. Why? The West operation has a low RASM and this could help meet antitrust concerns.

Would it not be interesting if this occured since Stephan said last Sunday, "In response to the request of Captain Prater for the MECs to develop a process to comply with the Executive Council Resolution, the America West MEC has sent a letter stating their unwillingness to engage and declining to participate in any such process. In effect, their desire is that the Executive Council must accept their position on the Nicolau Award before they will agree to any discussions."

As I indicated earlier, how about of both MEC's ask the company for a release from Transition Agreement talks? What do you think of this idea? The benefits are each party could live under their present contract, the AWA MEC and West pilot group could enter into Section VI negotiations, and each pilot group would stop wasting the others time trying to find a consensual resolution to the Nicolau Award.

What do you think of this idea?



P.S. Which pilot group do you think has the best scope and fragmentation protection?

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